The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C274 Twenty Years Is Enough

C274 Twenty Years Is Enough

Is there any combustible stuff in the bathroom? How could it explode?    


Ye Jiangliu was confused by the information that the store manager told him. He had to figure out what was going on.    


The manager took out a surveillance video.    


"This video will explain everything. "    


On the screen was the side wall of the bathroom, and next to it was the corridor. There was no one there, so it was very quiet.    


After a minute and a second, something abnormal suddenly happened on the wall of the bathroom. It seemed to shake a few times in succession. Although it was very subtle, if one looked carefully, it was still very clear. Then, a very shocking scene appeared.    


A man directly crashed out of the wall of the bathroom. As the man flew out of the wall, the entire wall of the bathroom instantly collapsed.    


Logically speaking, it was already inconceivable for a person to be sent flying through the wall. It had to be known that it was impossible for people on television to crash into the wall and knock down the wall in reality. Humans were made of flesh and blood. It was impossible to do it when the wall was firm.    


However, even if they were really strong enough to break through the walls, the result would still be rubble flying all over the place. It definitely wouldn't be like now, where every piece of broken stone was in a neat square. This simply didn't make sense.    


The fact was that it happened right in front of your eyes, and you couldn't help but believe it.    


The person who flew out was Qiang. He lay on the ground motionlessly and rested for more than ten minutes. He spat out a mouthful of blood and then slowly got up from the ground. He supported himself with the wall and left the area of the surveillance camera.    


The other camera could clearly see Yang Jingtian with his hands in his pockets. He slowly opened the door and walked out of the room. He left in a carefree manner.    


No one knew what had happened in the bathroom. Judging from the scene, it did look like an explosion. Otherwise, how did Qiang get out of the bathroom?    


"It's him. " Ye Jiangliu recognized who Qiang was from the image.    


"Young Master Ye, do you know him?" The manager was worried about how to resolve this matter. It had only been open for a few days. Since such a thing had happened in the store, he couldn't escape his responsibility. If he didn't have a good reason to explain, he would probably have to pack up and leave. If this person was someone Ye Jiangliu knew. . . Or a good friend. Then he might be able to escape.    


The boss's friend was causing trouble in the store, so he couldn't just blame it on him!    


"Well, it's not your fault. Hurry up and find someone to deal with the wall! Within a day, it must be dealt with. Tomorrow at this time, it must be open for business. " Ye Jiangliu said.    


"Alright, I understand. I will definitely finish it. Please rest assured, Young Master Ye. "    


After Ye Jiangliu left Fruit Dynasty, he boarded his limited-edition Audi R8. He did not start the car and leave immediately. Instead, he took out his phone and edited a message.    


"Should we study the issue of compensation?"    


Ye Jiangliu did not call a question mark, but a stop. What he meant was that he wanted compensation for the other party, not a negotiable tone.    


The message was sent back very quickly. It did not express any opinions, but only left an address.    


After receiving the address, the corner of Ye Jiangliu's mouth raised slightly. He started the car and went straight to the address of the message.    


Jiangnan Building was located halfway up the only mountain in Mingzhu City City. It had a beautiful scenery and relied on its unique geographical advantage. Sitting by the window, one could see most of the beautiful scenery of Mingzhu City.    


To be able to have a meal here. . . Absolutely a blessing in life.    


Wanting to have a meal here was definitely not an easy thing. It was not that he had high expectations. It was just that every table needed to be booked, and it had already been more than half a year. An especially good spot had already been booked for more than a year. Of course, All the rules and requirements were actually set for the weak. Those who had the ability to break the rules had always been disgusted by these rules.    


For example, a top young master like Hou Ziyu, if he thought about it, there would definitely be a place here. Even if there wasn't, there would still be a place. He didn't even need to do anything. He just needed to make a phone call.    


Hou Ziyu held a cigar in his hand and stood in front of the best window in Jiangnan Tower. Behind him stood Qiang, whose face was covered in dirt and dirt. He lowered his head and stood by the side with his hands down.    


"I'm sorry, Young Master Hou. I lost. "    


"If I lost, then so be it. It's no big deal. Your injuries aren't serious, right?" Hou Ziyu turned around with a smile on his face.    


"I'm fine. It's just a superficial wound. "    


"How long do you think you'll be able to promise him if I give you more time?" Hou Ziyu was very curious. Qiang was already the strongest bodyguard by his side. It was not that there were no strong men in the family, but he could not use them now. The strongest general under him had been defeated by Yang Jingtian twice in a row.    


Ever since Qiang followed him, he had helped him do countless things. He had never failed or lost. Qiang was the War King of the War Kings, an absolute elite. However, such a figure couldn't even withstand a single blow from Yang Jingtian. Just how powerful was his opponent?    


Qiang had considered this question before. Last time, he felt that ten to fifteen days was enough. The life in the city had made him forget the bloodshed. His martial arts were either advancing or retreating. He had lived a comfortable life for too long. As a result, he had regressed. As long as he was given ten days and a half to recover to his peak state, he would definitely be able to defeat Yang Jingtian.    


But he knew that he was wrong. When he and Yang Jingtian stood in the bathroom today. He watched Yang Jingtian pull out the kitchen knife. Before he could react, Yang Jingtian had already put away the kitchen knife.    


Then, he was sent flying by the opponent's kick and crashed into a wall.    


He knew very well that Yang Jingtian's previous attacks had all landed on the wall. The wall had long been destroyed by Yang Jingtian. His final collision had caused the wall to completely collapse.    


It was really difficult to complete all of this. At least, he would never be able to do it. After this, he had completely given up. At the same time, he had also realized the gap between him and Yang Jingtian.    


The difference between heaven and earth was too great. This was no longer something that could be made up with time. If there really was a deadline.    


"About twenty years should be enough. "    


Twenty years. This result had really exceeded Ye Jiangliu's imagination. The gap between the two of them was actually so huge. However, it was still better than nothing.    


"If I give you enough time, can this time be brought forward?"    


"Young Master Hou, I'm just giving you an example. The prerequisite is that he hasn't improved at all during this period of time. Obviously, I'm afraid that this assumption won't work. He's still young, and his future is immeasurable. "    


Hou Ziyu:. . . " "    


The content came from [Miegu Reading].    


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