Supreme Magic Doctor In City

C560 He Got into Trouble?

C560 He Got into Trouble?

The strength of the heavenly ghost increased dramatically. Once he broke free, everyone present would not be able to eat their fill. Even Lin Qing could not stop the heavenly ghost at this moment. After all, the explosive strength of the heavenly ghost was too strong.    


"Dammit, this heavenly ghost can already borrow the other body's power, but he's been hiding it. It's clear that this guy is trying to break free of the formation's restraints.    


If not for the Spirit King using the Secret Art of the Dark Return Method which caused great damage to the heavenly ghost, this guy would probably not have been exposed.    


Lin Qing cursed in his heart. This heavenly ghost was too insidious, unexpectedly hiding so much power. Fortunately, he could not use all of his strength, otherwise, the sealing formation would not be able to block him.    


Thinking this, Lin Qing looked at the Spirit King, "Ghost King, can you block it?"    


At this moment, the Ghost King's formation was constantly trembling, as if it would collapse at any moment. Lin Qing was naturally worried.    


In his excitement, Yin Ming could only look at the Spirit King. He did not want to hear the Ghost King say no, so everything he did was for nothing.    


"I can block it!"    


The Spirit King clenched its teeth, and its body started trembling. The power that the Spirit King had to endure had reached its limit, but luckily it was still lacking a little bit, otherwise the Spirit King would not be able to hold on.    


Upon hearing the Ghost King's words, Lin Qing and Yin Ming both let out a breath of relief. Luckily, they were able to block it, otherwise, they would really be in danger.    


"Do you need any help?"    


Lin Qing asked again.    


The Ghost King shook his head, "I don't need it for now. I can still take it."    


"Mm, if you need help, feel free to ask."    


As Lin Qing said this, the Ghost King nodded his head. He was not stupid; if he really could not hold on, he would naturally get Lin Qing to help.    


The heavenly ghost angrily roared and a terrifying power erupted. The chain violently shook and the black light on the chain began to expand. Even so, the chain seemed to be unable to block the heavenly ghost that had exploded!    


At the same time, the Ghost King's formation shook even more violently. However, the formation was like a small boat in the middle of a sea. Despite the raging waves, the formation would not collapse.    


"Buried Soul Array, swallow it!"    


The Spirit King roared, both hands forming hand seals, quickly devouring the power of the heavenly ghost.    


The heavenly ghost continued to resist, the Spirit King continued to suppress it, and as it continued to grow stronger, the heavenly ghost was suppressed again. Its power was continuously being devoured, and it was clearly weaker than before.    


The heavenly ghost roared, its voice was filled with unconcealable anger, but even more, there was fear.    


This was the first time that the Spirit King felt the aura of death. If it continued like this, his power would be completely devoured and he would die without a doubt.    


Right now, the only hope that the heavenly ghost had was that Lin Qing and the rest had not discovered the power of his other body. If they had been discovered, they would be done for.    


The heavenly ghost roared, allowing the Spirit King to absorb all of the energy. He could not fight against the Spirit King's formation, what could he do if the Spirit King did not absorb it?    


At this moment, the heavenly ghost was filled with hatred. If not for the appearance of Lin Qing and the Ghost King, he would have gradually gathered his strength and one day, he would have been able to break free from the formation and regain his freedom.    


However, the appearance of Lin Qing and the Ghost King had completely destroyed his initial plan. If he wanted to break free now, he would need at least a hundred years or even longer.    


And this was while Lin Qing and the rest had yet to discover his other body. If the other body were to be discovered, the heavenly ghost himself knew what would happen to him.    


As the Spirit King continued to absorb more and more, the heavenly ghost was completely suppressed. Now that the Spirit King had the upper hand, all he needed was time, the time to completely devour the heavenly ghost in front of him.    


Seeing this scene in front of him, Lin Qing's face finally revealed a smile. "I've finally succeeded. It seems like the strength of this Heavenly Ghost's head can no longer hold up."    


"Yeah, the strength of the head of the heavenly ghost really can't resist anymore. It won't be long before I completely devour it."    


The Ghost King replied with a smile, unable to conceal the joy in his words.    


"Then that's good, you can slowly absorb it here. I'll leave first and notify me if there's any accidents. After you absorb this energy, I'll rush over to help you find the other parts of the heavenly ghost's body."    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Alright, you can go back to your work first. I can handle this place myself."    


The Spirit King replied with a smile.    


Lin Qing nodded in agreement. Afterwards, he bid farewell to the Ghost King and Yin Ming, leaving this battlefield and returning to the campus.    


Looking at the time, Lin Qing couldn't help but jump in fright. It was already 6: 30 in the afternoon, and there was only half an hour left before the appointed time with Chen Qian.    


"Fortunately, I was not late, otherwise I would have been embarrassed."    


Muttering to himself, Lin Qing hurriedly left the campus, found a taxi, and quickly rushed to the Golden Cauldron Imperial Palace.    


Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Lin Qing arrived at the entrance of the Golden Cauldron Imperial Palace at 6: 58 PM.    


Looking at the time, Lin Qing could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    


Thinking this, Lin Qing took out his phone and gave Chen Qian a call.    


When the phone rang, Chen Qian's voice was heard, "Are you here yet?"    


"Yes, I'm here, at the gate."    


Lin Qing replied with a smile.    


"Alright, wait for me there. I'll go down and pick you up."    


Chen Qian said with a smile.    




Lin Qing agreed and then hung up the phone. He stood at the entrance and waited quietly.    


While Lin Qing was waiting, a limited edition Maserati rumbled as it rushed over, getting closer and closer to Lin Qing.    


Lin Qing turned his head and frowned at Maserati who was charging at him at high speed.    


At this moment, the two Maserati horses were getting closer and closer to Lin Qing. The distance between them was less than 10 meters.    


However, with a fierce drift, the car's perfect, dashing tail was firmly parked on the side of the car.    


Many people saw this scene and cheered loudly. It was as if these people had only seen the other party's powerful driving skills. They did not seem to have expected that if there was the slightest mistake, Lin Qing's life would be gone.    


Lin Qing was in a bad mood, but he did not say much. After all, he did not run into him.    


But Lin Qing was not going to say anything, and that kid in the car was not going to do anything.    


A young man in his twenties walked out. As he walked, he scolded, "Fucking horse, are you f * cking blind? Do you not know how to get out of the way when you see the car? "If it wasn't for your father's good driving skills, you would have been f * cking knocked to death already!"    


The person looked at Lin Qing and cursed him. It was as if Lin Qing was the one who had done the wrong thing.    


Lin Qing was stunned. To tell the truth, Lin Qing never expected the other party to be so unreasonable and so arrogant. With this, Lin Qing was thoroughly enraged.    


"You're courting death!"    


Lin Qing harrumphed coldly. He raised his palm and slapped the young man's face.    


With a "pa" sound, the young man was knocked to the ground with a slap from Lin Qing. Fresh blood immediately flowed out from the corner of his mouth.    


Seeing this scene, the surrounding people were all dumbfounded. All of them stared blankly at Lin Qing, as if to say, "You even dare to beat this second generation ancestor?" You're finished!    


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