Invincible System-I am the Great Devil



Chu He did not care about their words, and quickly calmed himself down, and started to prepare to be a "Lobster."    


When he was cooking this dish, he did not have the chance to use any superb culinary skills, because this dish did not require any of those gaudy techniques.    


However, only then did Chu He feel that there was a huge difference between a level two chef and a level two Level Four Chef.    


If the level two chef was compared to an expert who had immersed himself in the culinary dao for ten years, then Level Four Chef was like a master who had immersed himself in the culinary arts for dozens of years. They were completely on a different level.    


He always wanted to show others his excellent culinary skills, but his thoughts were based entirely on the dishes. He would use skills wherever he wanted to use, and he would not be swayed by his vanity.    


Chu He began to completely immerse himself in the cooking world, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.    


When he was immersed in this feeling, he seemed to be able to see the change in the taste of the dish with his naked eye. He almost didn't need to taste the taste of the dish to know what kind of taste it was.    


Chu He and Yuan Ji had almost completed their respective dishes at the same time, and even finished setting the plates.    


After Yuan Ji finished his "Snow Mountain Bear Palm", he looked towards Chu He's direction. Seeing that had actually completed his own dish at the same time as him, he felt a little surprised.    


However, he was not worried at all that he would lose, because the opponent used Sclerotinia s. If they used Sclerotinia s to defeat him, they might not even be able to survive in the Anping City, they might even die from embarrassment!    


"Since both sides have finished their work, let me first give everyone a taste of their dishes and cast their first votes."    


Yuan Mu originally wanted to taste Chu He's dishes first, but he still couldn't pass the test of mental fortitude.    


He first circled around the "Snow Mountain Bear's Palm", and then looked at the decorations on the plate. Yuan Mu had used a white jade radish to carve a snow mountain, it was extremely beautiful, and only after that did he taste a bear's paw.    


"Mm ?" No matter if it is the carving technique or the mastery of the fire attribute, they are all considered to be perfect. It is just that they lack a bit of charm, but in general, they are considered to be top quality delicacies! "    


As a third-grade gourmet, Yuan Mu had a high attainments in gourmet food. It could be said that the Gourmet was a person who knew his own dishes better than a chef.     


After that, he struggled to walk towards the "Lobster" in front of Chu He, his face full of unwillingness. In his heart, he was afraid that Chu He no longer had any chance of winning.    


But when he thought about how Chu He would take revenge on him if he didn't eat this dish, he mustered his courage and picked up the chopsticks.    


"God of Cooking, please don't let the darkness take over ?" Yuan Mu thought back to his bloodshed in the past and began to silently pray.    


"Hatred from Yuan Mu + 44."    


"Eat quickly, don't grind for me!"    


Chu He immediately shouted out angrily, nearly scaring the chopsticks in Yuan Mu's hands off.    


I will treat you to food for free, and you actually dare to give me a grudge value?    


Yuan Mu picked up a "Sclerotinia" and looked at the hard shell that was completely red. Even though it smelled very fragrant, he didn't know how to eat it.    


"How big are you? You don't even know how to eat a Lobster, and you still want me to teach you, seriously ?"    


Chu He scolded while wearing a glove on his clothes, and then demonstrated the correct posture of eating the lobsters until it reached his mouth.    


It was only then that he realized that the "Lobster" he had made was really too delicious. It was on a completely different level from the food he had eaten in his previous life.    


However, when he thought about how he was just a Level Four Chef and could not be compared with those big time chefs, he naturally understood.    


After all, for people with good culinary skills, no matter what dish they cooked, it would always be delicious!    


Seeing that Chu He had eaten a "Sclerotinia" that called himself "Little Lobster" and had a very tasty expression, the big rock in his heart was finally put down.    


At the very least, he could be sure that this was not the 'dark food'. There was no poison in it!    


Yuan Mu imitated Chu He's way of eating it, and finally managed to eat the prawn into his mouth, opening his eyes wide, revealing a breathtaking expression.    


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