Urban Omnipotent Son-in-law

C252 The Source of the Disaster

C252 The Source of the Disaster

Monan narrowed his eyes slightly and, with an enigmatic air, touched his nose lightly.    


Before Su Bingqing left, she had asked him to take charge of the Jinxiu Group. This was not a casual statement. Although Mo Nan was only the head of the security department, he was rarely heard of as a shareholder of the company.    


However, this did not mean that... In the company, he was blind and did not know anything.    


Not long after Su Bingqing left, he called Zhao Yann, who was also his old classmate, and briefly asked about the situation in the company.    


Zhao Yann had been in the Jinxiu Group for some time after Mo Nan's introduction. She had now been promoted to the head of the office group.    


She was a smooth person and had a good relationship with the people around her. It was better to ask her about it. It would be best to ask her about it.    


From Zhao Yann, Mo Nan learned that so many people had left this time. Someone was deliberately inciting them to leave behind the scenes. As for who it was, she, a small team leader, did not have the right to know.    


Mo Nan walked to the sofa and sat down. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He casually glanced at her and said, "Do you still have some leave reports?"    




Sun Wenwen was stunned. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Mo Nan in disbelief. She did not tell anyone about this. She did not even report anything to Su Bingqing.    


How did Mo Nan know?    


She looked at him hesitantly and nodded. "How many people are there? Their ability to work is very strong, I think..."    


Before she could finish, Mo Nan waved his hand and interrupted her. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are they?"    


Sun Wenwen did not want to say it. She was afraid that Mo Nan would be like Su Bingqing and ask these people to scram. To the company, it would undoubtedly be a snowfall.    


But facing Mo Nan's unquestionable gaze, she felt a little guilty. After struggling for a while, she finally chose to open her mouth and said, "There is Manager Zhang from the Finance Department. Manager Liu from the Sales Department and two deputy managers from the Property Department."    


Mo Nan nodded and said, "Let these people pack their things and go home!"    


Sun Wenwen heard this and was shocked. Mo Nan was indeed like Su Bingqing and really told them to scram.    




She sighed lightly. Mo Nan was now a shareholder in the company. Sun Wenwen did not dare to not listen to what he said.    


"But..." She thought about it and wanted to fight for it again, but Mo Nan did not give her the chance to speak. His face sank. He said coldly, "Is what I said useless? Or do you want me to call Director Su in front of you and ask for instructions?"    


"Ah... No... not 1." Sun Wenwen was scared to the point that her whole body shivered. She did not come to Mo Nan, who always gave people a kind and approachable impression, but she was actually so angry.    


"Then what are you still not going to do!"    


Mo Nan glared at her and said, "Call the Deputy Manager of the Finance Department. I have something to ask him."    




Sun Wenwen took a deep breath and moved her lips. She swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth. Then, she nodded and left.    


Not long after, Sun Wenwen led a twenty-seven or twenty-eight year old young man in a pair of glasses. He was thin and looked gentle.    


Seeing Mo Nan sitting in front of Su Bingqing's desk, the bespectacled Prince Charming's expression froze. He was very surprised.    


He was not unfamiliar with Mo Nan. He was the head of the security department and Su Bingqing's fiancé, but no one in the entire company would really listen to Mo Nan.    


However, at this moment, he was sitting like a boss. His slightly raised face revealed a frightening dignity, cold and solemn.    


"Mo... Manager Mo, you are looking for me?" After hesitating for a moment, said the bespectacled man, with a troubled expression.    


Mo Nan nodded slightly and said: "What's your name?"    


"Lu Zhi Ming!" He turned to look at Sun Wenwen, puzzled.    


"Then do you know who incited Manager Zhang's group to resign this time?" Mo Nan looked at them and did not beat around the bush with him. He asked directly.    


When he heard this, Lu Zhi Ming's expression froze. His eyes flashed and he didn't dare to look at Mo Nan. He lowered his head and looked a little scared.    


How could his little actions escape Mo Nan's eyes? He leaned back and switched to a comfortable position. He said lightly: "Just say it! With me here, no one can take revenge on you!"    




Lu Zhi Ming hesitantly bit his lips. He looked at Mo Nan with some uncertainty and said, "You... can you really protect me from getting revenge?"    




Mo Nan laughed softly. It seemed like this Lu Zhi Ming really knew some inside information. Mo Nan looked at him and nodded heavily. He said word by word, "You should also know my relationship with Director Su! As long as you tell me, not only will no one dare to take revenge on you, Director Su will even promote you when she comes back."    


Hearing that you can be promoted, Lu Zhi Ming was a little moved. He had entered the Jinxiu Group after graduation. It wasn't easy for him to get to his current position step by step.    


If he wanted to climb up again, besides his personal ability, he also needed someone in the company.    


And now was a great opportunity. If he could obtain Mo Nan's appreciation, then it would be easy for him to take a step closer.    


After that, he confirmed again and again that he would not do anything after what he said. He looked at Mo Nan and bit his lips. "Listen to the grapevine," he said. The reason why Manager Zhang and the others left this time was because Vice President Yan came to talk to them."    


"Vice President Yan?" Mo Nan frowned slightly and looked at Sun Wenwen. Although he had been in the company for a long time, he did not know everyone.    


Sun Wenwen hurriedly stepped forward and said, "It's Yan Kuan! He is in charge of the Sales Department and Finance Department. He is an old man in the company."    


Mo Nan nodded. He thought for a while and said again. "Do you know where they are going?" he asked. "It's not easy to find a job now."    


"I heard Vice President Yan promised them that once they leave the company, they can immediately go to the Tengda Group to work. Furthermore, their positions are higher than those in the company. " Lu Zhi Ming said.    


Hearing this, Mo Nan finally understood why so many people chose to leave. It turned out that someone had taken the opportunity to poach them.    


If it was him, when the company encountered a major crisis, there would be someone who offered a high salary to dig a hole in the wall. He would also be tempted.    


That was why he didn't hate these people, but towards Yan Kuan, the main culprit who incited these employees to leave, that was absolutely unforgivable.    


"Secretary Sun, immediately gather a few vice presidents for a meeting! I have an important matter to announce!" After thinking for a while, Mo Nan said in a deep voice.    


Sun Wenwen did not ask any more questions this time. She turned around and went to take care of the matter.    


A few minutes later, in the meeting room.    


The four vice directors of the company sat together. Everyone looked at each other with a blank expression. They did not understand why they suddenly called for a meeting.    


"Everyone. Have you heard about the matter of shareholder Zhao running away with money?" At this moment, the middle-aged man sitting in the first chair on the right looked at the other three with a smile.    


"I heard." One of the middle-aged man with short hair looked at them in surprise and nodded. "But I believe CEO Su can solve it. In this world, there is no problem Director Su cannot solve."    


It seems like this vice CEO Su Bingqing's loyal follower still firmly believes in her at this moment.    


The remaining two frowned and thought for a while. Then, they nodded in agreement. "The company has indeed encountered some difficulties, but we believe that as long as we work together, we should be able to get through this crisis."    




The middle-aged man did not mind and smiled. He looked at the three of them and said, "Director Su's ability is indeed very strong. It makes us admire her! But you guys probably don't know yet. All of this is because someone is behind our Jinxiu Group! Wanting to turn the tables is as hard as ascending to heaven!"    


Hearing these words, The three vice presidents gave him a puzzled look. The short-haired man frowned and said, "CEO Yan. What do you mean? Why don't you just say it out loud? "    


That's right. This person was the Deputy Director Yan that Sun Wenwen mentioned, Yan Kuan.    


Yan Kuan squinted his eyes and smiled. He looked at the short-haired man and said," I won't hide it from the three of you. I intend to develop in the Tengda Group! I wonder if you guys are interested in going with me? Don't worry. When we get there, you guys will still be vice presidents..."    


Yan Kuan! Director Su has always treated us well. I did not expect that you would actually say such a thing at Director Su's most difficult time. I, Du Ming, have really misjudged you. " Hearing his words, the short-haired man's face immediately darkened and he said angrily.    




Yan Kuan did not mind and grinned. He glanced at Du Ming and said, "The Jinxiu Group is already like this. Is there still a need to stay? A good bird chooses a tree to live in. I'm just choosing another master."    


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