The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C244 Dangerous Security

C244 Dangerous Security

Isn't everything settled? Why was there bait again?    


Yu Lingloong became more and more confused as she listened to the conversation between Yang Jingtian and Yu Fuxin. Why did it feel like the matter was not over yet?    


"What are you guys talking about?"    


"When adults are talking, children should not interrupt. " Yang Jingtian said.    


"What did you say? Do you want to fight again?" Yu Lingloong wanted to roll up her sleeves but found that her clothes did not have sleeves. She could only clench her fists in protest.    


"You are not a match. "    


Yu Lingloong felt that she had been seriously looked down upon and her soul was seriously injured. If she could not beat Yang Jingtian, she could not scold him either.    


It was said that a gentleman would not use his mouth to attack, so it was better to use his mouth to attack. Ling Long was prepared to let Yang Jingtian have a taste of her teeth, but Yu Fuxin stopped the fight in time.    


"Alright, let's stop messing around for now. It's more important to deal with proper business. You just wanted me to act on purpose. There must be something else, right?" Yu Fuxin asked Yang Jingtian.    


The cooperation between the two of them had not been discussed beforehand. They did not even exchange glances, but they had a tacit understanding. Even Yu Lingloong, as a bystander, did not see what was going on.    


"Please, can you say something that I can understand?"    


"You will understand in a while. " Yang Jingtian said.    


"You have the time to say that. You have already explained it to me, right?" Yu Lingloong was about to die from anger. Yang Jingtian would rather say a lot of nonsense than explain it to her.    


"Alright, alright. I really admire the two of you. He suspected that the security guards were the ones who truly knew the secret, and the driver was just being used. " Yu Fuxin explained.    


Yu Lingloong was stunned and thought about what had just happened and could not understand.    


"If that is the case, then why did you not clean up the security and instead punished the driver! Why do I not understand? "    


"I like this kind of idiotic question. Let me answer it for you. That's because we're trying to numb the security guards' vigilance. When we put all our attention on the driver and heavily punished him, It was only then that the security guards relaxed their vigilance and thought that we made the wrong choice. Only then will he be able to give himself away. " Yang Jingtian explained to Yu Lingloong.    


"Is it necessary? Wouldn't it be better if you just admitted defeat? This is what you should do!" Yu Lingloong rolled her eyes at Yang Jingtian. Why did it feel like Yang Jingtian was always opposing her?    


"The security seems to know a little more, but it's still not enough for us to make a move. We have to wait until the final boss comes out. "    


"Why don't we wait for them to join us now? Then we'll catch them all in one fell swoop? "    


"Your brain has finally opened up. Not bad, not bad. I'll give you a thumbs up. "    


"Yang Jingtian, if you dare to mock me again, believe it or not, I'll fight you to the death. " Yu Lingloong put her hands on her hips and was about to flip out again.    


"You two can talk! I need to go upstairs to rest first. " Yu Fuxin felt that it was better to stay away from the battlefield.    


"Humph, on account of you saving us today, I will let you go first. Sister, wait for me. " Yu Lingloong also followed Yu Fuxin upstairs.    


The security guard was sent by Daloong downstairs. The security guard's house was in an ordinary residential building. It was the kind of building that could not even be called a residential area. It was produced in more than 20 houses. It was more than 20 years ago.    


The security guard got out of the car and thanked Daloong before he turned around and went upstairs.    


After he went upstairs, he saw Daloong drive away through the window of the corridor. The timid look on his face suddenly disappeared. He had a sinister smile on his face and looked a little scary under the dim light.    


The car drove far away. The security guard took off his coat and threw it into the corridor. He walked out of the corridor and quickly disappeared into the night.    


After a while, the headlights of a car lit up behind a flower bed in the neighborhood. A worn-out Santana left the building where the security guard lived.    


The security guards skillfully drove the car onto the road. The speed was not very fast. He drove the car with one hand and gently pulled on his face with his other hand. A human skin mask was pulled off.    


Behind the human skin mask was a face with a face full of sores. It was impossible to tell his age from the face. Apart from the sores, there were also a few scars that were particularly eye-catching. It was a shocking sight.    


This person was frightening just by looking at him. It could be seen from his appearance that he was definitely not a good person.    


After removing his disguise, the man took out a phone from the button of the car and quickly pressed a few numbers.    


The call quickly connected.    


"Mission failed. "    


The person on the other end of the phone was clearly very surprised. A man was a very famous killer! Why did he fail to kidnap a person?    


"She has an expert by her side. I am not a match for him. Just like that, let's wait for the next opportunity!" The man hung up the phone, rolled down the window, and threw the phone out.    


He closed the window again and stepped on the accelerator. The car made a roaring sound and quickly drove out of the city.    


When they arrived at a village in the suburbs, the man drove the car straight in and stopped in front of a farmer's door.    


After getting out of the car, he pushed open the door and walked in. The house was still lit, so there should be people inside.    


Someone inside opened the door. Although it was night, his bald head was still very conspicuous.    


"Boss, why did you come back alone?" This baldy was the baldy who slipped out of the parking lot and returned to their base camp first.    


"They can't come back. Pack up and pack up. We'll leave this place early tomorrow morning. " The man said as he walked into the house.    


"Ah? Okay, then I'll pack my things now. "    


While the baldy was packing his things, the man also took the black backpack that was thrown in the corner to the dining table. He unzipped it and took out a pistol from inside.    


After unlocking the gun and making sure that everything was working, he put the gun behind his waist. This was an extraordinary period. Although he had always disdained to use a handgun, this was an extraordinary period.    


This was the original plan. If Baldy and the others failed, then his disguised security guard would definitely be questioned. At this time, he would be able to carry out the second kidnapping. However, when he arrived at the Yu family and saw Yang Jingtian, he immediately changed his mind.    


Although they didn't fight, he could feel a strong sense of danger from the opponent. This was the professional sense of smell that he had cultivated for many years.    


No, I can't wait until tomorrow morning.    


The man had a very bad feeling that staying here would be very dangerous.    


"Are you done packing?" The man shouted at another room.    


There was no response for a long time. He could only shout again: "Are you done?"    


"Boss, it's. . . It's done, it's just. . . "    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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