Urban Omnipotent Son-in-law

C174 Strange Phone Call

C174 Strange Phone Call

Perhaps it was because she was worried that Mo Nan would talk too much, but before they entered the courtyard, Tang Xin seriously said a few more words to Mo Nan before bringing him into the courtyard.    


Tang Xin walked in front and at the door, she rang two bells.    


Not long after, a short-haired woman who looked to be in her forties but was well maintained and had fair skin looked somewhat similar to the girl on the phone.    


They all had big eyes and small lips.    


Mo Nan, who was standing behind Tang Xin, noticed that the woman with short hair's eyes were red. It was obvious that she had just cried.    


She saw Tang Xin and did not say anything. She opened her body and let Tang Xin walk in. When it was Mo Nan's turn, she, who had a normal expression just now, slightly frowned and deliberately sized up Mo Nan.    


"He's the one who picked up Snowy's phone." Perhaps she was afraid that the other party wouldn't let Mo Nan in, but Tang Xin, who was about to walk into the living room, suddenly turned her head and explained to the short-haired woman.    


Only then did the short-haired woman feel relieved and let Mo Nan in.    


After entering the room, Mo Nan sized up the room. The decorations inside were very ordinary and there were not many luxury goods. It looked very simple.    


However, it was very clean.    


After Mo Nan went in, he naturally picked up the shoe covers on the shoe cabinet and put them on his feet. Then, he walked in.    


When he came to the living room, he found a person sitting in the living room. This person surprised him. It was actually Ye Lan from the Lin Group.    


Apart from her, there was also a boy that Mo Nan knew.    


He sat beside Ye Lan. When he saw Mo Nan walk in, he frowned slightly. He turned his head unhappily, as if he did not want to see Mo Nan.    


Seeing his attitude, Mo Nan touched his nose indifferently and followed Tang Xin to the living room. He casually sat opposite Ye Lan and the others.    


After Tang Xin sat down, she slightly frowned and looked at the boy in front of her with a worried expression. She said, "Xiao Yu. Little aunt is not here yet?"    


That's right. The boy that surprised Mo Nan was Tang Yu.    


Ye Lan's appearance here had surprised him enough. He did not expect Tang Yu to be here as well.    


This made Mo Nan somewhat confused about the background of the owner of this small mansion. It seemed very mysterious.    


Tang Yu shook his head and didn't say anything.    


Looking at his sitting posture, he straightened his back and put his hands under his thighs. His face was serious. He was not as casual and arrogant as he was in school.    


Instead, he was very restrained, giving people a feeling of being upright and sitting down.    


Mo Nan looked at him curiously. Even Tang Yu, who was tainted by hair, was Sun Wukong's devil king. He had to be so restrained here that he did not dare to act rashly.    


Then who was this master?    


Just as he was curious, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from the stairs. Mo Nan looked back curiously and saw a beautiful woman in white clothes walking down the stairs. She looked mature.    


She came to the living room and looked at Mo Nan and the other three sitting there. She first nodded at Ye Lan, then looked at Tang Yu and Tang Xin.    


Finally, her eyes fell on Mo Nan, whom she did not know. She looked at Mo Nan and her pupils slightly contracted. She deliberately looked at Mo Nan.    


After a long while, she opened her mouth and said, "Are you the person who picked up Snowy's phone?"    


The cold voice was very cold, like the biting cold wind in winter, without any emotion.    


Mo Nan looked up and nodded. "It's me!"    




She nodded gently and took out a photo. She did not show it to Mo Nan, but held it in her hand. "Take Snowy's car. Is it this one?"    


Mo Nan looked at the car. It was dark in the park. To be honest, it was dark. He did not see it very clearly.    


However, the car's light in the photo reminded him of the van very quickly. Although he did not see it very clearly, the car's light that was about to fall left a deep impression on him.    


After confirming that there was no mistake, he nodded and said, "It's this car."    


Because when he arrived, the van quickly retreated. When he was running, he heard a rumbling sound, as if it had hit something. Then, he saw the car lights in front of him clearly shake twice, almost falling off.    


The long-haired beauty looked at Mo Nan with a pair of sharp eyes, as if she could see through Mo Nan's heart and lungs. She stared at him for a long time, which made Mo Nan's hair stand on end.    


He almost couldn't hold it in anymore and wanted to stand up and say something. "What are you looking at?"    


At this moment, the long-haired beauty acknowledged and didn't say anything. She turned around and went back upstairs.    


Mo Nan did not know whether to laugh or cry because of her. Tang Xin had picked him up from the school in a hurry. It was to confirm if it was that car.    


She was so nervous that she thought there was something important.    


Suddenly, he was sitting on the sofa. At this moment, the short-haired woman who opened the door for them walked over with two cups of tea.    


One cup was passed to Tang Xin and the other to Mo Nan.    


Then, she stood by the side and did not leave. She looked at Mo Nan and looked like she wanted to say something but wanted to say something. After a long while, she bit her lips and choked, "Thank you!"    


Her sudden words of thanks made Mo Nan very embarrassed.    


At that time, if he was a little faster, he might have saved her.    


There was no need to go through so much trouble.    


Now, he did not do anything. Instead, she thanked him. He smiled awkwardly and looked at the short-haired woman. "Auntie. Don't worry too much. Your daughter will be fine."    


Tang Xin, who was sitting next to him, glared at him unhappily. She was full of reproach.    


The short-haired woman was stunned and looked at Mo Nan in surprise.    


No one introduced herself to Mo Nan when he entered the room. How did he know that she was Snowy's mother?    


Although she was curious, she did not have the nerve to ask. She forced a smile and nodded to Mo Nan. She said softly, "I'm sorry for asking you to come over so late at night. I thank you on behalf of Old Xiao."    


Mo Nan smiled and shook his head. The Old Xiao she spoke of should be the father of the kidnapped girl.    


What was strange was that Mo Nan had been here for a while. Other than the short-haired woman and the long-haired beauty, he did not see anyone else.    


Could it be that they were all secretly discussing how to save people on the second floor?    


Just as he turned to look at the second floor curiously, his phone suddenly rang. It was not his, but the girl's.    


He took it out and frowned. It was an unknown number.    


Tang Xin's eyes lit up when she saw the phone he took out. She snatched it away. She was about to answer the phone when Mo Nan suddenly stopped her. "Turn on the speaker!"    


Tang Xin nodded and then picked up the phone.    


The atmosphere in the living room suddenly became solemn. Everyone stared at the phone that Tang Xin placed on the coffee table in front of them. Their expressions were solemn and no one spoke.    


At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded from the phone. It sounded a little sinister, "Kid. I know that girl's phone is in your hands! You'd better not interfere in this matter and mind your own business! "It won't do you any good!"    


After saying this baffling sentence, he hung up the phone.    


When Tang Xin called again, it was an empty number.    


Mo Nan's expression became serious. Since the other party had kidnapped the girl, shouldn't they contact her family immediately? Why would they call to warn him not to care about this matter?    


Could it be that he saw Man In Black who kidnapped the two girls in the park and made the other party wary? So he called to warn him?    


That shouldn't be the case!    


At that time, it was so dark in the park. He only saw two Man In Black. As for what they looked like, he, who was in a hurry to save them, didn't see anything.    


Even if he was worried, there was no need to call to warn him.    


Moreover, he did not manage to save them at that time, and they did not know what they were doing.    


Mo Nan really did not understand. He turned his head to look at Tang Xin with a puzzled look and said, "Officer Tang, this matter is a little strange. What do you think?"    


Tang Xin nodded and said seriously. "From the other party's tone, it seems that he is somewhat afraid of you! You fought with them?"    


Mo Nan frowned slightly when he heard that. If they were afraid of him, then what were they afraid of?    


He looked at Tang Xin. He shook his head and said, "When I arrived, they were already in the car and ready to escape! I was a step too late and still let them escape. They did not exchange blows."    


That's strange!    


The two of them only met and did not fight. The other party called to warn Mo Nan. What was the purpose of this?    


The expressions of the people present became serious and ugly. Their hearts were full of question marks.    


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