Live-In Son-in-Law

C9 Xue Ming

C9 Xue Ming

A few minutes after I left, a burly figure walked into the room.    


When Xu Long saw this person, he immediately became excited: "Brother Ming, you're finally here!"    


The person who came was the third year's Xue Ming. It was the person Xu Long had asked to meet with.    


Xue Ming saw the scene inside and discovered that there weren't any women. He immediately became angry: "Xu Long, didn't you say you'd send a girl over for me? Where's the girl?"    


Xu Long's snot and tears immediately flew out, "Brother Ming, you came a step too late. The girl was stolen away."    


"Who dares to snatch my girl? "If I don't beat the crap out of him, where is he now?"    


Xu Long hurriedly rubbed his nose. "His name is Wang Cheng. Every day, he would come to pick An Guo up from school. We can squat him."    




I drove away from KTV with Ang, but it was impossible for him to go back now, so I had to find a small hotel.    


An Guo's condition was much worse than I expected. Her entire body was burning, her skin was red, and her eyes were blurred. She was lying on the bed as she slowly twisted, looking for an opening to vent the heat in her body.    


A series of moans came from her throat. Even though her body hadn't fully grown out yet, it was still filled with temptation. I was entranced for a moment as I subconsciously swallowed my saliva.    


An Guo seemed to still have some consciousness. When she noticed me by her side, she immediately scolded, "Are you still looking?!"    


It was a pity that his reprimanding tone turned extremely ambiguous the moment he said it.    


"If you say so, I will think you are urging me to do something."    


"If you dare touch me, you're dead."    


It's fine if you don't want to say it, but when you say it, I couldn't resist.    


You've already made things difficult for me a few times, and now that I've saved you, you still want to threaten me?    


I won't touch you, I'll frighten you, okay?    


Smiling mischievously, I rubbed my hands together and moved closer, just like a gangster who saw a flower girl in a anti-Japanese drama.    


"You can't move right now. Even if you touch me, what can you do to me?"    


As I said this, I placed a hand on her buttocks. It was soft and elastic, just too comfortable.    


Ang was so ashamed that he wanted to curse, but the moment he opened his mouth, it turned into an ambiguous moan.    


After being angered by this little girl for this period of time, I obviously wouldn't just let it go like this. I simply sat on the side of the bed and placed her on my lap.    


"You want to file a complaint?"    


"You want to kick me out of the Su Clan, right?"    


Let me ask, give it a try, the heart is really very carefree.    


But gradually, Ang Ge's moans became more and more coherent, full of humiliation and pleasure.    


She was lying all over my lap again, against my skin, and the heat seemed to spread over me, and my breathing grew ragged.    


The slapping force on her hand became smaller and smaller. Eventually, it simply became a caress and she unconsciously touched her thigh.    


An Guo was still young, and her thighs were smooth and tender. It was enough to make one's blood boil.    


I couldn't help but have some reaction.    


An Guo was also aware of this. She originally wanted to struggle, but then she suddenly froze.    


If things were to continue like this, something might really happen. I quickly helped her up, but I didn't expect her to directly wrap her arms around my neck, exhale hot air, and her eyes became misty.    


The strong effect of the pill had swallowed all of her rationality, leaving her with only the desire to live on.    


"Wang Cheng... "Give me …"    


I knew very well that if I did something to her now, when she complained afterwards, I would definitely be in trouble.    


But in this situation, who could bear it? It was too torturous.    


Angus stuck out his tongue and licked me lightly on the neck, and I shivered.    


She sat on top of me, her little butt constantly moving, following her instincts to stroke my body.    


"Wang Cheng, I feel so uncomfortable …"    


I left her on the bed, looking at her.    


But if I really do it, I can only wait for death. I can only use my hands to take care of her.    


After working hard for a while, An Guo finally slowly calmed down. She collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep.    


Breathing heavily, I sat to one side and looked at the water that ran from my palm all the way to my elbow.    


Was this medicine that powerful? How could the quantity be so huge?    


After resting for a moment, I looked at An Guo, who was still naked on the bed, and am still a little worried.    


Even though I used my hands, it's hard to say if she remembered An Guo's state of mind. I have to keep some insurance for myself.    


After thinking for a moment, I took out my phone and took a photo of An Guo.    


In that case, if she dares to sue me, at least I have a bargaining chip against her. Although this was not a kind act, there was no other way.    


After packing up, I called back and said that An Guo had gone to her classmates' house to play. I would find a hotel nearby to sleep for the night and send her straight to school tomorrow.    


After doing all this, I could finally rest, but I was in trouble again.    


There were only two beds in this room. One of them was already in a mess, leaving behind only one bed.    


There was no other way. They could only squeeze.    


The next morning, I was awakened by a deafening scream.    


Before I could fully wake up, I was suddenly slapped in the face.    


He saw An Guo grab the blanket and stare at me with tears in her eyes.    


"You bastard! I want to tell my mom that I want you dead! "    


I hastily waved my hands. "You misunderstand!" "Think about it, I really didn't touch you last night."    


An Guo's breathing quickened as she tried to recall her memories, but she managed to calm down a little.    


I heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that she hadn't forgotten.    


"But you... You used your hand too. " Ang said.    


"Eldest Miss, you were drugged last night. This is already the best way. I can't possibly find a random man for you, right?"    


Ang was silent for a while, and finally calmed down, accepting this reason.    


But very quickly, he became angry again, "That bastard Xu Long, how dare you drug me."    


In fact, An Guo didn't faint yesterday. It was just because she drank wine and medicine that she became like that. She still knew what had happened. She had heard every single word of Xu Long's shameless words.    


As he spoke, he looked at me and his face reddened. "Since you saved me, I will let this matter go. However, you have to help me teach that bastard Xu Long a lesson."    


I heaved a sigh of relief, but was still a bit troubled. "But Xu Long is in school and I can't enter. You're not asking me to go and squat down in front of him, are you?"    


An Guo snorted, "That's too vulgar. I want you to teach him a lesson in broad daylight and in public. I have a way to get you to school. "    


"What method?"    


"You'll know when we get back tonight."    


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