The Strongest Immortal Cultivator In City

C94 I'll Pack Your Cigarette

C94 I'll Pack Your Cigarette

Yu Lingloong had never given Yang Jingtian any death orders. There must be something important this time. Although Yang Jingtian was usually a little lazy, under special circumstances, he would not be careless. Therefore, he unexpectedly appeared in the company on time, even earlier than some people.    


Yu Lingloong was already in the office. After Yang Jingtian arrived at the company, he directly carried the breakfast that Chun Xiao brought him into Yu Lingloong's office.    


"So early?" Although Yu Lingloong especially called last night, she really did not expect Yang Jingtian to come to the office so early. According to her estimations, it was already quite difficult for Yang Jingtian to come an hour earlier than usual.    


"The leader has spoken. Of course I have to come early. Have you had breakfast? Do you want to order some together? " Yang Jingtian sat down beside his desk and placed his breakfast on it.    


He opened the box and found a serving of fried dumplings and a side dish inside. The seasoning was wrapped in a small plastic bag.    


When the plastic bag was opened, the fragrance immediately overflowed.    


"Chun Xiao's craftsmanship is really not bad. Whoever marries home will earn money. " Yang Jingtian scattered the lid of the box and stuffed two dumplings into it before pushing it in front of Yu Lingloong.    


"I have eaten breakfast. This little amount of food is not enough for you to eat by yourself. " Yu Lingloong pushed the dumplings back to Yang Jingtian. "If you think she is good, you can marry her! From now on, you'll have delicious food every day. "    


"I think I'll just forget about it! I don't need anything. I can't even do a job well. I can't delay my good girl. " Yang Jingtian shook his head with a smile and stuffed a dumpling into his mouth.    


The fried dumpling was dipped in the fresh soy sauce. The juice was thick and filled his mouth with fragrance.    


"You do know your own limitations. " Yu Lingloong swallowed a mouthful of saliva. When this fellow ate, it really gave people an irresistible appetite. She could not help but want to take a bite.    


With this thought in mind, Yu Lingloong seemed to be unable to control herself. Before Yang Jingtian made his move, she pulled the two dumplings back to her and quickly swallowed them before the other party could react.    


En, delicious!    


Yang Jingtian smiled and poured some soy sauce onto the dumplings.    


"Soy sauce tastes better. There was a lot of soup in the dumpling. Don't scald it. "    


Yu Lingloong did not answer Yang Jingtian, as if she had a grudge with the dumplings in front of her, and quickly wiped them out, as if she was afraid that Yang Jingtian would snatch them from her.    


Yang Jingtian lit a cigarette and leaned comfortably on the chair, watching Yu Lingloong eat.    


Beautiful women looked good in all kinds of clothes. When they ate, they naturally looked good too. This was the true beauty of the food. The food was delicious, and people also looked delicious.    


Even if Yu Lingloong wolfed down the food, she still looked more elegant than an ordinary girl. After quickly eliminating the two dumplings, she took out a tissue and wiped her mouth.    


"Big brother, can you change to a better cigarette? This cigarette of yours is too suffocating?" Yu Lingloong placed her hand in front of her nose and fanned the smoke that was floating in front of her.    


"I am a very dedicated person. This kind of smoke has been smoked for more than ten years. Besides, I can't afford too expensive cigarettes! "    


" Stop it. You're obviously a tycoon. Here, from now on, you're only allowed to smoke like this in my office. " As Yu Lingloong spoke, she took out a well-packaged cigarette pack from the drawer of the office.    


Yang Jingtian took the cigarette and opened it. There were only two boxes of cigarettes in the box. The whole box was made of gold, and it looked heavy and metallic, but it was actually paper.    


Golden Triangle Agarwood No. 2, a combination of Vietnam's fixed grade Agarwood and the top grade cigarette box in the Golden Triangle. The taste was rich, and it smelled like smoking. The aftertaste was endless.    


The one Yu Lingloong took out was not an ordinary one. It was a top grade set. The materials inside were even better than the ordinary version. It rarely circulated in the market, and it cost at least 800 yuan per box.    


It was a very high class cigarette!    


"Uh, you gave me such a good cigarette. What if I get addicted to it? I can't take it. " Yang Jingtian shook his head and opened the packaging of the cigarette. He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.    


Yu Lingloong rolled her eyes at Yang Jingtian. She knew that Yang Jingtian would not take advantage of her. She really did not know why a man would smoke. What was there to smoke about?    


Not only was it a waste of money, but it also hurt their bodies.    


"You don't have to worry about that. As long as you finish the task I gave you today, I'll take care of all your cigarettes from now on. How about it?" Yu Lingloong said with a smile.    


Yang Jingtian's intoxicated expression instantly turned into a serious expression. He directly snuffed out the cigarette that he had only smoked twice.    


"Don't. You have invested so much. Just thinking about it made you know that the mission wouldn't be simple. I don't even know if I'll have the life to enjoy the cigarette after this. You should talk about the mission first, then smoke!"    


" Tsk, coward. Look at how scared you are, can I still make you sell yourself?" Yu Lingloong rolled her eyes.    


"Hehe, as long as you are not selling yourself. The rest is negotiable. " Yang Jingtian took out another cigarette and lit it up again. "Speak! What kind of mission is it? Why is it so mysterious?"    


"A very important client will be coming in the afternoon. I need you to personally receive him. "    


Yang Jingtian spat out a puff of smoke and raised his eyebrows. He asked with some doubt, "I'm afraid he's not an easy customer, right? I have no problem receiving him. But are you sure you want to do this? If anything happens, I'm not responsible! "    


Yu Lingloong actually handed the task of receiving him over to Yang Jingtian. It could be seen that this matter was definitely not ordinary.    


Yang Jingtian had not been in the company for long, so he only knew a little about the company. He had a very little understanding of the products. It wasn't a wise choice to ask him to meet clients!    


Yu Lingloong and Yu Fuxin were both smart girls. If that was the case, they must have some special intention to assign the task to him.    


Yang Jingtian had to ask clearly. "Who is it?"    


"We are a very important customer. Don't worry! You are not the only one receiving us, I am also receiving you. In short, you have to stay by my side at all times. If there's any special situation, just look at my eyes and act accordingly. " Yu Lingloong was actually not very clear about Yu Fuxin's intentions. Why did she let Yang Jingtian, this rookie, be in charge of receiving her?    


"Alright! After smoking such a good cigarette, you can't reject it even if you want to! When will we arrive? "    


" At 2 PM. "    


"There's still some time left. I'll be leaving first. I'll be back at two o'clock in the afternoon on time. " Yang Jingtian put the cigarette into his pocket, got up, and prepared to leave.    


"Wait, where are you going?"    


"There's something I need to take care of in the shop. I'll be back before 2 PM. "    


"You have to come back!" Yu Lingloong smiled bitterly. He had only been honest for so long and he was going to leave again!    


If it was not for something special, Yang Jingtian would not want to leave either! The problem was that something had indeed happened in the shop!    


The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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