The Military King Is Back

C174 Force Out!

C174 Force Out!

"What do you know, Finger Fingers is one of the most common hidden weapons techniques. Easy to understand. Difficult to understand. Those children playing with glass balls on the street could be considered to have the ability to flick their fingers! But how many people can use flick fingers to hurt others? But this young man called Ye Fei had the ability to flick fingers twice. Both of them hit Tang Kuangloong in the forehead, shaking his brain. He caused a serious concussion, of course he can't get up! "    


Yamamoto Yusai spoke frankly and frankly, analyzing the match just now.    


He now had a detailed understanding of Ye Fei's strength.    


Maniac and Tang Kuangloong, these two contestants were Houtian realm martial artists. Their strength was still below the Fire Dragon.    


Ye Fei was also a Houtian realm martial artist, and he was also injured. Mad Apostle and Tang Kuangloong should have been able to fight him, but in fact, they were easily crushed by Ye Fei.    


This kind of situation shocked Yamamoto Yusai quite a bit.    


However, no matter how shocked he was, Yamamoto Yusai didn't think that Ye Fei could defeat him!    


The difference in strength was just too great!    


Tang Kuangloong lost, and was defeated by a child like Ye Fei with a flick of his brain.    


The audience in the arena was in an uproar!    


They were here to watch the match, watch the fight, not watch fake boxing, watch the performance, watch the children play around!    


The reaction of the audience was very strong, even more intense than when Ye Fei knocked down the maniac!    


A few audience members stood on chairs, raising their hands high, shouting for money to be refunded.    


The rest of the audience also echoed.    


The scene was noisy. Dog King hurriedly went downstairs to appease the crowd.    


But it was useless.    


Dog King's face was no longer useful at this moment!    


"All of you, quiet down!"    


A figure walked down from the stairs with a cold expression and deep anger hidden in his eyes!    




As if it was some kind of magic, after a loud roar, the crowd immediately fell silent. Countless gazes landed on the figure!    


"Su. Su Zongheng, Young Master Su! "    


"Why is he here?"    


"There was a rumor that young master Su was the boss behind the dog house, but he never thought that he would be here today, and that he would come out in public!"    


Everyone only dared to discuss in low voices.    


It wasn't magic, it was power, it was prestige!    


Su Zongheng was an incredible figure in both the political and business world of Huhai. Once he appeared, he firmly held the ground, and no one dared to continue talking.    


Su Zongheng, surrounded by a group of bodyguards, slowly walked to the front of the ring. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Fei. He said coldly, "Ye Fei, you have guts. You actually have such a way to force me out!"    


Su Zongheng was not a fool. Now he had seen through Ye Fei's previous two matches. It seemed like it was easy, but in fact, there were some subtle tricks hidden in it.    


Ye Fei had many ways to defeat his opponents, but he chose the most hilarious two. Especially when he flicked Tang Kuangloong's brain, it made the audience distrust Dog King to the extreme.    


Trust was a very wonderful thing. As long as the seed of doubt was planted, it would quickly take root and germinate. It would spread and grow, and trust would be lost.    


In the end, there was no trust between people!    


A dam that was a thousand miles wide would collapse like an ant's nest.    


If Su Zongheng did not appear at this moment, tonight's matter would spread out and say that his dog house was practicing fake boxing, then his underground boxing business would no longer be needed.    


Therefore, there was no other way. Su Zongheng could only step forward and suppress the situation!    


Su Zongheng was like a volcano that could erupt at any time. His original intention was to put Ye Fei on the life-and-death stage. He would treat ___ like an ant and play him to death. However, he didn't expect that this ant would force him out so easily.    


"You are... Su Zongheng!"    


Looking at this handsome and handsome young man with an extraordinary bearing and a gloomy face, Ye Fei's eyes suddenly turned cold. Lin Qingwan had guessed correctly. This young master Su Zongheng, Su, was the main culprit behind all of this. It was Su Zongheng who hid behind the scenes and had people surround and kill him time and time again. Assassinating Lin Qingwan, kidnapping Qin Xiaomeng!    


Ye Fei had never been a merciful person. On the contrary, he held a grudge, especially a life and death grudge!    


"Ye Fei, I can tell from your eyes that you really want to kill me! But, don't forget, that Qin girl is still with me! You will obediently finish the three matches according to the agreement. I'll let her go! There's still one last match left! "    


Su Zongheng's face was gloomy. He walked to the middle of the first row and sat down.    


"Young Master Su, this place... is too close!"    


Dog King reminded him from behind.    


"I want to sit here and watch Ye Fei, this little bastard, die in front of me!"    


Su Zongheng gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Fei. "I have arranged a very good opponent for you! Besides, I am a generous person. I am tired of seeing you win two matches in a row. I will let you rest for a while. "    


Ye Fei did not speak. He went down from the arena and sat by the side to rest, waiting for the next match to begin.    


Who was the next match?    


The audience was full of anticipation. They were also secretly guessing who would be able to beat this cripple if Tang Kuangloong was defeated.    


When the audience saw the contestant, they immediately cried out in shock.    


Five intrepid contestants walked onto the stage one by one and stood still on one side of the stage.    


These five contestants were familiar to the audience. Like fanatics, they were the champions in the first half of the year: Angry Wolf, Hell's Demon King, Sun God, Shark and Silent One!    


In these five months, each champion's strength was not below the fanatic's. Even the Silent One and Shark among them could compete with Tang Kuangloong in terms of strength. The cheers for the champion were extremely high.    


Now, they actually appeared on the same stage and stood on the arena together. What on earth were they trying to do?    


Could it be that Gou Lou had given up on himself and was ready to let these five people fight together, and the victor would fight Ye Fei alone?    


Or perhaps... there were other arrangements?    


No matter what, to be able to see the five-month champion appear on the stage at the same time was already enough to make the scene go crazy.    


The haze from the fake punch earlier was swept away. The audience became excited one by one. They waved their hands and shouted loudly!    


Su Zongheng beckoned with his finger to the host and instructed him. The host was stunned. He grabbed the microphone and shouted, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have waited for a long time! In the next match, it will begin soon! Our five powerful monthly champions will receive a huge challenge together! The super powerhouse from the Sunrise Kingdom of the East, Tengu!"    


This news spread across the scene and everyone was shocked by it.    


They didn't expect that the champion of five months would fight with a single person, and this person was the same as Ye Fei, a newbie that they had never heard of before.    


According to the introduction, it should be a foreigner from Japan!    


With a flash of the spotlight, a middle-aged man wearing a black martial arts uniform slowly walked out from the passageway. He wore a red "Tengu" mask on his face, and his original appearance could not be seen clearly.    


Ye Fei's pupils suddenly shrunk. This "Heavenly Dog" was walking with vigorous steps. Clearly, this Heavenly Dog was an Innate Martial Cultivator, a formidable opponent that he had never faced before!    


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