Godly Conceited Son-in-law

C112 My World

C112 My World

After sending Shao Yuhan back to her apartment, Guan Yang strolled home alone.    


His Rolls-Royce had been loaned to Liu Xiaoxiao, and he had become a poor man without a car.    


When he arrived at the entrance of the residential complex, Guan Yang hailed a taxi and was about to tell the driver to go to Xi Ling villa when his phone suddenly rang.    


He picked it up, said, "Uh-huh," and put the phone down and told the driver, "To the Grand Hotel in the Divine State."    


At the entrance of the Grand Hotel, Guan Yang saw Zhuo Ran waiting for him the moment he got off the car.    


"What? You missed me in less than two hours?" Walking in front of Zhuo Ran, Guan Yang asked playfully.    


Zhuo Ran didn't answer. She raised her head and looked straight at Guan Yang, as if she could see the flowers on his face. After a long while, Zhuo said, "I can give you the answer to your question regarding the 'milk candy' and 'cake'."    


"Oh?" Guan Yang was stunned for a moment. "I advise you to think about it first. Once you decide on some things, there will be no room for regret."    


"I've thought about it. "You're right, once I make a decision, I cannot regret it. However, if I don't make a decision, then I will regret it even more."    


Guan Yang thought about it and looked at Zhuo Ran seriously. "Not only is it about the milk candy and the cake, there is an even more important question."    


"What problem?"    


"Can you adjust to my world?"    


"What's your world like?"    


Guan Yang didn't answer her directly. Instead, he pulled her to the side of the road and hailed a taxi.    


"To Hongxiang Street, south of the city." After getting on the car, Guan Yang lightly said.    


When the driver heard this, he immediately showed an awkward expression, "Sir, if you want to go to Hongxiang Street, then I can't take the job anymore. I'm sorry."    


Zhuo Ran had a puzzled look on his face. The corner of Guan Yang's mouth slightly curled up as he threw a stack of money to the driver. Just drive to the corner and you don't have to go in. "    


The driver hesitated for a moment before finally accepting the money.    


He roughly counted and found that the stack of money was worth two thousand yuan. It was worth taking a risk.    


After collecting the money, the driver said, "We have agreed that I will only send you to the corner of Hongxiang Street. To tell you the truth, tonight is the day that the Berserker Sect and the Tidal Gang settle their grudges. Who can be involved in this? "    


Hearing the driver's words, Zhuo Ran was very surprised, but seeing Guan Yangping's limpid face made her feel inexplicably relieved.    


Afterwards, she tightly held Guan Yang's hand, feeling the warmth of his palm. Even the last bit of nervousness in her had disappeared like smoke in thin air.    


On the way, the two of them chatted.    


Zhuo asked Guan Yang: "So Aunt Luo was your foster mother. I just asked my grandfather after the premiere of 'Spring and Autumn'."    


"Not an adoptive mother." Guan Yang shook his head. "Yes, Mistress."    


"Mistress?" Zhuo Ran was stunned for a moment.    


Modern society, or modern secular society, hardly heard of it anymore.    


Luo Wange and Zhuo Ran's grandfather were both officials in Jiangbei province. One was in charge of Jiangbei, while the other was in charge of the southeast province.    


She looked at Guan Yang and said, "Aunt Luo has always been my idol, elegant and noble, gentle and generous. She is a perfect woman, and I have always strived for her. "Guan Yang, do you wish for me to become a woman like her?"    


"I don't want to." Guan Yang answered with a resolute and decisive tone. He then bitterly smiled and said, "For things like Mistress, having one is enough."    


"Why? Is it not good for such an outstanding woman?"    


"It's not that it's bad, it's just too good. Excellent is something that needs to be paid for. If you want to be outstanding, how tired will you be?"    


Guan Yang's words made Zhuo Ran fall into deep thought.    


In fact, when Guan Yang returned to Jiangbei after graduating from the school, he immediately sent people to investigate Zhuo Ran's background after getting off the bus.    


Other than Zhuo Ran's grandfather, who was a head of the provincial capital, her parents, uncles, and aunts were all of high rank.    


Zhuo Ran was currently studying at Jiangnan University and studying administration. It seemed that she also wanted to inherit her family's political lineage after graduation.    


All of this was in line with Luo Wange's plan. The Luo family was a political family, and Luo would have been a pure politician if she had been trained by Luo Ping.    


However, at the age of 20, her life had taken a turn for the better.    


She had met Mystic One.    


All powerful martial arts forces had one thing in common: as long as they came into contact with a secular family, they would absorb them for their own use.    


Therefore, even if Luo Wange was still working on her career as a official, she didn't continue to do so with purely political motives. Everything she did now was to serve the Celestial Sect of Wonders and the Guan Family.    


Guan Yang looked at the little beauty beside him and thought, "Take a look at the world I live in. If you can accept that, then serve me."    


"… …"    


The taxi stopped at the corner of Hongxiang Street. Guan Yang pulled Zhuo Ran out of the taxi.    


"This is the base of Jiangbei's old school of martial arts."    


Guan Yang pointed at the buildings on both sides of the street as he explained to Zhuo Ran.    


"You know, the martial arts sects also need to eat, so they also need to do business to support themselves. You see, these shopping malls, this gymnasium, and all these big and small restaurants, bars, and even private banks, are all in the Tidal Gang business. Money is everything here. "    


Zhuo gazed at the street from Guan Yang's finger. The street was no less busy than Hong Xiang Street in the city center, and it was especially cold tonight.    


He couldn't help but tighten his grip on Guan Yang's arm.    


"Come, let me show you my world and see what a 'moving' sight it is."    


Guan Yang smiled and held Zhuo Zhuo's hand as they walked down the street.    


The war between the Madmen and the Tide Gang was over.    


It was a sorry scene after the war.    


On both sides of the road, from time to time, one could see members of the Tidal Gang lying on the ground without moving. Some of them even had a bit of strength left in them, yet they could still moan.    


Looking at the blood that was spilled everywhere, mixed with the missing limbs that were unknown, she was shivering. If it wasn't for Guan Yang supporting her, she could have fainted at any moment.    


Zhuo Ran asked carefully: "Guan Yang, what's going on? How could they be injured like this? Why wasn't there an ambulance? And the police don't care? "    


Guan Yang pushed his gold-rimmed glasses and said lightly: "This is the world of martial arts, and martial arts have always been out of place. Even if you were a mortal, as long as you joined a sect, you would be treated as a martial cultivator. To put it bluntly, if you died in a sect battle, no one would care about you even if you were assassinated by an enemy. "Mortals, only care about mortals."    


Of course, Zhuo Ran knew about cultivators, but she had never thought that the world of martial arts cultivators was like this.    


Cruel and bloody, filled with darkness and danger.    


What was Guan Yang's world like?    


Now she understood.    


But she did not choose to escape. On the contrary, she hugged Guan Yang even more tightly.    


It wasn't because she was cold, but because she felt that Guan Yang needed warmth. And right now, the only person that could give him warmth was herself.    


"That child... "He can't also be a martial cultivator, right?"    


When they reached the middle of Hongxiang Street, Zhuo Ran suddenly stopped and pointed to a child by the side of the road.    


Guan Yang also stopped and looked at Zhuo Ran.    


It was an eight or nine year old child, small and ragged, with hair hanging down to his shoulders.    


He (she) was sitting on the curb in a daze, noticing someone approaching and slightly looking up.    


The child's expression was very calm.    


A pair of purplish-red eyes.    


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