Live-In Son-in-Law

C26 Venting

C26 Venting

I looked at Lin Xi beside me and slightly narrowed my eyes.    


"The injuries on your body were caused by these guys?"    


Seemingly sensing my anger, Lin Xi pulled at me in fear. "It's them, but don't be too angry …" You must not be impulsive. "    


I was suddenly speechless. Was I an impulsive demon or something in her heart?    


On the other hand, Liang Ye laughed out loud, "Continue acting! Just look at his cowardly face. He still dares to kill people. He doesn't even dare to kill chickens!"    


"You really have courage." Today's incident has made me very upset, and I just need an outlet to vent my anger. If you bump into me now, don't blame me for being cruel.    


Who would have thought that upon hearing my words, the surroundings would burst into laughter.    


"Did I hear it right? He's actually provoking Liang Ye?"    


"Does he really think he is someone who can seduce girls? He actually dares to provoke Liang Ye."    


"That's one of the few people in our school that we shouldn't offend. This pretty boy got into trouble today."    


When Liang Ye heard these words, he became even more pleased with himself, "Did you hear that? Now, when I'm in a good mood, kowtow to me. I might let you go."    


"Is that so?" I only smiled faintly as my muscles slowly tensed, preparing to strike with Lightning Strike.    


At this moment, another person ran out from the crowd.    


"Brother Cheng, I got it." Xu Long came running to me with his head covered, as if to claim credit.    


He finally noticed Liang Ye. He froze for a moment, then pointed at him with his finger. "It's this guy, the one who hurt Lin Xi."    


When Liang Ye saw Xu Long, the domineering expression on his face weakened a bit. "Xu Long, didn't you seduce Xue Ming? Could this person be Xue Ming's friend?"    


Xu Long finally realized that the atmosphere wasn't right, "Brother Cheng, what's going on?"    


I casually glanced at him. "This guy wants me to kneel down before him."    


Upon hearing this, Liang Ye was immediately excited, "What?" Xu Long looked at Liang Ye as he spoke.    


"You think you're qualified to say that?"    


Liang Ye's face immediately turned dark.    


He was afraid of Xue Ming, but Xu Long was just a lackey of Xue Ming. How dare he talk to him like that?    


"Xu Long, do you want to die?"    


Xu Long acted like a lowly person who had achieved his goals, "Do you know who this is?"    


Liang Ye gave a few of his lackeys a look, and the lackeys immediately touched their waists. It seemed like they also had their weapons with them.    


"I wanted to know who he was, to make you suck up to him like that."    


"He is Wang Cheng!"    


"Wang Cheng?" Liang Ye and his underlings looked at each other and saw the doubt in their eyes.    


Liang Ye felt like he had been played by a fool. He flew into a rage out of embarrassment, "What Wang Cheng, Zhang Cheng? Arrest him!"    


Jiang Wei finally could not hold it in anymore. She was a teacher, and she absolutely could not allow something like this to happen in front of her.    


But I stopped her first, and in the next instant, I was already flying out and kicking the nearest person.    


With a blood-curdling screech, this person was sent flying. When the others saw this, they instantly became hostile. They took out daggers and short staves from their waists and rushed towards me in unison.    


Today, I was also very angry. After so many things that happened in this period of time, my heart was not feeling good. It just so happened that I could vent this out.    


I threw a punch and kicked, dodging to the side. The actions of these people posed no threat to me at all. I continuously weaved through them, and every time I attacked, there would be an accompanying scream.    


The sound of fists colliding with each other caused the surrounding people's hearts to palpitate with fear. It was about this time that someone finally remembered.    


"So he's Wang Cheng, the guy who directly sent Xue Ming to the hospital!"    


"After sending Xue Ming to the hospital, how could he possibly continue courting girls here? This Wang Cheng is truly amazing."    


"Liang Ye mentioned an iron plate this time."    


Hearing the surrounding discussions, Liang Ye's heart quickly cooled down.    


That was Xue Ming! He had an underworld background. This guy had beaten Xue Ming into the hospital and he was still able to stay here safely. Didn't that mean that this guy's background was even stronger than Xue Ming's?    


In the short time that Liang Ye's mentality had changed, I had already taken care of a few of his subordinates and slowly walked in front of him.    


"You want me to kneel for you?"    


Looking at his brothers who were moaning on the ground, Liang Ye started to sweat cold sweat.    


"Brother Cheng, it's all a misunderstanding …"    


I just smiled and waved Lin Xi over.    


"Lin Xi, this guy hit you?" Then how did he beat you up? How did you call him back? "    


Lin Xi hesitated for a few seconds, then shook her head. "Never mind, as long as he doesn't bother me in the future."    


I couldn't help but sigh. This girl was good at everything, but sometimes she was too kind.    


I grabbed Liang Ye's collar and glared at him. "Lin Xi spared you today. You heard what she said. If you dare to pester her again, I'll send you to live with Xue Ming. Do you understand?"    


Liang Ye hurriedly nodded in agreement, afraid that he would be angered if he agreed too late.    


"Understood!" "Understood!"    


Only then did I put him down and look around. When the people who were watching the scene met my gaze, they all turned their heads to the side.    


"Let's go back."    


I walked in front, and Lin Xi, Jiang Wei, and An Guo followed behind me. It was a rare sight to see three beautiful women walking together.    


After returning to the classroom, Lin Xi looked at me apologetically, "Wang Cheng, I'm sorry, I didn't greet you in advance, I didn't give you any trouble, did I?"    


I waved my hand. "It's fine. You've already helped us a lot. This time, it's only right that I help you. Right, An Guo."    


I looked at An Guo, but this girl coldly snorted and turned her head away, making me feel extremely awkward.    


Heh, did this girl eat the wrong medicine today?    


Since she wanted to make things difficult for me, I was too lazy to ask for trouble, so I just ignored her.    


In the afternoon, when school was over, Ang took a taxi back.    


Until dinner time, An Ge pulled An Yunxuan along as he acted like a spoiled child, "Mom, you don't have to care about Wang Cheng. He only knows how to flirt with flowers and grass at school."    


The moment those words were spoken, I felt two heated gazes land on me.    


Of course, it wouldn't be An Yunxuan, but An Ying and An Yuncai.    


"What's going on?"    


I touched my nose guiltily. "It was that girl who brought An Guo back last time. She was the one who helped her deal with her troublesome pursuer. An Guo saw me and insisted that I was the one who provoked her."    


An Yun was still frowning, but An Ying still leaned towards me.    


After all, in her eyes, I still have problems on my side, and I won't go out and mess things up.    


Seeing that my plot had failed, An Guo could only snort coldly and continue to eat. I had already cursed at her a thousand times in my heart.    


Fortunately, An Ying didn't suspect anything. If the agreement between An Yunxuan and I were exposed because of this, I would have died with grievances.    


This little girl is too infuriating. When I have a chance, I will definitely teach her a lesson.    


"Oh right, have you recovered from your illness? I asked you to go see a doctor. How is it?" An Ying suddenly asked.    


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