Live-In Son-in-Law

C20 Snakehead

C20 Snakehead

Right now, Jiang Wei definitely thinks there's something wrong with my head. She knows Xue Ming will take revenge, but she still brazenly comes to take revenge. There's no difference between this and courting death.    


"Wang Cheng, what's the need for you to do this? "Don't ruin yourself for a moment of face." Jiang Wei looked at me, serious and serious.    


I can only smile, this matter really isn't because of face.    


I've already told An Yunxuan about this before. She knows what I want to do when I return to school this time, so she specifically gave me two hundred thousand yuan to deal with this – after all, I'm quite familiar with this kind of thing.    


And I am quite straightforward, two hundred thousand is enough for Chen Wei to make a move, and it is also perfectly justified.    


I went on to school just to lure the snake out of its hole.    


"Teacher, you only need to give An Guo a leave of absence."    


Seeing that I stressed the issue again, Jiang Wei couldn't refuse and had to grant An Guo a leave of absence.    


At noon, I'll let Ang go back first.    


After school in the afternoon, I was packing up when Jiang Wei walked in and patted my shoulder.    


A conflicted and unwilling expression appeared on her face as she looked at me, "Will you be in danger if you go back like this?"    


Although I did think that Xue Guang and the others would come looking for me today, it was most likely impossible. Thus, I smiled and said, "I'm fine."    


A hint of anger suddenly appeared on Jiang Wei's face. "Are you really going to ignore your own safety?"    


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Teacher, why are you looking for me?"    


Jiang Wei bit her lips and asked tentatively, "Why don't you come with me? After all, I'm a teacher at Fangmu High School. They shouldn't dare to do it so brazenly."    


For a moment, I was speechless. It seemed that this teacher really didn't understand the dangers of the world, and Xue Guang and the others weren't hooligans that could be seen everywhere on the streets. Even if you were the principal, it would still be useless.    


However, in the end, it was all due to my good intentions, so I couldn't bear to poke a hole through her.    


"Teacher, there's really no need."    


Unexpectedly, Jiang Wei suddenly became unyielding. "No way!" You're my student, so I have to take responsibility for you. "    


Jiang Wei is actually about the same age as me, but she looks very petite. She's about 1.6 meters tall, and has a baby face and short white sleeves.    


With that expression, it was truly a strange and funny thing to say to me earnestly that you were responsible for me.    


Thinking that nothing would happen today, she decided to fulfill her responsibility and said, "Alright, then I'll thank you first, teacher."    


She smiled with some satisfaction and led me into the car.    


Not long after we left school, I was acutely aware that a motorcycle was quietly following us.    


From the looks of it, they must have been sent here to investigate. Xue Guang should have guessed that we would no longer have regular classes, and wanted to find out where our home was.    


Considering the current situation, they definitely could not let them find out about it. Furthermore, they could not lead any trouble to Teacher Jiang Wei's house.    


After some thought, I looked at Jiang Wei. "Teacher Jiang, take a left turn at the front."    


If I remember correctly, there was an alley over there.    


Jiang Wei was a little puzzled. "Isn't that the way back? What are you planning to do?"    


"I'll explain it to you later."    


Jiang Wei stopped asking questions and stopped at the entrance of the alleyway. Then, she got off the car and followed me inside.    


By this time, Jiang Wei had also noticed me. She asked me somewhat nervously, "Is someone following us?"    


I nodded. Jiang Wei was a little scared when she saw this. Hurry up and go, or call the police? "    


"No need, there seems to be only one."    


We were hiding in the shadows of the alley when, sure enough, someone walked in.    


I originally wanted to sneak attack him, but this guy was very alert. When he heard there was a movement, he immediately retreated and pulled out a dagger.    


"I didn't expect you to find out."    


I covered Jiang Wei behind me and looked at him coldly. "Xue Guang told you to come, didn't he?"    


The man laughed coldly, "I let you go last time. I didn't think you would dare to beat Brother Guang into that state. You're dead for sure."    


I ignored him. "Are there any other followers?"    


"You think I would?"    


"No, that's why I wanted to use some extreme methods."    


After finishing my sentence, I immediately shot towards him. With a tap of my foot, my other leg ferociously kicks towards his head.    


The man's expression changed drastically as he hurriedly raised his arm to block. However, it was unable to stop my strength and he was forced to take a few steps back.    


The fact that Xue Guang was able to send this person out showed that he was quite capable. However, after a brief contact, he immediately judged that he couldn't beat me. He swept his leg across the puddle of water on the ground, immediately causing a large amount of sewage to be poured into it.    


I quickly dodged, but Jiang Wei, who was behind me, was immediately soaked in the dirty water.    


That fellow took advantage of the opening and threw out the dagger in his hand. However, his target wasn't me, but … Jiang Wei, who was behind him!    


That guy ran away as soon as he finished throwing the dagger. Jiang Wei just stood there in a daze, watching the cold dagger approach.    


Fortunately, that guy didn't aim in the middle of his panic, so the dagger dangerously flew over Jiang Wei's head.    


After hesitating for a moment, I couldn't catch up with her anymore, so I could only give up and walk to Jiang Wei's side.    


"Are you okay?"    


Jiang Wei was frightened to death. She rested for a while before answering. However, her expression was a bit ugly. "I'm fine."    


After saying that, she looked at her dirty clothes and became even more worried. "I think I'll go back and change my clothes first."    


I scratched my head. "I'm afraid not. I don't know if anyone else will follow. We can't go back tonight. If they find out the address, we'll be in trouble."    


Jiang Wei said with a sad face, "Then what do we do?"    


"Let's find a hotel to work at tonight. I'll wash your clothes at the hotel and dry them tomorrow as well."    


Jiang Wei thought for a moment and could think of no other way. "I guess that's the only way."    


It seemed that Jiang Wei was truly frightened and wanted to pull me away. However, she was afraid that she would appear to be too intimate. Thus, she only dared to closely follow me while trembling and coming out together with me.    


As soon as I came out, I was startled by the sudden appearance of a cat. It screamed and threw itself into my arms.    


He was swearing to protect me previously, but I didn't expect him to become like this in the blink of an eye.    


"Don't be afraid, it's just a cat."    


She tensed and stood up again, but she didn't dare let go of my hand.    


There happened to be a hotel nearby. He asked for two rooms and went upstairs.    


Standing at the door, Jiang Wei suddenly pulled me back. With some panic still lingering in her eyes, she asked, "Wang Cheng, those people won't come, right?"    


I thought for a moment, then shook my head. "It's hard to say, but I'm sure they know we're here."    


Jiang Wei panicked a little. "Then they won't come tonight, right?"    


"That's a possibility."    


Jiang Wei was close to tears. "What should we do then?" Why don't you come to my room tonight? "    


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