The Military King Is Back

C330 Protection Fee

C330 Protection Fee

Just as Ye Fei was taking the cash truck to the Public Security Bureau to retrieve the guns and bulletproof vests, in the Xinming District, in the Falcon Security Company.    


Mao and Tung Yeh stayed in the company.    


Tung Yeh sat at the door and yawned. "Mao, do you think we, Ye Fei, can run this company in a remote place like this? Is it reliable or not? “    




Mao was playing with his computer and answered vaguely.    


"Forget it. Anyway, I have a girlfriend. I will get married next year. I don't have to worry about anything. You, on the other hand, keep quiet all day long and play with your computer. Be careful that you won't be able to find a girlfriend after you're over thirty years old. "    


Tung Yeh laughed and sat on the chair. He chatted with his girlfriend Mei on WeChat.    


"I don't have such high expectations. There is a place for me to stay quietly without doing anything. That is the best."    


Mao said in a low voice as he played games.    


"You have low requirements. I do not know when we will be able to make the first deal. A basic salary of 4000 a month is really nothing in Huhai. I still need commission and bonuses to make Mei happy. She saw a bag a few days ago. Tsk tsk. It's more than three thousand yuan. My credit card is going crazy."    


Tung Yeh complained.    


At this moment, three vans suddenly appeared in front of the company's entrance. Six or seven people got out of each van. There were more than twenty people in total. They walked towards Tung Yeh in a grandiose manner.    


"Aiya, business is coming!"    


Tung Yeh also did not expect that business would come so quickly. He immediately stood up and welcomed these people.    


"Big brothers..."    


As soon as Tung Yeh opened his mouth, the leader of the group, a man in a leather jacket, cut him off. "This is your company?"    


As he spoke, the leather jacket led the group of people to the first floor of Falcon Security Company.    


"Hehe, I am also an employee there. I work for them."    


Tung Yeh's eyes turned cold, but he didn't show it on his face. He could tell that these people didn't come with good intentions.    


"Call your boss out!"    


The leather jacket casually walked in and sat down on the sofa. He said with slanted eyes.    


"Our boss is not here. If you have anything, you can tell me. When he comes back, I'll tell him."    


Tung Yeh said carefully.    


"The boss is not here! Hurry up and call him, tell him to come back!"    


A lackey behind the leather jacket immediately cursed.    


"Mao, call Mr Fei. Tell him to come back as soon as possible."    


Tung Yeh could tell that these people were not good people. They were thugs who were looking for trouble.    


Mao nodded and immediately called Ye Fei. But at this time, Ye Fei was talking to Lyu Danyang. His phone turned silent and he did not hear anything.    


Mao bit the bullet and said, "The boss said he will be back soon."    


The leather jacket's whole body leaned against the sofa and his feet were on the coffee table. He asked Tung Yeh, "Kid, who approved your boss opening a company here?"    


"Of course it was approved by the Huhai Industrial and Commerce Bureau."    


Tung Yeh smiled.    


"Humph, Huhai Trade and Commerce Bureau? That thing doesn't work! Setting up a company in Xinming District, no matter what company you set up, even if it's selling pickles, it has to be approved by our big brother, understand?"    


A little brother behind the leather jacket shouted very arrogantly.    


"Then you are..."    


Tung Yeh's face gradually turned cold. He could see that this group of people came to collect protection fees!    


"I am Huopao! You are doing business in my territory, how dare you not inform me?! Are you looking down on me?!"    


The leather jacket suddenly became angry. It grabbed Tung Yeh's hair and suddenly pressed him on the table.    


Tung Yeh was a veteran after all. Although his skills were not as good as Zhao Hongshuo's, he was still an expert in fighting. His hair was grabbed and his face was pressed on the table. With such a disadvantage, he reacted quickly and pushed the table with both hands.    




The table hit Huopao's stomach hard, and he screamed in pain. He bent over and laid on the table like a bent shrimp.    


"How dare you hit our boss! Brothers, let's attack together and teach this kid a lesson!"    


Seeing that Huopao was at a disadvantage, one of his subordinates waved his hand and dozens of people surrounded Tung Yeh.    


Tung Yeh punched and kicked. Under the siege of more than ten people, he did not fall into a disadvantage.    


At this time, a few people saw that something was wrong and ran back to the van. They carried a large bundle of machetes and steel pipes from the van and surrounded Tung Yeh with weapons in their hands.    


Tung Yeh could still resist bare-handed hand-to-hand combat, but the opponent had weapons. Tung Yeh obviously could not withstand it.    


Tung Yeh was careless and got hit on the back of his head. With his head bleeding, he immediately fell to the ground. He felt his vision go black. He couldn't get up for a long time. When he woke up, he was already tied up by a rope and tied to a chair.    


Mao was a messenger in the army and did not have much fighting ability. He was also knocked down and trapped with Tung Yeh.    


"Damn it, you are really good at fighting!"    


A few gangsters had bruises all over their faces. They were all just beaten up by Tung Yeh. They couldn't take it anymore. They rushed over and punched and kicked at Tung Yeh again.    


Huopao also walked over with his hands on his stomach. Obviously, he had just hit Tung Yeh. He pointed at Tung Yeh's nose and said, "You motherf * cker! How dare you fight back! Have you never heard of my name, Huopao? Don't you want to live anymore! "    


Tung Yeh spat blood on his face and said coldly, "What Big Cannon Brother? I have never heard of him!"    


"You have never heard of him. I will let you hear about him!"    


Huopao was furious. He kicked Tung Yeh in the face and broke two of his front teeth.    


"Smash it! Damn it, what kind of lousy company is this?! Smash this place for me! I won't even be able to open this lousy company! "    


Huopao roared angrily and waved his hand.    


Huopao's twenty over subordinates immediately held steel pipes and smashed at the office computer. They smashed everything that could be broken into pieces.    


Tung Yeh and Mao were tied up and could only glare at these gangsters.    


"Damn it, look, what are you looking at! If you look at me again, I'll stab you blind!"    


A gangster held a cigarette in his mouth and spat it into Mao's eyes.    


Luckily, Mao closed his eyes quickly. Even so, there was still a blister on his eyelids, burning with pain.    


Just as this group of delinquents was smashing wildly, the sound of parking came from outside.    


Zhao Hongshuo, Hsu Sande, and Qin Xiaomeng drove the cash truck back.    


Before Zhao Hongshuo entered, he saw the chaos in the company from afar. He immediately got out of the car and ran over with big steps. He was like a tank. A few hoodlums wanted to stop him, but they were all knocked away by a metal mountain.    


"How dare you smash our company! Who are you!"    


In the blink of an eye, Zhao Hongshuo had knocked down four or five people. He stood in the hall and glared at Huopao and the others.    


"Who is it? I am Huopao! You guys set up a company in my territory, yet you dare to not greet me and pay protection fees. I will smash your shop! "    


The leather jacket was slightly stunned. He originally thought that Tung Yeh was fierce enough, but he did not expect that there would be an even more fierce person!    


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