Urban Omnipotent Son-in-law

C100 This Love Can be Considered a Memory

C100 This Love Can be Considered a Memory

"Lee Zhaohui! Don't go too far!"    


Shao Binn's face darkened. He looked at Lee Zhaohui unhappily and said word by word, I, Shao Binn, am not someone you can bully as you wish! Don't say that I can't beg you, even if something happens, I will still look for Mo Nan! In my eyes, the Tengda Group isn't even a fart."    


As the vice principal of Wan City High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, it was usually others who begged him to do things.    


"Who doesn't want to go to school and ask him, the vice principal, for help?    


Unexpectedly, he was humiliated by his old classmate today. This made Shao Binn very angry.    


It's fine if you show off in front of others, but now you actually dare to show off in front of me, Shao Binn. Do you really think that I, Shao Binn, am easy to bully?    




After saying that, Shao Binn snorted coldly.    


"Shao Binn! I want you to apologize immediately! Otherwise, I will file a complaint in the name of the company!" Lee Zhaohui said coldly.    


He was annoyed.    


Among these students, other than Mu Hanyan, who else could not curry favor with him?    


Unexpectedly, Mo Nan had just mocked him with his words, and then Shao Binn jumped out again. He openly did not give him face. This was slapping his face.    


He was trying to embarrass him on purpose!    


How could he mess around in front of these classmates in the future?    


When he heard Lee Zhaohui say that he wanted to complain, Shao Binn's expression changed. He was still a little worried and afraid in his heart. According to what he knew, the Tengda Group donated money to the Education Department every year.    


If the Tengda Group really used the company's name to complain to the Education Department, then he might get into trouble.    


However, he had already said it. It was like pouring water. How could he take it back?    


Not to mention asking him to apologize to Lee Zhaohui. That was even more impossible.    


Shao Binn gritted his teeth. Just as he was about to say something, he saw that he had been dragged into this mess because of him. Mo Nan felt very upset that Shao Binn might even be punished.    


He felt that he was the one who had harmed Shao Binn.    


He stood up and suppressed the anger in his heart. He took the wine cup from Shao Binn's hand and looked at Lee Zhaohui. He said indifferently, "Class leader. I will drink this glass of wine!"    


Lee Zhaohui threatened Shao Binn with a complaint. In order to ignore him, Mo Nan had to step back for the time being.    


"Mo Nan!" Seeing Mo Nan raise his head and drink the whole cup of wine, Shao Binn, who was beside him, tried to stop him.    


Mo Nan waved his hand and shook his head. "It's okay."    


Then, he put down his wine glass and looked at Lee Zhaohui. "Is this okay?"    


"Yes," Lee Zhaohui said.    


Lee Zhaohui smiled complacently and sat down again with a satisfied look on his face. He did not drink the wine in his hand at all.    


Even a fool could tell that he was doing this on purpose to disgust Mo Nan.    


Mo Nan drank it, but he did not drink it.    


He meant to show everyone that Mo Nan did not have the right to drink with Lee Zhaohui.    


Although everyone could see it clearly, no one stood up to speak for Mo Nan.    


Only Shao Binn glared at him with a look of dissatisfaction. He wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mo Nan.    


Then he looked at Shao Binn and shook his head slightly, indicating that he should let it go. There was no need to argue with such a petty person over such a small matter. Shame!    


Only then did Shao Binn give up. He sat down again in a huff.    


"Mo Nan. Jinxiu Group is a big company." After Mo Nan sat down, Mu Hanyan smiled at him and said happily, "It's amazing that you can enter the Jinxiu Group."    




Mo Nan laughed awkwardly and said, "I was just lucky."    


"Luck is also a kind of strength!" Mu Hanyan laughed even more, like the sun in spring, making people entranced.    


She smiled and said, "According to what I know, Director Su of Jinxiu Group has very strict requirements for subordinates. Working under her is very stressful, isn't it?"    


"Not bad. Director Su is good to us employees. She even gave us bonuses yesterday." Mo Nan touched his nose and smiled.    


Mu Hanyan nodded and said, "In terms of strength, the Tengda Group is slightly stronger than the Jinxiu Group. However, when it comes to treatment, I'm more inclined to the Jinxiu Group."    


When she said this, she paused for a moment. A pair of bright eyes looked at Mo Nan and said with a smile, Director Su from the Jinxiu Group is a famous beauty in Wan City. Do you have a crush on her?"    


Mo Nan immediately understood when he heard that. Mu Hanyan had said so much. Actually, what he wanted to say the most was the last sentence. She was trying to find out what he was trying to say.    


Looking at Mu Hanyan, who was clearly tensed up after saying those words and looked a little nervous and expectant, Mo Nan secretly sighed in his heart.    


It was the hardest to accept the favor of a beauty!    


These words were really true. Mo Nan was not a fool. From the moment Mu Hanyan entered the house until now, all of her actions made him see that this breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of him still had feelings for him.    


Otherwise, she would not beat around the bush and ask if he had a crush on Su Bingqing.    


Mo Nan did not want to say much about his own matters. After thinking for a while, he shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Director Su is so beautiful, how could she possibly take a liking to me?"    




When she heard these words, Mu Hanyan clearly heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. Her tensed body also relaxed and the smile on her face became even wider. She looked at Mo Nan and said, "Then you must have a girlfriend?"    


Mo Nan shook his head and did not say anything.    


He did not have a girlfriend yet. Could it be...    


All of a sudden, a ripple appeared in Mu Hanyan's heart and it was somewhat throbbing.    


The reason why she appeared here today was because she did not know from Shao Binn last night that Mo Nan, who had disappeared for a few years, would appear in today's reunion.    


That was why she pushed aside the important matters and rushed over.    


It was to see the person she once met.    


This love could be considered as reminiscing, but she'd already been lost at that time.    


If she was given another chance, she would definitely not let go and let this man in front of her slip away from her side again.    


But was it really that simple?    


Looking at Mo Nan, Mu Hanyan moved her lips and was about to say something. At this moment, the phone in her purse suddenly rang.    


She took it out and took a look before hanging up.    


"Why aren't you picking it up?" Mo Nan asked curiously.    


Mu Hanyan shook her head, unwilling to explain.    


However, the other party seemed to have an urgent matter and quickly called again. Mu Hanyan still hung up.    


This repeated several times, making Mo Nan feel puzzled. He said, "You should take it. It might be an urgent matter."    


Mu Hanyan frowned and was a little angry. When her phone rang again, she angrily picked up the phone and said, "Dad. Don't talk about that matter anymore. I will not agree."    


After that, she hung up the phone again and turned it off.    


Her actions made all the students present puzzled.    


In their hearts, Mu Hanyan, who had always been like a princess, actually had something to worry about.    


But what exactly was it that made her so angry?    


Seeing that she hung up the phone, she was depressed. Mu Hanyan drank two glasses of wine in a row. Mo Nan felt a little upset. He quickly reached out and grabbed the glass from her hand.    


"Stop drinking!" Mo Nan took a deep breath and looked at her. "Borrowing wine to ease worries is even more worrying! "Tell me what you need. Maybe everyone can help you?"    


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