Supreme Magic Doctor In City

C451 Goodbye Han Ruoxue

C451 Goodbye Han Ruoxue

Back then in Ha City, because Han Ruoxue gave Lin Qing a good impression, or perhaps it could be said that Han Ruoxue was very beautiful, Lin Qing was tempted and the two of them had a relationship.    


However, after their relationship had developed, the two of them had only called a few times. From the phone, Lin Qing could tell that Han Ruoxue was very dependent on him. After all, he was her first man.    


However, during this period of time, Lin Qing did not call Han Ruoxue, nor did he meet her. To be honest, Lin Qing felt that he owed her a lot.    


It just so happened that the headquarters of the Soul Valley was in the Ha City area. This time, when he went to solve the problem of the Soul Valley, Lin Qing would also go see Han Ruoxue to increase the relationship between the two of them.    


Lin Qing hurried on his way. Half an hour later, he arrived at the Ha City.    


On the first stop, Lin Qing went to Han Ruoxue's house, but Han Ruoxue wasn't there. After thinking for a moment, Lin Qing went directly to her company.    


When they arrived at the company, Lin Qing saw Han Ruoxue in his office.    


Han Ruoxue wore a white OL outfit that vividly depicted her beautiful body, which was quite enchanting.    


The two met again, or perhaps it was a long time since they had met. Han Ruoxue was a bit excited, a bit happy, and even a bit restrained.    


Lin Qing smiled and walked in front of Han Ruoxue. He hugged her tightly and said, "Ruoxue, I'm sorry. I've wronged you during this period of time."    


Han Ruoxue's delicate body stiffened a bit. She then hugged Lin Qing with force, tears blurring her beautiful eyes.    


"It's fine, it's fine. I thought you forgot about me."    


Han Ruoxue sobbed as she spoke.    


In this period of time, Lin Qing's figure had always appeared in her mind, but Lin Qing had never sought her out. Due to her pride as a woman, Han Ruoxue did not call Lin Qing, or perhaps she did not dare to.    


Now that Lin Qing had suddenly arrived, to be honest, Han Ruoxue was very happy. At least, at this moment, she was very satisfied.    


"Silly girl, how could I forget? You are my woman, and I will not forget you. I will not forget you for the rest of my life. "    


Lin Qing said in a deeply emotional and serious manner.    


Although he had many women, and he also admitted that he was a philanderer, he was not someone who would abandon any women that followed him. This was Lin Qing!    


"En, I will not leave you. I will be your woman for the rest of my life."    


Han Ruoxue whispered, her voice full of joy.    


Lin Qing nodded and looked at Han Ruoxue's tear-stained face. "Alright, then don't cry. You won't look good if you cry later on."    


Lin Qing said with a smile as he wiped away the tears on Han Ruoxue's face.    


Han Ruoxue pouted her cute little mouth and unhappily said, "Nope, she's pretty good-looking too."    


"Mmm mmm, it looks good. My family's Ruoxue is the most beautiful."    


With that, Lin Qing chuckled and ruthlessly kissed Han Ruoxue on her red lips.    


Instantly, Han Ruoxue blushed. She leaned into Lin Qing's embrace, too shy to raise her head.    


"The Nalan Clan hasn't caused any trouble for you recently, right?"    


Holding Han Ruoxue in his arms, Lin Qing asked with a smile.    


Han Ruoxue shook her head. "No. Ever since you left, no one from the Nalan Clan came to disturb me."    


Saying this, Han Ruoxue smiled happily. If Lin Qing hadn't solved the problem with the Nalan Clan, she would still be in Nalan City.    


"En, that's good then. It's good that nothing is wrong."    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Well, when did you get here? Why didn't you notify me? I wanted to pick you up at the airport. "    


Han Ruoxue asked with a smile. In her opinion, Lin Qing must have flown here.    


Lin Qing shook his head, "No need to pick me up. It's very convenient for me to come over."    


"Is that so? Aren't you on a plane? "    


Han Ruoxue curiously asked.    


"Of course, I flew here. Yes, I flew here myself."    


Worried that Han Ruoxue didn't understand, Lin Qing explained again.    


"Ah?" Did he fly here himself? Oh, right, the bureau chief said that your strength has reached the Foundation Establishment stage and you can fly through the air. "    


Han Ruoxue felt a little envious. That was flying, so just thinking about it felt great.    


"It's alright, you can do it in the future as well.    


"It's the new year soon. Come over to my place this year, I'll bring you to meet my parents and your sisters."    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Ah?" Now he's a parent? Will Uncle and Auntie despise me? "    


When she heard Lin Qing say that she would meet her parents, Han Ruoxue immediately tensed up. In her opinion, this was a very serious matter.    


Lin Qing smiled, "Don't worry, my parents are very kind, and they will not interfere in my matters."    


"Oh, then how many sisters do I have?"    


As she said this, Han Ruoxue looked at Lin Qing with dissatisfaction.    


She was not stupid. Furthermore, she was a member of the National Security Bureau, so she naturally knew some things about Lin Qing.    


Hearing this, Lin Qing could not help but feel somewhat embarrassed. "About that, let me calculate for you."    


As he spoke, Lin Qing began to count on his fingers.    


Seeing this, Han Ruoxue angrily snorted, hugged Lin Qing and fiercely bit his shoulder.    


"Aiyo, my dear, what are you doing? It hurts so much."    


Lin Qing screamed with a wronged expression.    


"Hmph, you playboy!"    


Han Ruoxue discontentedly snorted. To her, who had always been a traditional person, Lin Qing actually had so many women. It was strange that she didn't get angry.    


Lin Qing chuckled as he held Han Ruoxue in his arms. It took a while for her to calm down.    


"I don't care. In any case, you have to be good to me. You can't abandon me."    


Han Ruoxue harrumphed.    


"Un, my family's Ruoxue is so cute, how can I bear to abandon her?" It's too late for heartache. "    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Humph, you only know how to talk. Are all those sisters tricked by your mouth?"    


Han Ruoxue rolled her eyes at Lin Qing.    


"Hehe, that mouth of mine is not only good at talking."    


As he said this, Lin Qing laughed evilly and pressed Han Ruoxue down from his embrace.    


"Aiya, bastard! What are you doing?!"    


Han Ruoxue's face turned red, and her breathing quickened.    


"Nothing, I'll let you know that my mouth has other uses."    


As he spoke, Lin Qing domineeringly took over Han Ruoxue's red lips.    


"Wuwuwu …"    


The bashful Han Ruoxue tried to resist, but how could she resist in front of Lin Qing?    


In the end, the girl was melted by Lin Qing and the two of them rolled over each other. The atmosphere in the office became fiery hot.    


Lin Qing's dishonest hands moved around Han Ruoxue's delicate body, causing her to be moved. Her slender legs rubbed back and forth as if she couldn't bear it any longer.    


Lin Qing was an old driver. Seeing Han Ruoxue's reaction, he chuckled and directly took off her clothes. The two of them faced each other honestly.    


"Bastard, hurry up. It's not good to be discovered."    


Han Ruoxue opened and closed her beautiful eyes, her blushing face looking extremely alluring.    


"No one will find out."    


Lin Qing smiled evilly as the two of them held each other tightly.    


Accompanying Han Ruoxue's passionate low moan was a fiery heat that rose and fell within the room, leaving behind an unending trail of sound.    


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