Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C2 Fight the Demons

C2 Fight the Demons

"This demonic devil's methods are indeed incredible." Meng Bingyao walked forward and carefully examined the demonic devil's corpse. She did not find any clues and could not help but whisper.    


The outer sect disciples behind did not need Meng Bingyao's instructions and quickly moved the demonic corpse away.    


The culprit who stole the Ice Heart Fruit had been found. The servants guarding the Spirit Medicine Garden had gotten rid of the suspicion and started to clean up the skeletons of the unlucky servants who were affected by the battle.    


No one noticed that on the rusty bronze tripod cauldron in the herb garden, a complex inscription pattern suddenly flashed and the pattern slightly changed...    


"Elder Sister Meng is worthy of being number one on the Seven Star Sect's rookie list. This demon is just like a chicken and a dog in your hands."    


"There's no need to say anything. Elder Sister Meng is already at the peak of the Earth Fiend Stage realm. She is only one step away from the Heavenly Strong Stage realm. Although that demonic devil's realm isn't weak, reaching the Devil Guard realm, it can't block Elder Sister Meng's sword at all!"    


Right, right, right. Elder Sister Meng is a monster that can cross levels to fight. This demonic devil does not have the qualifications to let Elder Sister Meng use a sword at all! "    


The outer sect disciples who did not carry the demon's corpse surrounded Meng Bingyao and kept praising her. The fawning smile of a servant made people feel nauseous.    


Meng Bingyao was used to the flattery of these people and could not be bothered with them. Instead, she walked in front of Wu Di and said lightly, "You are called Wu Di?"    


"Yes." Wu Di quickly cupped his hands and answered.    


"It was all thanks to your vigilance that I was able to see through this demon hiding in the sect. If not, the consequences would not be unimaginable. " This pill can be considered as a reward for you on behalf of the sect. "    


After saying that, Meng Bingyao took out a sparkling white pill from her Dimensional Seed and threw it to Wu Di.    


"Thank you, Senior Sister!" Wu Di quickly took it and thanked her profusely.    


Meng Bingyao waved her hand nonchalantly and turned around to leave. Her steps were light and at a moderate pace, as if she was taking a walk. In the blink of an eye, she was hundreds of feet away. Very quickly, her graceful white figure disappeared from Wu Di's line of sight.    


"Elder Sister Meng is really a monster. This should be the legendary 'Horizon Walk' of the Seven Star Sect!"    


After watching Meng Bingyao leave, Wu Di turned his scorching gaze to the white pill in his hand.    


His aptitude was ordinary. Because his ancestors were the servants of the medicine garden, he inherited this task. He had gone through countless difficulties, and could not even get the status of an outer sect disciple. He could not get the resources given by the sect normally, but the pill given to him by Meng Bingyao gave him a sliver of hope in the path of martial arts.    


The medicinal pill rewarded by Elder Sister Meng, who was ranked first on the Rookie List, was definitely not ordinary. After consuming it, coupled with hard work, perhaps he might be able to pass the outer sect disciple selection test this year.    


Right at this moment, a young man with a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, and triangular eyes came over from the outer court disciples nearby. He stuck his head out and stared greedily at the medicinal pill in Wu Di's hand. "Tsk tsk, I never expected it to be a medicinal Meridian Cleansing Pill! Elder Sister Meng is really generous enough. She actually casually gifted such a precious medicinal pill to a worker trash in the medicinal garden!"    


Wu Di subconsciously clenched his hands tightly. He held the medicinal pill and looked at the young man warily." What do you want? "    


When the other outer circle disciples saw the commotion, they also surrounded the young man. One of the young men who wore embroidered robes and a jade crown sneered at the triangle-eyed young man and said, "Zhao Yu, medicinal Meridian Cleansing Pills can be considered a high-grade medicinal pill that combines meridians and marrows. It is greatly beneficial to early or middle stage Qi Refinement martial artists. We're all Later Period of the Qi Cultivating Stage warriors, so these medicinal pills aren't of much use to us. "But to you, it is a precious medicine that is hard to come by..."    


When the triangle-eyed youth named Zhao Yu heard these words, the greed and eagerness in his eyes intensified. He licked the corner of his mouth and cast a sidelong glance at Wu Di. He said to Wu Di, "Servant boy, let me take a look at this Meridian Cleansing Pill."    


Wu Di's expression changed drastically. He placed the hand holding the pill behind him and gritted his teeth. "No!"    


Zhao Yu laughed maliciously. "Hehe, I was just checking to see the quality of this medicinal Meridian Cleansing Pill."    


"Hahaha! "Zhao Yu, you really deserve the reputation of the number one shameless villain in the outer sect!" The other outer court disciples roared with laughter, and their expressions were filled with schadenfreude.    


"This is the medicinal pill that Elder Sister Meng bestowed upon me, and you dare to snatch it!"    


Zhao Yu laughed a few times, then suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Wu Di's throat, lifting him up into the air, and said with contempt, "Who do you think you are? If laozi snatched it, what can you do? Let me ask again. Should I hand it over obediently or should I take it myself?"    


Wu Di's neck was grabbed. He struggled with all his might. His delicate and pretty face turned purple red as he angrily shouted, "Scum, don't even think about it!"    


"You are really courting death!" A ferocious expression appeared on Zhao Yu's face. He circulated his True Qi and launched a knee attack at Wu Di's chest.    


"Puah ~ ~"    


Wu Di immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were wide open, and the veins in the corner of his eyes were popping out. However, Zhao Yu didn't stop. He grabbed Wu Di's skinny body and threw him away like he was throwing a straw.    




Just like the demonic devil that was sent flying by Meng Bingyao, Wu Di crashed into the mottled three-legged bronze cauldron in the herb garden. He felt as if his entire body had fallen apart. His internal organs had shifted, and he almost fainted from the pain.    


"It's really a forfeit to refuse a toast!" Zhao Yu sneered as he walked forward and took the medicinal pill. Before he left, he even stomped on his body a few times with all his strength.    


"How can a lowly servant who is as lowly as an ant be worthy of the pill rewarded by Elder Sister Meng. I have it for myself. It can also be considered as serving justice on behalf of the heavens and preventing garbage from wasting precious resources!"    


Accompanied by a wave of insolent laughter, the footsteps of the few outer court disciples gradually faded away.    


Wu Di, who was on the verge of losing consciousness, currently had a grudge that was like a volcano. One of his anger could not be restrained and invaded his heart meridian. Another mouthful of fresh blood sprayed onto the three-legged large cauldron beside him, and could be considered to have completely fainted.    


However, before he passed out, he could faintly feel a strange thing entering his body. And on the mottled three-legged cauldron, a complex and mysterious inscription image also instantly vanished at the same time.    


In a daze, Wu Di felt as if his consciousness had left his body and floated up into the ethereal blue clouds.    


In the boundless blue sky, a gigantic three-legged bronze cauldron that was emitting endless rays of light was floating and spinning in the midst of a sea of fire snakes and lightning. It seemed as if it was guiding the stars in the nine heavens and emitting a boundless and domineering aura.    


Wu Di was at a loss. Suddenly, the cauldron shrunk rapidly and turned into a ray of light that collided with his head.    




With a sharp cry, Wu Di jumped up from the bamboo bed. He realized that he was in the thatched cottage where the servants lived.    


Looking around, there was no one in the cottage. Wu Di thought that the servants in the herbal garden must have seen him pass out and moved him to the thatched cottage. At this moment, they should be busy working in the herbal field.    


Thinking of the dream just now, Wu Di's heart still palpitated. That pressure was too real.    


"Eh? How come my injuries are all healed? Didn't I get internal injuries from that damn outer circle disciple just now?"    


Wu Di was surprised, and then he felt an uncontrollable anger surge out from the bottom of his heart. He could not help clenching his fists and gritting his teeth as he cursed, "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Damnable Zhao Yu, you snatched my medicinal pill and heavily injured me. I'll remember this enmity!"    


It was already dusk. The setting sun fell to the west, and a fiery red haze dyed the entire sky.    


"Wu Di, you're awake?"    


He was sitting on the green rock in front of the thatched cottage, feeling dejected because the pill had been snatched away. A simple and honest voice entered Wu Di's ears.    


He turned his head and looked behind him. He found that it was the only brother among the servants, Zhang Lin. He carried some herb-picking tools on his back and came back from working in the spirit field.    


"Zhang Lin, you're back." Wu Di also greeted him.    


"How are you? Do you feel better?" Zhang Lin put down his tools and walked to Wu Di's side, asking with concern.    


"I'm fine now." Wu Di said with a smile.    


At this moment, Zhang Lin took out a paper bag from his pocket and handed it to Wu Di. "This is the spirit medicine slag I got from the manager. Eat it quickly."    


"Thank you." Wu Di felt warm in his heart and took it.    


In the Spirit Medicine Garden of the Seven Star Sect, the servants were planting, nursing, and harvesting spiritual herbs and fruits. However, they didn't have the right to eat them. Otherwise, after they were discovered, they would have no right to eat them. Cripple your dantians and even kill them on the spot. However, every time he handed over the spirit medicines and spirit fruits, The leaves, stem, and so on that would leave behind a small amount of spirit medicines and spirit fruits, these disciples naturally didn't take a liking to them. It was equivalent to trash, but to ordinary people, It was a precious elixir.    


The service manager would collect these remnants and then make them into fruit cakes to reward the servants who worked hard in the herbal garden. Regardless of whether it was for treatment or cultivation, these spirit medicine dregs were things that the servants were extremely envious of.    


When he opened the paper bag, a strong medicinal fragrance immediately wafted into his nose. Faintly, there were traces of different kinds of spiritual energy. It spread out like a cloud. After entering the thatched cottage, Wu Di placed the spirit medicine slag into the red clay pot, added water, and placed it on the stove to boil the medicinal liquid.    


"Wu Di, when can you change your stubborn character? That outer sect disciple wants the medicinal pill, just give it to him. Not only will he not be beaten, he might even get some benefits from them."    


Beside the furnace, Zhang Lin said earnestly to Wu Di, "We are lowly servants. We are bullied by outer sect disciples on normal days. It's fine if we bear with it, but don't let your emotions affect you. Otherwise, you will definitely be asking for trouble in the end..."    


"Humph, humph, that group of trash wants to force the pill Elder Sister Meng gave me for free. This matter is not over yet!" When this matter was brought up, Wu Di was extremely angry.    


"Sigh, I knew you wouldn't listen. I know you are very ambitious. "I want to enter the outer sect. Every day when the sun is not up, Get up early and exercise. But you have to understand that our fathers are all lowly servants of the sect. To us, staying in the Seven Star Sect is already considered good luck. We must not provoke any outer sect disciples. They are different from us. Each of them has extraordinary talent. "Their roots are extraordinary, and they also have an endless supply of resources from the sect..."    


Zhang Lin's voice did not contain any jealousy or unwillingness. There was only a deep sense of tiredness.    


"If you have the guts, I will not accept your fate! Zhang Lin, I will definitely become an outer sect disciple. In the future, I will also enter the inner sect and eventually become a powerful martial artist. At that time, I will let you become a sect disciple... Wu Di clenched his fists and said with a face full of fighting spirit.    


"I still have to go to the medicine garden to take a look. The early spring plant, the Serene Moon Grass, has just sprouted today." Zhang Lin shook his head and left with a sigh.    


The medicinal liquid made from the spirit medicine dregs was ready. Wu Di poured it out from the medicine jar. There was only a small bowl.    


"I owe Zhang Lin again this time. Every time he obtained the Spiritual Medicine Scrub Cake, I couldn't bear to eat it, so I gave it all to him."    


Wu Di picked up the bowl and muttered emotionally. He was about to drink it in one gulp.    


At this moment, a green light flashed. Following which, a palm-sized pocket medicinal Three-legged Small Caldron appeared in front of him in a strange manner. Under his stunned expression, he directly sucked all the spirit medicinal liquid in the bowl into the small caldron.    


Not a single drop remained!    


"I'm going to take the test. What exactly is going on?"    


Wu Di held the empty bowl and was completely dumbfounded!    


After a moment, his eyes turned red. He jumped up and grabbed the Three-legged Small Caldron, shouting, "Return this father's spirit medicinal liquid!"    


The Three-legged Small Caldron circled in the air, then turned into a green light and entered the space between his eyebrows.    


At almost the same time, Wu Di discovered that the bowl in his hand had a medicinal liquid! It was just that the medicinal liquid was much lesser than before. At the bottom of the bowl, even the color had changed. It was a thick green color. It was crystal clear. It was suffused with a luster and emitted a strange fragrance.    


"Vitality Recovering Liquid!"    


Wu Di instantly recognized this medicinal liquid, and was dumbstruck.    




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