Cultivating 100000 Years

C14 Opening of the Auction

C14 Opening of the Auction

When Xu Yang returned to the fifth floor, the auction was about to start.    


Under the lead of a maid, Xu Yang found out about Ling Qingshu's room and brought Xu Yang inside.    


What Xu Yang didn't know was that after he entered the room, the young man, who was fighting with him for the spiritual herbs downstairs, walked out.    


"I can't believe I can't find that guy, he actually teased me just now."    


The young man muttered to himself as he walked.    


It was obvious that this young man was still brooding over what had just happened.    


When Xu Yang took his seat in the room, the auction officially started.    


One of the Foundation Establishment stage cultivators went up onto the stage. It seemed that he would be the one to manage the auction.    


"Everyone, this old man is very courteous. I will be hosting the competition this time. I hope everyone can return home with a great load."    


The Foundation Establishment Cultivator didn't waste time, and immediately began the auction.    


The first item was a middle Huang grade magic formula.    


As soon as the Foundation Establishment Cultivator had spoken the requirements for the technique, two powers had set their eyes on the secret art, and had begun a new round of bidding.    


However, Xu Yang and Ling Qingshu did not care much about this middle Huang grade technique.    


Xu Yang was because he had mastered enough high level techniques. A mere middle Huang grade was not enough for him.    


And because of Xu Yang's existence, Ling Qingshu knew that since Xu Yang was here, his Tianlan Sect would definitely be filled with secret arts and techniques.    


For the sake of a mid-grade yellow-rank skill manual, the spokesmen of the two powers had a small competition.    


In the end, the middle Huang grade technique was in the hands of someone who could offer a higher price.    


With the perfect first item for sale, this auction could be said to be going smoothly.    


Techniques, techniques, treasures, Pill, talismans.    


In this auction, the items auctioned could be said to be varied.    


Many of them were extremely effective for Golden Core Stage cultivators.    


Looking at the spiritual items that she had once coveted, Ling Qingshu no longer desired them as much.    


With Xu Yang's existence, her horizons had advanced by leaps and bounds.    


In the past, he might have been excited about a spiritual object that could boost his cultivation, but now, it was different.    


"Today's auction was unusually smooth. There are only two items left today. Let's take a look at the finale of this auction. "    


The two auction house staff lifted an item onto the stage and after the Foundation Establishment stage cultivator finished speaking, they took off the red cloth.    


When the true appearance of the final item was revealed in front of everyone, Xu Yang, who had always been indifferent, suddenly became serious.    


Looking at the object on the stage, Xu Yang actually felt a sense of familiarity.    


"Take this thing down," was Xu Yang's request to Ling Qingshu.    


On the stage, the Foundation Establishment stage cultivator was still introducing the mysterious object.    


"These are brought by a few rogue cultivators from a secret realm. We can only tell that this thing is not ordinary, but we have no way to confirm exactly what it is."    


As soon as he said this, everyone's attention was drawn to him.    


Secret realm, unknown. When these two terms met, it often represented a great opportunity.    


As long as it was something that could be used, it would definitely be a high-quality item.    


"This item was entrusted to you by your client, who can only exchange it for Pill s that assist in cultivation. Please state your price now."    


Once these words were spoken, everyone in the auction house, whether they were guests in the stands or in the private rooms, were slightly stunned.    


This time's auction, it was actually going to be exchanged with auxiliary cultivation Pill.    


What was going on? Was the Spirit Stone in his hand?    


Ling Qingshu's face changed when she heard this, but she became very happy.    


For Pill s who assist in cultivation, their Tianlan Sect seems to be the least lacking in these kind of Pill.    


Ling Qingshu had personally experienced Patriarch Xu's terrifying pill refining ability, who was sitting beside her.    


After a long time, when there was still no bid on this item in the whole auction house, Ling Qingshu asked in a timely manner.    


"A bottle of Pill s with Golden Core Period as support can increase your cultivation efficiency by thirty percent."    


No one dared to bid against Ling Qingshu after she said that. If there were no surprises, this item would belong to Xu Yang, who was behind Ling Qingshu.    


"I have a bottle and a half of Pill with similar effects."    


One and a half bottles, most of them were filled with 12 pills, one and a half bottles would make 18 pills.    


To suddenly take out eighteen of these auxiliary cultivation Pill, it could be said that the price was extremely expensive.    


After all, not everyone had a terrifying pill refining ability like Xu Yang.    


Hearing that someone was bidding against him, he couldn't afford to lose the task Xu Yang ordered him to do.    


Ling Qingshu spoke again, directly raising the bid to two bottles.    


The other party seemed determined to get it as well. Without thinking, he added two and a half bottles.    


After being suppressed again, Ling Qingshu's complexion had turned unsightly.    


This was something that Xu Yang had arranged for him to fail to complete smoothly. It was a huge mistake.    


"Compared to him, I want this."    


Xu Yang heard the whole process of the bidding and naturally knew what had happened.    


Xu Yang had a rough estimate of the Pill that Ling Qingshu was carrying. After all, it was all given by him.    


After receiving Xu Yang's order, Ling Qingshu once again increased the price to three bottles.    


When the other party heard the firm tone in Ling Qingshu's voice, she went silent. She didn't know whether it was a good or bad idea to compete with Ling Qingshu for an unknown thing.    


There was a long silence. The other party finally stopped talking. It was obvious that they had given the item to Ling Qingshu.    


When the Foundation Establishment stage cultivator was about to auction the last item of the day, Ling Qingshu called for the maidservants at the entrance and told them to call the steward over.    


After Ling Qingshu handed the three bottles of Pill to the manager of the auction house, the items that Xu Yang wanted were sent to their room.    


It was an oval-shaped object. Its entire body was pitch-black, and there wasn't even a speck of luster on its surface. It was hard to tell what material it was made of at the beginning.    


Xu Yang circulated the Zhen Qi in his body in his hands. Every time he touched the item, the item would emit a dim glow.    


Towards this oval shaped object, Xu Yang treated it like a piece of exquisite porcelain, not daring to make any moves like the State Department.    


Ling Qingshu had been paying attention to Xu Yang's actions the whole time. When she saw the halo emitted by the item after Xu Yang rubbed it, Ling Qingshu knew that the item that the Patriarch asked her to buy was extraordinary.    


Therefore, Ling Qingshu looked very carefully. Her gaze was focused on Xu Yang, afraid that she would miss any of the details.    


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