Martial God of the Highest Heaven

C42 He Had to Carry It Home

C42 He Had to Carry It Home

A Third Grade Demonic Beast appearing here was a very troublesome matter for Wu Di.    


"I won't be so unlucky, will I? I heard that although there will be danger at the edge of the secret realm, they are all First and Second Grade Demonic Beasts. " I have encountered Third Grade Demonic Beasts the moment I arrived. How bad can I be? " Wu Di thought gloomily.    


Although the panther did not go mad immediately after taking Wu Di's punch, its grimace was enough to prove that it was in an extremely bad mood.    




With another scream, the panther opened its bloody mouth. He once again rushed towards Wu Di. Wu Di didn't dare to be careless this time. He gathered his spiritual energy into his fists. Although he hadn't fully used the Ascending Dragon Tyrant, he still treated this Third Grade Demonic Beast as a punching bag. Countless fists rained down on the incoming panthers. Not only did he temporarily block the attack of the panther, he also made it dizzy and dizzy.    


Wu Di did not think that the Third Grade Demonic Beast was so easy to deal with. He was afraid that there would be even more troublesome things to deal with. Just as he was thinking about this, the panther stopped attacking. It opened its mouth and suddenly sucked in. A huge suction force formed a whirlpool in front of it.    


Even if Wu Di tried his best to stabilize his body, he was still unable to stop this suction force. He immediately scrambled to protect a big tree nearby, hoping that this would prevent him from becoming a meal for the panther.    


The panther was clearly good at wind magic. Just this suction force caused the surroundings to be in a mess. Wu Di's sharp eyes discovered that even the big tree he was hugging was about to be uprooted.    


He knew that he had to think of a way immediately, otherwise the panther would definitely chew him and eat him until not even his bones were left.    


Just as Wu Di was thinking about how to repel this panther, an arrow shot towards Wu Di's face.    


Wu Di was really a little confused at the time. It was fine if he was attacked by a Third Grade Demonic Beast, but the person who shot the arrow at him was clearly a person. Could it be that he had encountered an enemy in this place?    


The situation was really not good. Soon, Wu Di found a man in black standing on a big tree. His face was covered, but no matter how he looked at it, it seemed like he was afraid that people would recognize him.    


Wu Di saw that man in black was shooting again, and the arrows were aimed at him. How could Wu Di not know that he had encountered a malefic?    


He had Demonic Beasts in front of him and enemies behind him. Could it be that his life was going to be lost here today? Unresigned thoughts arose in Wu Di's heart.    


However, although he was unwilling, good luck also appeared at this time. The white fog that was originally sucked away by the Three-legged Small Caldron was now slowly spreading. The Third Grade Demonic Beast seemed to be very afraid of this kind of fog. It actually ran away while holding its head.    


Wu Di was stunned by this scene. Clearly, the person who hid in the tree and shot an arrow at Wu Di was also very surprised. However, after the panther escaped, he quickly jumped down from the tree.    


Wu Di was no longer threatened by the Demonic Beast, so he naturally felt more confident. He looked coldly at man in black who was walking towards him.    


"Who are you? Why did you kill me?"    


The other party sneered and said, "Someone paid for your life, so I naturally won't go against money. I advise you to obediently stand there right now, and I will give you a quick death. "    


Wu Di had never heard of the principle of standing there and waiting for someone to kill him. Even if he really could not defeat the person in front of him, he would never admit defeat.    


"No matter who you are, I have no intention of dying. If you don't mind, let's fight. If you lose, get out of my way."    


In fact, he had already sensed a different aura the moment the opponent approached Wu Di. Among the outer circle disciples who had come this time, the strongest was only a peak Later Period of the Qi Cultivating Stage.    


However, the aura of the man in front of him made Wu Di think that he was at least a Body Tempering Stage warrior. This could only mean one thing. Either this man was an outer circle disciple who deliberately hid his strength, or he was an inner circle disciple.    


The thought of the latter made Wu Di's heart tremble. Could it be that he had encountered an inner circle disciple who wanted to kill him? How did he come in? The key was who was the one who wanted to kill him?    


A few people flashed through Wu Di's mind. The first one was the strange Yu Qing. He knew that his followers were no match for them, but he still wanted to sign a life and death contract.    


Although they did not fight to the death with their disciples in the end, Yu Qing's strange words, if they could leave alive, forced Wu Di to link him to man in black.    


The only ones who had enmity with him were Bai Ze, Yu Hong, and Ling Qun, who was a half-demon. However, he was very familiar with the auras of these three people. The person in front of him was obviously not with them.    


As for the people in the door... As for the person in front of him, it was none other than Lee Hong. Wu Di did not know why, but he suddenly thought of Lee Hong, who had been beaten up by him in the past. Could it be that this man in black was hired by Lee Hong?    


"You talk big. If you want to leave, you have to defeat me first." After saying that, man in black nocked his bow and nocked an arrow. This man was also very powerful. He aimed three arrows at Wu Di's three vital points at a time. Even if he managed to dodge one of the arrows, he would not be able to dodge all three arrows.    


Wu Di did not dare to fight head on. As the man aimed, he leaped and nimbly climbed up a big tree. Three arrows shot at him at the same time. Wu Di had already dodged fast enough, but his left arm was still scratched by the arrows.    


Fortunately, the wound wasn't deep, but the blood quickly turned black. Wu Di immediately cursed, "You are a despicable man. How dare you poison me?"    


Hearing this, the other party sneered, "Since you are here to take your life, of course I will do whatever I can. Quickly stand still and let me end your life. This will save us both trouble. "    


Wu Di was furious. He immediately jumped to the ground and used the Ascending Dragon in Sky to face the other party. He was pissed off by his opponent. If he didn't show any mercy, why should he show mercy?    


However, Wu Di never expected that his Ascending Dragon in Sky, which had always been successful, would actually fail. Even though Wu Di had witnessed the situation with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.    


The transparent giant dragon formed by his fist shadow had wrapped around his opponent's body in the same way as before to strangle him. However, this time, there was a complete accident. Not only did the giant dragon not kill his opponent, it was even cut into two by the giant black blade on his back.    


The aura was destroyed, and the phantom of the giant dragon disappeared in an instant. Wu Di's attack had completely failed. Seeing this scene, Wu Di quickly took a few steps back. For the first time, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.    


His most powerful attack had been broken so easily by his opponent. This could only prove one thing, that he could not defeat his opponent.    


If he could not defeat the other party, then he had to run. This was something that everyone knew. Wu Di didn't want to die. He still had many dreams to fulfill.    


man in black let out a strange laugh and said, "Look at how powerful the rumors about you are. It doesn't seem like that's all there is to it now. How is it? Are you scared? Don't worry. Although I'm a bad person, I'm still very kind to those who are about to die. I'll give you a quick death later. "    


Wu Di did not wait for the other party to finish. He ran away. Now, he did not have the mood to listen to the other party's nonsense. The only thing he wanted to do was to run away quickly.    


When Wu Di saw Wu Di running away in such a sorry state, he couldn't help but laugh, "Don't waste your energy. In this secret realm, even if you run to the edge of the sky, I have a way to catch you. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try."    


Wu Di didn't care about this. He could only run away with his life on the line, but every time he turned his head, he would see man in black following closely behind him like he was taking a stroll.    


The feeling of being stared at by the god of death was really frightening. Wu Di didn't know when he ran out of the forest. There were no trees around him, and they had all turned into stones. It made him stumble and stumble when he ran, and he could not move an inch.    


"Don't waste your energy. I told you you would not be able to escape from me."    


Wu Di made up his mind. He stopped and asked, "Alright. Even if you want to kill me, at least let me know who hired you."    


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