Sovereign Rises in City

C301 Thank You

C301 Thank You

As the sponsor of this fashion show, Zhao Jinbao was currently lying on the large sofa with a face full of enjoyment, unbridled as he enjoyed the elegant performance of the two peerless beauties in front of him.    


At this moment, he seemed to be the most authoritative judge. That was because all the competition between the two women was all for the sake of obtaining his approval.    


Very quickly, everyone noticed Zhao Jinbao's existence, because no matter what clothes the two girls wore, they would always stop in front of him. Only after he finished looking at them would they turn around and leave.    


Hence, other than the employees of the shop, everyone started to guess that Zhao Jinbao who was sitting on the sofa was probably the owner of the shop. The two beautiful women with first-rate beauties were probably the models that Zhao Jinbao invited.    


The entire performance lasted for almost two hours. Lin Miaomiao and Lee Yuanqing took off their clothes again and again, and then had to walk with their little cat steps, using up a lot of energy. Although Zhao Jinbao was obsessed with appreciation, he still felt sorry for the two beauties.    


With his interference, the Victoria Elementary Scholar ended the match with a wail from the crowd. Although there was no more dazzling talent show, no one seemed to have any intention of leaving. For such an extraordinary beauty, even if she did nothing, just sitting there quietly was still a pleasing sight to behold.    


Thus, there was still not a drop of water that could pass through the entrance of this dress shop.    


Lin Miaomiao and Lee Yuanqing mischievously waved their hands towards the door. They were happy to be surrounded by so many people.    


Receiving the response from the two goddesses, the crowd outside screamed in response. The sound was majestic and echoed throughout the shopping mall several times.    


Zhao Jinbao walked in front of the two girls with an astonished expression and praised them from the bottom of his heart, "What an eye-opener! I've never seen such a magnificent fashion show! "    


"Humph, of course, how can a normal man like you appreciate my looks and innocent looks!" Lin Miaomiao boasted in an extremely smug tone, making even Lee Yuanqing, who was at the side, feel a little embarrassed.    


Although the phrase was self-boasting, Zhao Jinbao was unable to refute it, because the show had indeed shocked him.    


Seeing that the other party had not objected to her words, Lin Miaomiao knew that Zhao Jinbao was definitely convinced in her heart, so she continued to ask: "How is it? Of all the clothes that Qing Qing and I tried on, which one did you think was the most beautiful? "    


"This question is very difficult to answer!" Zhao Jinbao said.    


"Why is it so hard to answer?"    


"Because all of you look so beautiful in your clothes!" Zhao Jinbao was praising and flattering, he did not understand the purpose of Lin Miaomiao's question just now.    


"Is that so? Is that what you meant? " Lin Miaomiao intentionally asked.    


"True words are more true than true gold!" Zhao Jinbao said in all seriousness.    


"Oh!" That is to say, you will help us buy all these clothes. "    


When he said that, the muscles on Zhao Jinbao's face who was serious a moment ago trembled, and he stared straight at Lin Miaomiao, his voice hoarse as he asked: "What did you say? You said you want to buy them all? "    


"That's right, you said they were all beautiful. Besides, you can't pick the most beautiful ones, so of course you have to buy them and slowly wear them!" Lin Miaomiao said in a very logical manner.    


Zhao Jinbao was immediately at a loss for words. What kind of logic was this, that even though he was beautiful, he didn't need to buy both of them, since the two of them had just bought at least half of the clothes in this shop.    


"No …" You... Are you sure you're not joking with me? " Zhao Jinbao was speechless, his expression was extremely funny.    


Lee Yuanqing laughed, then used her arm to prop her up, telling her not to joke anymore. Lin Miaomiao stuck out her tongue, laughing as she said: "Of course I'm joking with you! Why do I have to go back and buy more? I can eat! But then again, why do you look like this when you heard I'm going to buy them all? Are you afraid of spending too much? "    


Facing Lin Miaomiao's question that went straight to the heart, Zhao Jinbao answered righteously, "Of course not, I'm not a miser. I'm spending money on blades, buying clothes for you, that's basically blades!"    


"Tsk, how fake!" Lin Miaomiao scoffed, with her understanding of Zhao Jinbao, she guessed that he was afraid of spending money.    


However, she made up her mind today, that she would definitely make Zhao Jinbao bleed once, and let him escape with his lunch. This time, she definitely wouldn't save him a single cent when buying things.    


Therefore, with a vengeful heart, she pulled Lee Yuanqing along as she ran into the changing room. Other than the one that she had taken a liking to a long time ago, she also picked a few other types of beautiful dresses. As for Lee Yuanqing, she didn't have anything else she wanted to buy.    


Seeing that the two people had reaped so much rewards and seeing the things in their hands, Zhao Jinbao heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. They did not take much, it was something he could bear.    


Actually, he wasn't really afraid of spending money, but was instead afraid of wasting it. Dress was something that came out with new designs every year, changing into them extremely quickly. It was very likely that this year's trend would be outdated next year, so there really wasn't a need to buy that much.    


Moreover, there was only one body. Even if you had 10,000 sets of clothes, you could only wear one at a time, so buying too much was useless.    


"Hmph, I've been kind today, so I won't kill you. Qing Qing and I will choose these. You can go and pay for it!" With that, Lin Miaomiao and Lee Yuanqing passed the clothes to the employees at the side.    


Zhao Jinbao came to the cashier's desk and handed over the card. When the cashier was about to swipe the card after counting the bills, a middle-aged man stopped her and handed the card back to Zhao Jinbao.    


With regards to this, Zhao Jinbao's heart was startled, he did not know what was going on. The middle-aged man laughed amiably, extended his right hand into a handshake posture and said: "Sir, hello, I am the manager of this shop, Feng Gong!"    


"Hello, my name is Zhao Jinbao." Zhao Jinbao shook hands with him and politely replied.    


Although he did not understand the other party's intention, since the other party was welcoming him with a smile, out of politeness, Zhao Jinbao naturally responded in a very gentlemanly manner.    


"Hello, Mr. Zhao. For the sake of thanking you, you and the two beautiful ladies behind you are going to spend all your money in this shop. It's free of charge!" Feng Gong said.    


"Free? Out of gratitude? What have I done? " Zhao Jinbao was confused, he did not understand the other party's intention at all.    


"Aren't you and these two beautiful ladies behind you worthy of your thanks for having given such a great publicity to our shop?" Feng Gong said while smiling, and at the same time pointing towards the door.    


Looking at the crowd outside of the door that still had not dispersed, Zhao Jinbao seemed to have understood something …    


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