Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C1048 Restore the Heavenly Thunder Sect

C1048 Restore the Heavenly Thunder Sect

1048th chapter, reenactment of the Heavenly Thunder Sect.    


"Hahaha... It seems like the entire human race belongs to the Rainbow Temple!" The Sect Master said excitedly.    


"Hehe! Mr. Gang Master was right! Of the two great God Domain in Human Clan, Mr. Muh Feng was the ruler. The other was the ruler. The Chen Hui brothers were the rulers. It was simply unbelievable. We haven't been in God Realm for long!" Director Ding said with a smile.    


"Yes! In the future, the Human Clan of God Realm will be under the command of Rainbow Temple. I really don't dare to imagine it. For us to be able to unify the Human Clan in such a short period of time, this is something that the experts of the God Realm have never done in billions of years!" Tim said excitedly.    


"Brothers, what's the matter? What's going on? Nie Li looked at Nie Li and asked, What's going on? Nie Li looked at Nie Li and asked, What's going on?" Xuanliang looked at Muh Feng and spoke with excitement.    


Muh Feng faintly smiled and shook his head, then said, "Brothers, come and take a seat. This hall master has something to say."    


"Another meeting?" The leader grinned and muttered, then sat down.    


After everyone had sat down, Muh Feng said, "Brothers, since the ruler of the Royal Star Divine Domain has approved of Big Brother Chen Hui, that's settled then. Next, let's talk about the management of Royal Star Divine Domain."    


"Brothers, you can give your opinions first. What good suggestions or management methods do you have for Royal Star Divine Domain?"    


After Muh Feng finished speaking, Chen Hui cupped his fists and said, "Hall Master Muh Feng, how about I change the name of Royal Star Divine Domain?"    


"Hmm? What name does Fourth Brother intend to change Royal Star Divine Domain to?" Muh Feng asked curiously.    


"Don't you want to call it the God Domain of the Sacred Temple?" Chen Hui rubbed his chin and thought for a while before replying.    


"God Domain? Not bad, I think it's fine! I wonder what you brothers think? " The Sect Leader said.    


"The God Domain of the Sacred Temple is not bad. It's good to be in contact with the Rainbow Divine Domain. I feel good about it!" Bingfeng Yehan said.    


"Not bad, not bad..."    


Everyone agreed with Chen Hui's decision to change the name of Royal Star Divine Domain to Sacred God Domain.    


"Brothers, Hall Master Muh Feng, I have another idea. I want to change the ruling sect, Royal Star Sect, to Heavenly Thunder Sect. What do you think?" Chen Hui thought for a while and said.    


"Heavenly Thunder Sect? Brother Chen Hui, what kind of sect is this? Why didn't you change your name to Rainbow Temple? " After Chen Hui finished speaking, the Sect Master looked at Chen Hui and asked with a puzzled expression.    


"Yes, yes, yes! What the hell is Brother Chen Hui doing? It's not bad to change the name of God Domain, but why can't you just change the name of a sect? Why didn't you take the name of the Rainbow Temple without even thinking about it? Why did he choose the Heavenly Thunder Sect? " Director Ding was also very unhappy, and started to question Chen Hui.    


Only Tim, Muh Feng, and Yixue could understand Chen Hui's actions. No one else knew where the Heavenly Thunder Sect came from.    


"Sigh! Ling, you can take the Heavenly Thunder Sect, but Heavenly Thunder Daoist is already dead. You won't be able to see the reappearance of the Heavenly Thunder Sect in God Realm. " Tim sighed and said.    


"Mo, have you forgotten what Ling said? When he breaks through the limit that no one in the God Realm can reach, he will naturally be able to revive all the dead disciples of the Rainbow Temple. At that time, the patriarch and the old ancestors will be very happy to see the Heavenly Thunder Sect in the God Realm!" Chen Hui said with a smile.    


"Wait! What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? " The leader scratched his head and said in confusion.    


At this moment, Muh Feng walked forward and patted the gang leader on the shoulder. Then he said, "Brothers, have you forgotten about Heavenly Thunder Daoist? When we were in the Cultivation Realm, I, Tim and Chen Hui, as well as Yixue, were Heavenly Thunder Daoist's disciples."    


"You can also say that we are Heavenly Thunder Daoist's disciples. At that time, our sect was called Heavenly Thunder Sect. It was also the first sect that I joined. After that, due to various reasons, the Heavenly Thunder Sect was destroyed by someone, and it changed its name to the Rainbow Temple. After that, I became the founding ancestor of the Rainbow Temple! "    


"We once said that we would restore the Heavenly Thunder Sect, but in the end, none of that happened. Now, Big Brother Chen Hui is able to restore the name of the Heavenly Thunder Sect in the God Realm. To be honest, I am very glad and very much in agreement with that!"    


After hearing Muh Feng's words, everyone nodded their heads. At this moment, some of the people who opposed changing the name of the Heavenly Thunder Sect, including the Sect Master and Director Ding, also felt relieved. They even agreed with Chen Hui's actions. They were very impressed by Chen Hui's unwavering spirit!    


"Hehe! Do you all agree with me to change the Royal Star Sect to the Heavenly Thunder Sect with this kind of expression?" Chen Hui asked with a smile on his face.    


Everyone nodded their heads vigorously, expressing their agreement.    


"Hall Master Muh Feng, since the matter of changing the name has been settled, then how do we manage the God Domain? Could it be that brother Chen Hui is staying in the God Domain alone?" Director Ding looked at Muh Feng and asked.    


When Director Ding mentioned this, not only Chen Hui looked at Muh Feng expectantly, but also everyone else looked at Muh Feng curiously, wondering what Muh Feng would do.    


Although Chen Hui had already become the ruler of the God Domain, in Chen Hui's eyes, he would always be a disciple of the Rainbow Temple, and Muh Feng would always be his boss.    


Therefore, even if Chen Hui had already become the ruler of the God Domain, Chen Hui would still listen to Muh Feng's arrangement on how to manage the God Domain.    


Muh Feng looked at everyone, then rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment. He said, "How about this, we'll go out now and inform the higher ups of the Royal Star Sect. We'll call the rulers of all the Star Domains in Royal Star Divine Domain to hold a meeting, and then announce the changes to the rules."    


"As for the management, I think we'll let the higher ups of the Heavenly Thunder Sect manage it. Ling, follow me back to the Rainbow Divine Domain and continue cultivating in the Limitless Immortal Palace. We should strive to break through to the Sovereign Stage as soon as possible."    


"I will obey the Hall Master Decree!" Everyone cupped their fists and replied.    


After that, with a wave of his hand, he brought the Sect Master and the others to the Royal Star Sect's Conference Hall with a Teleportation. After that, Chen Hui sat on the main seat of the Conference Hall, while Muh Feng and the others sat on both sides of the main seat.    


Immediately after that, Chen Hui used the ability of the master of the God Domain to send a message to all the rulers of the Star Field, including the higher ups of the Royal Star Sect. He wanted them to immediately head to the Conference Hall of the Royal Star Sect for a meeting.    


As soon as Chen Hui gave the order, the higher ups of Royal Star Sect were the first to arrive, followed by the representatives of the other Star Fields.    


About half a month later, all the representatives of the rulers of the Star Domain of God Domain had arrived. Next, Chen Hui announced that he would replace Sovereign Yan Huang and become the new ruler of Royal Star Divine Domain. At the same time, he also announced that the Royal Star Divine Domain would become the God Domain of the Sacred Hall, and the Royal Star Sect would become the Heavenly Thunder Sect. He would change the Star Domain of Yan Huang to the Star Domain of the Temple!    


After the celebration, the representatives of all the Star Domains left one after another. Chen Hui also gave all the matters to the higher ups of the Heavenly Thunder Sect, while he followed Muh Feng back to Rainbow Divine Domain. He entered the Limitless Immortal Palace and started cultivating diligently.    


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