Godly Conceited Son-in-law

C202 Three Alliances

C202 Three Alliances

That night, Gongsun Ce had just woken up from a big dream. After hearing that Guan Yang had wiped out his shop, he could no longer fall asleep.    


"Trash, all trash!"    


Gong Zhe was furious. The hotel manager who was kneeling on the floor didn't even dare to let out a fart.    


"Who is Guan Yang?" Two out of the seven great headquarters of the Suhang Sect had been annihilated by him. The Shen, Xuan, Wang, and Zhao Families are not easy to show off, why is it only you like to show off! If you do this, then won't my entire Gongsun family's fate fall on your shoulders! "    


Sun Ce looked at the hotel manager kneeling on the floor with a livid expression, which made him clench his teeth in hatred.    


"Patriarch Gongsun, he came here of his own accord. I also …"    


Without waiting for him to finish, Gongsun Ce, who was burning with anger in his black eyes, waved his hand and two cultivators walked in from outside.    


The two easily lifted him up and prepared to drag him out of the room. Even though he desperately wanted to ask for a chance at survival, it was all in vain.    


As he heard the cries for help getting further and further away, Gongsun Ce's body went limp and he slumped into his seat.    


He knew clearly in his heart that if it was the entrance from before, he would be disdainful to even think about it.    


And now, in the short span of two to three months, the Wild Gate had swallowed up the two great headquarters, and even obtained the vassals of the thirty-six secret associations.    


Its development power had already far surpassed one of the seven great sects. If they were targeted by a crazy family, it would basically be a death sentence!    


"Ai, is my Gongsun line really going to die in my hands?"    


Gongsun Ce helplessly looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh. However, there was only grief. There was no solution.    


Just as he was feeling dejected, a servant suddenly shouted from outside the door.    


"Patriarch, someone is here to visit."    


Gongsun Ce was fuming. He became even more agitated when he heard that someone was coming to visit him in the middle of the night.    


"Throw him away, I won't see him!"    


"But Patriarch, he claimed to be the Patriarch of Wang Clan, Wang Defu. He said that he must see Patriarch!"    


Hearing this, Gongsun Ce was stunned.    


Patriarch Wang Defu?    


What was he doing here?    


Could it be that he already knew that my Gongsun family was being persecuted and wanted to take advantage of the situation?    


No, that's impossible. The news wouldn't spread so fast, I just found out.    


No matter what, he still felt that it was better to meet her. After all, it was still late at night. It seemed that it was an important matter for him to come here personally.    


"Alright, bring him to the lounge first. I'll be there shortly!"    




In the living room of Gongsun family's villa, a man with a big belly was leisurely sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, sipping some good tea.    


At this moment, Gongsun Ce, who had already put on his clothes, walked towards them with a smile on his face.    


"Aiya, Clan Head Wang came late at night to welcome us, and this lowly one was unable to welcome you. It is truly a sin!"    


Wang Defu stood up immediately and responded with a laugh, "Patriarch Gongsun must be joking. I've come late at night to visit you. I'm really disturbing your rest."    


"Haha, no, no."    


The two of them politely sat down and first sipped the hot tea that was served to them. After the cup of wine was finished, Gongsun Ce looked at Wang Defu.    


"Is there something that brought Clan Head Wang here this time?"    


Hearing this direct answer, Wang Defu was startled, but soon recovered and replied with a laugh, "Since Patriarch Gongsun is so direct, then I will be more straightforward." Patriarch Gongsun, have you heard about the alliance between the Shen family and the Xuan family? "    


Gongsun Ce frowned as his heart trembled uncontrollably. "Isn't there a rule in the Seven Great Sects' headquarters? They can't form an alliance on their own, yet they still dare to do such a thing!"    


Looking at the stern expression on Gongsun Ce's face, Wang Defu had a smile plastered on his face as he echoed, "Patriarch Gongsun is right. From the rules, they are indeed wrong!"    


Just then, Wang Defu's voice suddenly changed. He looked at Gong Sun Ce seriously and said, "But you have to admit, two of the seven main sects will be annihilated. It has already ceased to exist. As for the remaining five main sects, they would have to face the strong Berserker Gate. So, it's not wrong for them to form an alliance now. "    


At this point, Gongsun Ce seemed to have guessed something.    


"What does Clan Head Wang mean?"    


Wang Defu shifted his butt, looking at Gongsun Ce with a smile.    


"I just left Zhao Dexian's home, and I'm rushing over to your house. It's for the sake of the alliance between our three families!"    


Upon hearing these words, tears almost filled Gongsun Ce's eyes. Right now, his Gongsun family was already facing an enemy from behind. If Gongsun, Zhao, and Wang family could ally together, then it would truly be like providing fuel during a snowstorm.    


It was hard for him to hide the excitement on his face, so he stood up and held Wang Defu's hand tightly.    


"Brother Wang, you came at the right time!"    


Then, he told Wang Defu everything that had happened.    


After listening to the story, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.    


"Brother Wang, you and Brother Zhao can't just sit back and do nothing!" Tears welled up in Gongsun Ce's eyes.    


Looking at the sincere expression on Gongsun Ce's face, Wang Defu lowered his head and thought for a moment. Then, with a serious face, he said, "Brother Gongsun, don't worry." This matter happened rather suddenly, so we need to consider it over the long term. As for the Madmen Clan, you don't have to worry about them for now. Right now, he is only warning us not to act rashly in the near future. "    


"Brother Wang is right, I am in a hurry."    


Wang Defu smiled in embarrassment, and then stood up.    


"Brother Gongsun, let's conclude the alliance first. It was getting late, so it was time to go back and rest. As for what happened to Brother Gongsun, I will bring you along tomorrow to come and discuss it! "    


Since he had already said everything clearly enough, Gongsun Ce couldn't force himself to stay any longer. He could only send someone to send Wang Defu off.    


After everyone had left, Gongsun Ce sat alone in his chair, his mind filled with endless thoughts.    


An alliance of three, that sounds good.    


However, in the seven great sects, they all had their own selfish motives. When one's family was on the brink of death, counting on others was often a foolish thing.    


But now, the Gongsun family was at the end of its road. There was no other way but to ally with the three families.    


"Ai, let's take one step at a time. It's hard to say who will arrive first tomorrow. "    


Gongsun Ce puffed out his stomach as he slowly walked towards the resting room.    


In the corner of the house, in the shadow of the house, there was a woman wearing a tight black nightdress. With a tap of his feet, he quietly jumped out of Gongsun Clan's villa.    


The hazy moonlight faded. Dark clouds covered the bright moon. It was already late at night.    


After this tranquil night, it was destined to be a flood!    


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