Invincible System-I am the Great Devil



Chu He's skin had started to turn red, his entire body was releasing green steam, the muscles all over his body gave off an explosive feeling.    


However, Chu He helplessly discovered that at this moment, with his physique, when he opened the fifth door, his body was still in the range to endure.    


However, if he continued to forcefully open the sixth door, he might not even be able to raise his hand tomorrow.    


He stomped hard on the ground, causing the entire ground to collapse under his stomp, causing Chu He to immediately disappear from his spot.    


The entire space was set off by a scorching wave, and Chu He instantly appeared behind Niu Ben.    




Chu He immediately flung him into the air with a bow and a throw, then his entire body transformed into a bolt of lightning and followed up.    


Before Niu Ben could even reach his maximum height in the air, he was already right above him, and was sent flying once again with a fierce kick.    


Then, as though he had teleported once again, he appeared on top of the flying path Niu Ben was taking, and began to frantically attack once again.    


The entire process happened in a split-second. In just a few breaths of time, Chu He had completed his eighty-eight attacks.    


Because the speed was too fast, the spectators could only see a green flash in the sky before letting out a series of crackling sounds like firecrackers.    




Under the last strike of Chu He's [Storing Power], Niu Ben was like a cannonball, fiercely smashing towards the ground.    




The empty ground suddenly shattered like a spider web, forming a huge crater and sending up billows of smoke and dust.    


Only when the dust settled did he see that the old cow was already unconscious, like a dead dog whose bones had been shattered.    


"This... "How is this possible!?"    


Sun Mo's face became deathly pale. The old bull, who had originally thought it was his trump card, was actually beaten up like a three year old child by Chu He, leaving him with no strength to fight back.    


"Fear Value from Sun Mo + 72."    


"I'm not seeing things, is Master Chu running in the air?"    


"Did you see it clearly? I only saw the sky crackling like thunder, and then Niu Ben kneeled? "    


"I saw it clearly. In the span of seven breaths, Master Chu had attacked a total of eighty-nine times. Every single strike had the power to tear through rotten weeds!"    


There were many cultivators around, and even their eyesight could barely keep up with Chu He's speed. However, the more they saw, the clearer they realized just how terrifying Chu He was!    


Chu He did not use any profound Imperial Sword Technique to soar in the sky, but simply used his explosive strength to walk directly in the air. It was simply shocking!    


Looking at the unconscious Niu Ben on the ground, Chu He felt a bit of pain. It was not because of anything else, but Niu Ben was too weak.    


However, Chu He was not someone who would take advantage of others. Since he did not take many Devil's Dot from Niu Ben's body, this grand mission would have to be given to Sun Mo.    


Thus, he slowly approached Sun Mo with a cold face.    


"Fear Value + 55 from Sun Mo."    


"You ? "Don't come over here, I'm the younger brother of the Sun family's head. If you dare to touch me, the Sun family will definitely not let you go!"    


The Manager Mo was already in a mess, his biggest backing had already been destroyed, he could only move out his backer and try to intimidate Chu He.    


"Since you're here to kill someone, you must have the awareness of being killed!"    


Chu He raised his fist and suddenly punched towards Sun Mo's head. In that moment of life and death, he just brushed by Sun Mo's ear and stirred up a tornado.    


"Fear Value from Sun Mo + 99."    


Suddenly, a pungent smell of piss came up. Lowering his head to look, Manager Mo's pants were already completely drenched.    


"Remember, the person who saved you is not some Sun family. It's just a piss from you ?"    


Chu He pinched his nose and ignored Sun Mo, bringing Yuan Mu and the others with him to Peace Hotel.    


"Hatred from Sun Mo + 99."    


Hearing the amount of resentment Sun Mo had, he shook his head helplessly.    


If not for the number of spectators, and to kill Sun Mo right now, the 'Peace Hotel' would have been affected greatly.    


Otherwise, Chu He would not hesitate to kill Sun Mo. After all, there was someone constantly "thinking" about him, and it was not a good thing.    


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