Rebirth: Colorful Divine Body

C163 The Soaring Cloud Auction House

C163 The Soaring Cloud Auction House

The auction of the Cloud Soaring Pavilion.    


The Supreme Grade Spirit Artifact Emperor Sword was auctioned off at a sky-high price. Everyone's blood was boiling, and they were all discussing amongst themselves.    


"Everyone, Fellow Daoist, quiet down!" Xiao Qiang shouted loudly.    


When everyone calmed down, Xiao Qiang called a maid to bring a brocade box covered in red cloth over.    


"The next auction item is a rare priceless treasure. It is an Earth Grade spirit herb Soul Refining Grass. I think everyone should know the effect of this Soul Refining Grass without me telling you."    


The experts in the VIP room could not help but feel restless and restless at this moment. They were extremely clear about the Soul Refining Grass. Even a single Mortal Grade Soul Refining Grass could nurture an Array Master that was not lower than a fifth step Array Master. And this Earth Grade Soul Refining Grass was even more terrifying. Perhaps it was possible to cultivate a Tier 7 Array Master.    


As for the cultivators in the hall, some of them were extremely shocked, while others had bewildered expressions.    


Seeing that many people did not know about the effects of the Soul Refining Grass, Xiao Qiang said, "The Soul Refining Grass is a rare herb that can increase one's mental energy. With this Earth Grade Soul Refining Grass, it can increase one's mental energy. As long as it is not too bad, it can at least cultivate a tier 6 Array Master. The other girls did not say much. The starting price of this Soul Refining Grass was five million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones. Each bid will not be lower than one hundred thousand. Let's start the bidding now. "    


" Hmm? The starting bid is 5,000,000 Supreme Grade Spirit Stone? This tiny Soul Refining Grass is actually higher than the starting bid of the Supreme Grade Spirit Artifact?" Muh Feng muttered. He really did not understand why this tiny Soul Refining Grass would have such a high price.    


An Earth Grade Soul Refining Grass was completely useless to Muh Feng. It could not increase his mental energy much either. It was simply negligible.    


"Could this Earth Grade Soul Refining Grass really nurture an Array Master above Tier 6?"    


Muh Feng guessed that if it was really as Xiao Qiang said, then wouldn't his appetite be too big? Other people could have such a huge improvement with just one stalk, but he had used over ten thousand stalks, and there were even a few Heaven Level Soul Refining Grasses.    


Muh Feng was deep in thought when the bidding of the experts in the VIP room woke him up.    


"Six million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones." The fifth VIP room shouted.    


"Six million five hundred thousand Supreme Grade Spirit Stones!" The sixth private room bid a total of five hundred thousand Supreme Grade Spirit Stones.    


"Ten million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones, how about giving this old man some face? This old man is determined to get this Soul Refining Grass." The intermediate stage of the Mahayana Realm in private room number four shouted.    


"Hmph, old ghost Xishan, could it be that only your Xishan Sword Sect needs this Soul Refining Grass? I, the Immortal Execution Sect, don't need it? I, your father, am also determined to get it. 20 million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones. " The Room 3 Vip increased the bid by ten million at once. It seemed like they would be able to obtain it in one go.    


"Old fool, you're trying to compete with me on purpose, aren't you? Alright, let's see what we can do. Thirty million Supreme Grade Spirit Stone." VIP room number four did not want to be outdone, and also increased the bid by ten million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones.    


Looking at their crazy increase in bid, Muh Feng was extremely happy. This Soul Refining Grass was already three times more than the previous item they were selling.    


At this time, Muh Feng was a little regretful that he did not bring any more Soul Refining Grass when he came out. Otherwise, he would have been able to earn a huge profit from it.    


"Forty million Supreme Grade Spirit Stone. How can there be less of this old man in such a fierce competition?" VIP room number five joined in.    


"Fifty million Supreme Grade Spirit Stone."    


"Sixty million Supreme Grade Spirit Stone."    


... "One hundred million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones! You two, add me and I will withdraw!" Room 3 Vip directly increased the bid to one hundred million Supreme Grade Spirit Stones, hoping to use this to suppress the other bidders.    


"Hehe, old fool, then you can withdraw. One hundred and ten million high grade Spirit Stone." The fourth private room continued bidding.    


"One hundred and twenty million." VIP room number five increased the bid.    


"One hundred and thirty million."    


"140 million."    


"... After an old undying being left, another old thing came. This old man will fight you to the death! Two hundred million high grade Spirit Stone! " The old man in private room number four was so angry that he coughed up blood. From the looks of it, 200 million high grade Spirit Stone was already his bottom line. Perhaps, if someone raised the price again, they would have to give up.    


"Old ghost Xishan, consider yourself ruthless. This old man will give it to you. Hmph!" The old man in private room number five said angrily.    


" Hahaha, thank you so much! "    


Although Old Xishan said thank you politely, in his heart, he had already greeted all the experts and women in private room number five. If it wasn't for the fact that the old thing still wanted to bid in the end, he would have won the bid of 100 million. Why did he need to double the price of a supreme grade Spirit Stone? The following bidding had nothing to do with him anymore. He simply didn't have much money left.    


"200 million going once."    


"200 million twice."    


"[200 million going once, deal.]"    


Xiao Qiang excitedly slammed the table and called for a deal. Although she knew that this Earth Grade Soul Refining Grass could be sold at a high price, Xiao Qiang did not think that it could be sold at such a high price.    


The happiest person was still Muh Feng. He was smiling from ear to ear in the VIP room. The maid serving Muh Feng thought that Muh Feng had gone crazy and lost control.    


As for Muh Feng's crazy laughter, it was all seen by Old Ghost Xishan in VIP room number four. He thought that Muh Feng was laughing at him, although Muh Feng did not participate in the bidding. Old Devil Xishan had already bore a grudge against Muh Feng. He was afraid that he had already left Cloud Soaring Pavilion. It was inevitable that a fierce battle would break out.    


For the first twenty days, every day, he would bid for Muh Feng's spiritual weapon. ... Muh Feng would raise the price slightly. This caused most of the experts in the VIP room to hate Muh Feng. There were even many people in the hall who hated Muh Feng. It could be said that Muh Feng was an enemy of the entire world. It was difficult to move forward.    


Although Muh Feng knew about it, he wasn't afraid at all. Otherwise, Muh Feng wouldn't have raised the price like that and offended a large number of experts.    


Xiao Qiang was also extremely excited. 200 million high grade Spirit Stone? One percent of the profit was 2 million high grade Spirit Stone. This auction had earned her a lot.    


After the excitement, Xiao Qiang walked to the auction stage with a bright face and gave a deep bow to VIP Room 4. Then she said, "The last treasure of the Cloud Soaring Pavilion auction next, perhaps everyone has heard about it before? That's right, the last treasure of the auction was the Half Immortal Artifact Immortal Ending Sword. This sword was given to the Lingyun Pavilion by a mysterious expert, but no one knew what kind of injury this sword had suffered. There was no longer a sword spirit, so this Immortal Ending Sword should be an incomplete Half Immortal Artifact. Even so, its power is not inferior to a supreme-grade spirit weapon. "    


"Miss Xiao Qiang, is it possible to repair this sword?" An expert in the VIP room asked.    


Xiao Qiang thought for a while and said, "The blacksmith master of the Cloud Soaring Pavilion once saw this sword. He said that this sword cannot withstand the force of other sword spirits. If you want to repair it, I'm afraid you will need to find the sword spirit of the Absolute Immortal Sword!"    


"So this means that there is no possibility of repairing this sword?" The old man continued to ask.    


"You can put it this way. The sword spirit of the Absolute Immortal Sword might have already died the moment it was injured." Xiao Qiang replied.    


"Everyone, Fellow Daoist, I have already said what I should have said. Without a doubt, even if the Immortal Ending Sword doesn't have the Artifact Spirit, a starving camel is still bigger than a horse. The power of this sword is comparable to a top grade spirit weapon. The starting price of the Immortal Ending Sword is five million high grade Spirit Stone. Each bid will be no less than one hundred thousand high grade Spirit Stone. The auction begins now. " Xiao Qiang said.    


"Muh Feng, no matter what, we have to bid for this Immortal Ending Sword, even if it means losing all of our fortune." The queen transmitted her voice.    


Muh Feng's heart trembled, and he was startled. He patted his chest. He replied snappily, "What do you need an incomplete Half Immortal Artifact for? Besides, I even have a Supreme Grade Immortal Weapon, Boundless Immortal Palace, and a half-step Immortal Weapon territory of the Great Devil Saint. Could it be that this Immortal Ending Sword has some special function? "    


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