Supreme Magic Doctor In City

C535 Haunted Event

C535 Haunted Event

Lin Qing went directly to the local police station. Of course, he did not go in openly, as it was too shocking, so he found an empty alley near the police station and walked for a few minutes before arriving at the police station.    


Walking into the police station, he found that the people inside were busy. Some were answering the phone, and some were handling cases. There seemed to be quite a few cases at this time.    


"Officer, is your Chief Shen here? I want to see your Chief Shen. "    


After stopping a beautiful female police officer, Lin Qing asked with a smile.    


"Hmm? You want to see our director? "Who are you?"    


The female police officer frowned as her pair of beautiful eyes sized up Lin Qing's body.    


"My name is Lin Qing. If you can help me inform him, he will meet with me."    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Okay, wait here for me. I'll call the director."    


As if she felt that Lin Qing was not a bad person, the female police officer agreed.    


Lin Qing stood on the spot and waited with a smile on his face. In about two minutes, the female officer walked over and said, "Lin Qing, is it? I'll take you to the director. "    


"Alright, thank you, beautiful police officer."    


Lin Qing smiled as he followed the female officer towards Shen Peng's office.    


After a while, the beautiful police officer stopped walking. "This is the bureau chief's office."    


"Okay, thanks."    


The female police officer nodded and turned around to leave. Meanwhile, Lin Qing knocked on the office door.    


"Come in."    


Shen Peng's voice came from inside the room.    


Hearing this, Lin Qing pushed open the door and walked in.    


Inside the office, a middle-aged man was sitting behind a desk, looking up at Lin Qing. However, when he saw Lin Qing, a look of contempt flashed across his face.    


"Captain Lin, hello, I'm the bureau chief here, Shen Peng."    


Shen Peng stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile. Even though he looked down on Lin Qing and even said that he looked down on the people from the National Security Bureau, he did not dare to act presumptuously in front of Lin Qing. After all, the National Security Bureau's power was too great, and he, Shen Peng, did not dare to act excessively.    


But this time, he was a little disappointed with the National Security Bureau. The rumours said that the National Security Bureau was very powerful, but the Medical University was just making a ruckus. Several people from the National Security Bureau had died, which made Shen Peng suspicious of the National Security Bureau's abilities.    


Especially since Lin Qing was so young, the contempt in his heart could not help but grow. What could such a young man do? If they came, wouldn't they be courting death?    


How sensitive was Lin Qing's perception? He easily caught the look of contempt that flashed past Shen Peng's eyes. However, he did not say much and only smiled as he shook Shen Peng's hand: "Hello, Chief Shen."    


"You're too kind, Captain Lin. Take a seat, take a seat."    


Shen Peng greeted him enthusiastically. Although he despised Lin Qing in his heart, he did not dare to show it on the surface.    


Lin Qing also did not hold back as he sat opposite Shen Peng with a smile.    


"Chief Shen, our Chief Fang only briefly told me what happened. I don't know the specifics, but why don't you tell me?"    


After they sat down, Lin Qing asked with a smile.    


"Alright, no problem."    


Shen Peng hurriedly replied. He thought for a moment before speaking, "I have to start talking about this matter from one month ago, which is the period not long after the start of the new school.    


At first, it was a freshman who disappeared. We started the case twenty-four hours later, and then we started the investigation. After half a month of hard work, we investigated the girl's entire life from birth to school, but we didn't find any enemies.    


Soon after, half a month later, another girl in her second year of university disappeared.    


We had begun our investigation, but we had ruled out all the murders, even all the accidents, and yet we still hadn't found any information. I hesitated, because even if someone had gone missing, how could there not have been a trace?    


So, I reported to the higher-ups and they informed the National Security Agency. After that, two groups of people from the National Security Agency came over. The first group died three days after the arrival of the first group.    


When we found their bodies by the sea and the NSA's mysterious men were dead, I was even more certain that this was no ordinary case, so I reported it again.    


There were two more from the NSA, but this morning we found their bodies on the same beach. Moreover, another girl had gone missing.    


This is basically all that happened. "    


Lin Qing listened attentively, listening very carefully. "I understand. Give me the records of these three missing girls."    




Shen Peng agreed, then picked up his phone and made a call.    


Not long after, a knock on the door sounded and a female police officer walked in. This female police officer was the beautiful police officer who had just delivered Lin Qing.    


"Chief, this is the information you wanted."    


The beauty placed the file on the desk.    


"Mm, you can leave."    


Shen Peng waved his hand.    


"Yes, Chief."    


With that, the beautiful police officer turned around and left.    


"Captain Lin, this is the information on the three of them."    


Glancing at Lin Qing, Shen Peng spoke.    


Lin Qing nodded his head and picked up the three file folders, carefully flipping through them.    


Shen Peng did not disturb them and just watched quietly, but in his heart, he did not mind. Even if he had not looked through the file ten times, he had already looked through it eight times.    


Ten minutes later, Lin Qing closed the file, his expression turning more serious.    


"These three people are all virgins, and they are all born during yin years or yin and yin months or yin days. This means that the yin aura in their bodies is extremely dense, and if they have yin substance wrapped around them, then they are indeed the best tonic."    


Looking at Shen Peng, Lin Qing lightly said.    


Shen Peng was stunned, he did not know anything about this. What do you mean Yin year, Yin day, Yin day, Yin day, he did not understand at all. However, looking at Lin Qing's expression, he seemed to have discovered something, making Shen Peng very happy.    


He did not care about this. As long as he could catch the murderer and solve the case, it was fine. Otherwise, the higher-ups would chase him so closely. Although they had been blocking the news, there were still some bad rumors circulating around the campus.    


"Captain Lin, does that mean we have discovered something?"    


Shen Peng hurriedly asked.    


"Hmm, have you found the corpses of the three girls?"    


Lin Qing asked indifferently.    


Hearing this, Shen Peng bitterly smiled and shook his head, "No, their corpses seemed to have disappeared into thin air, there's no clue at all."    


"I understand. Next, you have to instruct all the personnel to gather information on the female students of all medical universities. I need all the female students who are virgins."    


Looking at Shen Peng, Lin Qing spoke solemnly.    


"Ah?" "Alright, I'll get someone to do it."    


Shen Peng was startled, but immediately agreed.    


Then he made a phone call and ordered things to be done.    


"Captain Lin, I've already given the orders. What are we going to do next?"    


Looking at Lin Qing, Shen Peng asked.    


"Find someone to take me to the Medical University. I'll go take a look."    


Standing up, Lin Qing calmly said.    


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