Provocative Beauty



The next morning, Zhang Hao caught a tractor and rushed to the city.    


Looking at the vegetables and fruits that Wu Yu had asked him to carry behind the tractor, Zhang Hao was looking forward to meeting Liu Yufeng.    


After arriving at the county town, Zhang Hao called for a three-wheeled vehicle and arrived at the address given by Wu Yu. He arrived in front of a house in the Lucky District.    


He knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" The crisp voice of a woman came from inside.    


"Aunt, I'm Zhang Hao. My Brother Yu has asked me to come and bring you something." Zhang Hao said respectfully.    


He and Wu Yu were distant relatives, so it was only right to call Liu Yufeng his aunt.    


After a while, the door opened from the inside. Zhang Hao saw Liu Yufeng through the security door.    


A woman in her thirties was standing inside the door. Her fair skin was so fragile that even the wind could blow on it. Her nose was high and straight.    


She was dressed in ordinary clothes, but it couldn't hide her impressive figure.    


As she breathed, the peaks on her chest rose and fell. That tempting sight made Zhang Hao's heart burst into flames with a 'whoosh'.    


Seeing Zhang Hao, Liu Yufeng's expression was extremely cold. "What are you doing here?"    


"I came to the city to buy some things. Brother Yu told me to bring some food and fruits along the way."    


Zhang Hao pointed at the item placed by the door.    


When Liu Yufeng saw the item, her expression eased a lot.    


"You can leave your things by the door."    


Zhang Hao had originally wanted to seize this opportunity to get close to a noblewoman like Liu Yufeng, but he never expected that Liu Yufeng wouldn't even let him in the door.    


"Damn, bitch."    


He cursed in his heart, but he did not dare to show any displeasure on his face. He still wore the same smile on his face.    


"Alright, Aunt, I'll be leaving first."    


Liu Yufeng replied in a lukewarm tone.    


Zhang Hao turned around and walked outside. He had no idea how many times he had pressed Liu Yufeng down to the ground.    


Only after Zhang Hao arrived at the seed fertilizer market did the anger in his heart dissipate.    


He strolled around the market and bought everything he needed. He then found the person who brought him to the same village in the county.    


After putting everything on the tractor, Zhang Hao thought about what to do.    


He thought for a moment and decided to go and have a meal first. Then, he would go to the shopping mall and see what he could buy for Lil Mei.    


To be honest, after so many bed contacts, Zhang Hao had really fallen for Xiaomei.    


After grabbing a few mouthfuls of rice, Zhang Hao came to the shopping mall.    


Looking at those colorful ladies' outfits and all kinds of cosmetics, Zhang Hao felt dazzled.    


When he looked at the price once again, he felt his heart ache.    


Luckily, he had the twenty thousand dollars that Wu Yu gave him. Otherwise, he wouldn't even be willing to go shopping.    


Under the persuasion of the sales clerk, Zhang Hao bought a set of cosmetics and spent more than two thousand yuan on it.    


However, when he saw Xiaomei's happy look while holding the cosmetics, Zhang Hao felt that it was worth it.    


Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Hao was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with his fellow villagers' tractor, so he hurriedly walked out of the shopping mall.    


From afar, he saw a familiar figure. Wasn't that the arrogant Liu Yufeng from today?    


Liu Yufeng had a headache. Today, she had gone to the shopping mall on a whim. The result was that she had bought too many things, so she couldn't take them with her.    


Her husband took her children on a trip, what should she do?    


She held the merchandise she had bought in her arms and tried to walk outside.    


However, just as he took two steps, the items in his arms fell to the ground with a crashing sound.    


She frowned as she looked at the scattered items on the floor.    


"Aunt, what's wrong with you?" Do you need my help? "    


Liu Yufeng was stunned. She turned around and realized that Zhang Hao was behind her.    


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