The Military King Is Back

C24 Vice President Xue Bing

C24 Vice President Xue Bing

Ariel Company.    


Lin Qingwan walked in angrily in her high heels.    


"Hello, Ms Lin."    


"Hello, Ms Lin."    


Along the way, the employees saw Lin Qingwan's unhappy expression and all of them were silent as if they were greeting each other. Their hearts were filled with bitterness.    


This Ms Lin had always been harsh. If her mood was not good, then her subordinates would suffer.    


Sure enough, as soon as Lin Qingwan entered the office, she said coldly, "All middle and upper management leaders, come to the meeting room. I have something to say."    


The leaders in the office hurriedly packed the folder and followed Lin Qingwan into the meeting room.    


The atmosphere in the entire company suddenly became very solemn. Everyone felt very stifled in their hearts, as if a huge rock had been pressed down on them.    


Unless it was one person.    


That person was Ye Fei.    


He was still dressed in casual clothes as he followed Lin Qingwan into the office. The way Lin Qingwan ate secretly just now was still in his heart. It made him feel funny in his heart, so he still had a smile on his face.    


At the door, the directors walked in one by one. Most people were not surprised when they saw Ye Fei. They knew that Ye Fei was Lin Qingwan's bodyguard.    


At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and a boot walked in. When he saw Lin Qingwan, his eyes lit up. He smiled and said, "Qingwan, I heard about yesterday's incident, so I rushed over in the morning. I didn't expect that after waiting for an entire morning, you didn't come over. Seeing that you are fine, I am relieved."    


After saying that, he looked at Ye Fei again. Is this the new security guard of our company?" he asked curiously. The higher ups were having a meeting? Why is he so undisciplined? Why is every Tom, Dick, and Harry here? "    


No one said anything. Everyone looked at the middle-aged man, Lin Qingwan, and finally Ye Fei.    


Lin Qingwan frowned slightly. This middle-aged man in a suit and shoes was the company's vice president, Xue Bing.    


In fact, before Lin Qingwan came, the general manager of Yalai Company was Xue Bing.    


When Lin Qingwan's father, Lin Hongyuan, was not famous, Xue Bing followed him. That was why the company sent him to be in charge of Yali.    


Lin Qingwan admitted that Xue Bing was a loyal person. Otherwise, he would not have followed her father for so many years.    


However, Xue Bing did not have much talent.    


The Yalai Group had been suffering losses in the Hua Country's market for the past five years. This was the proof of his lack of ability.    


His performance proved everything. Xue Bing did not have any talent, but he relied on his old age and never put anyone in his eyes. He was also very mean to his employees.    


Even in front of Lin Qingwan, he still considered himself as an uncle and did not put her in his eyes as the general manager. In terms of business, he would not let go of Lin Qingwan and drag her down, which made her very unhappy.    


Lin Qingwan hated Xue Bing very much, but he was her elder, so she could not casually criticize him.    


Lin Qingwan looked at Ye Fei.    


Ye Fei, on the other hand, had a calm expression. He did not show any dissatisfaction because of Xue Bing's words.    


The difference between a bodyguard and a security guard was only one word. In Ye Fei's opinion, the difference was not very big. As long as the 50,000 yuan salary was paid well, he would not have any objections if ___ really asked him to look at the door.    


Lin Qingwan felt slightly relieved and said, "Let me introduce. This is the company's deputy director, Xue Bing. This is the bodyguard, Ye Fei."    


"Ye Fei?"    


When Xue Bing heard this name, he was shocked. He looked at Ye Fei from head to toe.    


He had heard about it yesterday. Lin Qingwan was in her office. She was attacked by a gunman, thanks to a new bodyguard. Not only did he save Lin Qingwan, but he also helped the police catch the gunman overnight. He was very powerful and he did not know who he was.    


When he saw today that it was actually a young man who did not even have a hair on his head, Xue Bing immediately had a look of contempt in his heart.    


"Humph, Ms Lin, I have to tell you about this place. Our company is having a meeting. Can your personal bodyguard leave for a while? The content of the meeting involves a lot of commercial secrets. If it is leaked, who will be in charge then?"    


Xue Bing showed no mercy and coldly snorted, speaking loudly in front of everyone.    


Lin Qingwan frowned. This Xue Bing was getting more and more impudent. She said coldly, "Chief Xue misunderstood. Ye Fei is not the private bodyguard I hired. He is the bodyguard the company assigned to me. I called everyone over for a meeting. One of the things... It was also to inform everyone about Ye Fei's salary. It has to be paid from the company's finances. "    


"His salary must also be paid from the company's finances?"    


For a moment, everyone present discussed animatedly.    


"Ms Lin, a bodyguard, how much can he pay a month? This kind of small matter, why do we need our higher ups to hold a meeting to discuss?"    


Xue Bing looked at Lin Qingwan and his tone was somewhat sarcastic.    


"Of course I have made the decision for this small matter. I just want to tell you that Ye Fei's salary is fifty thousand a month."    


Lin Qingwan's voice was very cold.    


"How... how much?"    


"Five... fifty thousand!"    


Including Xue Bing, several senior executives stood up excitedly when they heard this number.    


The salary of these senior executives was not low either. Their basic salary was twenty thousand per month. The main reason was their performance and salary. If their performance was good, their monthly salary would easily be several hundred thousand or even a million.    


The problem was that Ye Fei's fifty thousand salary was clearly a basic salary.    


Of course, the bodyguard's monthly salary was only this small, so it was impossible for him to have any performance salary.    


However, the senior management felt that a small bodyguard's basic salary was twice their own, and it was suddenly very unfair.    


"Ms Lin, this isn't good. He's just a new bodyguard and he's only offering a basic salary of fifty thousand. We don't have much. The employees below will say whatever they want!"    


"Yes, Ms Lin. Fifty thousand per month. We can hire three or four bodyguards. They are tall and strong, and they can protect you wherever you go. With so much money, it's not worth it to hire him!"    


A few senior executives said one after another. Clearly, they felt that Ye Fei's salary was too high.    


Lin Qingwan rolled her eyes at them and thought, Do you think I want to give this kid so much money? No one could change the matter that father had decided on.    


The key was that Lin Qingwan was not satisfied with the attitudes of these people.    


She was the general manager after all, and Ye Fei's salary quota was also set by the company.    


When these people heard this, they actually tried to reject her. Clearly, they did not put her in their eyes.    


Especially Xue Bing, whose face was gloomy. He looked at Ye Fei and then looked at Lin Qingwan. He slammed the table and stood up. He pointed at Lin Qingwan's nose and shouted, "Qingwan, you usually mess around. I am too lazy to talk about you. But this time, you actually gave this kid so much salary? What virtue and ability does he have? Isn't it better to be bedridden! Under everyone's hard work, our company would rather lose money than lose money. When we were using money at the right time. Our salaries haven't been paid in two months! All for the company's sake. You, on the other hand, are going to tear down the company!"    


Lin Qingwan was stunned. She never would have thought that Xue Bing, as her elder, would... When they met privately, she would even call him uncle. She never thought that his words would be so vicious today. He was pointing fingers at the mulberry tree and cursing it. He was clearly saying that she used the company's money to support Ye Fei!    


Lin Qingwan had never suffered such humiliation!    


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