Sovereign Rises in City

C345 Help Helping Back!

C345 Help Helping Back!

Lin Miaomiao walked very slowly in front and waited for Zhao Jinbao to catch up. After he caught up, she asked curiously: "What did Xiaoyu talk about with you in secret, and why is she carrying me on her back?    


"What whisper? She just wants me to treat you well, but she's too embarrassed to say it in front of you." Zhao Jinbao said.    


"Really, hee hee, Xiaoyu is still the best to me." Lin Miaomiao said happily.    


"Heh, what you mean is, I'm not good enough for you."    


"You treat me well, that's what you should do. Who told you to covet my beauty!" Lin Miaomiao said in a rather arrogant and spoiled manner.    


Zhao Jinbao curled his lips helplessly. This little girl was really narcissistic, but honestly speaking, Lin Miaomiao did have the ability to be narcissistic. After all, he was one of the four great beauties of the fish bed.    


The two of them fought as they walked, and very quickly they reached home. Sun Cuifaang was in the middle of washing vegetables in the courtyard, upon seeing him, she immediately ran over for help.    


"Aiyah, Miaomiao, Auntie doesn't need your help here. Hurry up and go, this place is dirty and wet, don't dirty your clothes later." saw that Lin Miaomiao wanted to take action, how could she agree. Besides her identity as a guest, Lin Miaomiao was also the young miss of a rich family. Usually at home, her parents would not even be willing for her to do anything.    


"Auntie, it's okay. Since I'm free, let me help you wash the vegetables." Lin Miaomiao was unwilling to leave, this was a rare chance to show off.    


"Miaomiao, listen to me, Auntie really doesn't need your help. You and Bao will go inside to rest for a while. Sun Cuifaang said. Towards such a delicate and tender Lin Miaomiao, she really couldn't bear to let her do this kind of work.    


Zhao Jinbao watched from the side and felt that Lin Miaomiao's current attire wasn't suitable for squatting by the tap to wash the vegetables. If one were to squat on the ground, before the dishes were completely washed, the hem of the dress would already be dirty. Thus, he opened his mouth to advise: "Miaomiao, then let's go in first.    


Lin Miaomiao sized herself up, and felt that what Zhao Jinbao said made sense, so he entered the great hall together with Zhao Jinbao. Zhao Jinbao laid on the reclining chair for a while, while Lin Miaomiao went into the room to change his clothes.    


Sun Cuifaang still didn't agree, but she couldn't resist Lin Miaomiao's persuasion. In the end, she could only agree to it, thinking that it would be easier for someone to help her.    


Take the fish washing as an example and find out that Zhao Jinbao had returned from the provincial capital. On the day before, Sun Cuifaang specially let Zhao Dazhu, who was working in the field, come back and catch two fish from Zhao Jinbao's pond.    


Therefore, even though they had been raised in clean water for an entire night, the activity of these two fishes had not decreased at all. They were still full of vigor and vitality.    


Lin Miaomiao had eaten a lot of fish, but she had never killed any fish. Furthermore, the fish had sticky liquid on it, the feeling of holding it in her hands was extremely terrifying for a fairy that loved to look at things.    


Therefore, just as she grabbed the fish out of the water, Lin Miaomiao felt goosebumps all over her body. She let out a shriek, and the fish fell back into the basin.    


"Sorry, Auntie, I didn't mean to." Lin Miaomiao said with a wronged expression.    


"It's alright, it's alright. This fish is very energetic, it's normal that you can't catch it. First knock it out, then kill it." Sun Cuifaang comforted her.    


"Right." Lin Miaomiao nodded, then endured the fear in her heart, catching the fish once again.    


Although she could not grab ahold of it, it did not fall into the water, preventing her from running away. Instead, it fell onto the ground, full of energy, fish jumping and jumping, and even jumping up high, directly jumping onto Lin Miaomiao's body. This scared her to the point that her face lost color and she cried out loudly.    


"If you knock it out, it won't bounce around." Sun Cuifaang said again.    


"But …" But I don't know how to knock it out! " Lin Miaomiao didn't even know where to put her small hands, she wanted to grab it but didn't dare to.    


There was no other way, Sun Cuifaang could only use her own hands to knock the fish's head. As expected, the fish immediately lost all of its strength, and its tail would lightly flap on the ground from time to time, proving that it was still alive.    


"Then it will faint." Sun Cuifaang explained.    


"Oh, I see." Lin Miaomiao nodded, her expression no longer so fearful. Then, she picked up the blade and began to shave the fish scales.    


Seeing the vegetables that had just been washed dirty by the fish, the corner of Sun Cuifaang's mouth curled into a helpless smile. She didn't know what was going on with this little girl today, to actually come to help him with some good news and not know anything about common sense.    


But luckily this girl was learning seriously, furthermore, teaching her like this little by little, Sun Cuifaang was still very happy, this was a type of special pleasure.    


Zhao Jinbao was lying on the deck chair, witnessing everything, and almost laughed out loud. Was there anything more embarrassing than this? Helping him would be a waste of his time, so he might as well not help him.    


However, he did not allow Lin Miaomiao to stop. After all, this was a form of training for her and although it was fine to be pampered as a girl, a girl should not be too pampered.    


Being tender and delicate was a kind of cuteness, but being tender and delicate was an act.    


So this was the reason why Lin Miaomiao did not stop Lin Miaomiao's sorry state.    


Lin Miaomiao who was holding onto her blade was actually not sure where she should land her blade at. After comparing it for a while, she finally made up her mind. When she really started to do it, she realized that it was not as simple as she thought.    


In the past, when she was at home, she would sometimes see her aunty cooking and killing fish, so she remembered some of it. In her impression, killing fish wasn't that hard, but when she started, she knew that it was always harder than just watching.    


The hard scales were firmly stuck on the fish's body, so if she wanted to clean them all, she would need to expend a lot of strength. Lin Miaomiao's wrist strength was not good, and she could not hold on to the kitchen knife steadily either.    


However, she still did not make a sound. Furthermore, she had even deliberately turned her body to the side so that Sun Cuifaang would not see the situation on her side and not see the situation, so that she would not let her leave again.    


There were even many times when her hand had slipped under the knife's edge. Killing a fish was simply too dangerous!    


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