Supreme Magic Doctor In City

C219 The Combination of Two Jokes

C219 The Combination of Two Jokes

The caller was Pang Huide. He had invited Lin Qing and Zhang Yuhan over for dinner. The restaurant had already been reserved and their location had been announced to Lin Qing.    


Lin Qing naturally agreed with a smile, even though he refused in his heart.    


"Did you hear that? We need to go and eat. "    


Lin Qing helplessly said as he looked at Zhang Yuhan.    


"Mm, I heard. I'll go change some clothes."    


Zhang Yuhan said with a red face.    


"Why are you changing?" This is pretty good. "    


Lin Qing asked in a daze.    


"Good my ass, you idiot. Put me down."    


The red-faced Zhang Yuhan ruthlessly rolled her eyes at Lin Qing. For Zhang Yuhan who hadn't experienced that kind of thing before, she already couldn't help herself from letting out those last few words. Therefore, she had to change into a new set of undergarments …    


Lin Qing was stunned for a moment before he came to a realization. With a mischievous smile on his face, Zhang Yuhan wanted to slap him.    


"Honey, we'll continue this evening when we get back."    


"Continue your ass, I'll beat you to death!"    


Zhang Yuhan ruthlessly pinched the tender flesh on Lin Qing's waist. This sudden and painful attack made Lin Qing grimace in pain. That refreshing feeling was simply more pleasurable than an old jar of pickled vegetables!    


Seeing Lin Qing's pained expression, Zhang Yuhan complacently snorted and walked upstairs to her bedroom.    


"Is this girl really that savage?" "Who did you learn it from? It hurts like a baby."    


Lin Qing said in pain.    


A few minutes later, Zhang Yuhan walked out after changing clothes.    


"Did you finish changing your underwear?"    


Seeing Zhang Yuhan still blushing on her pretty face, Lin Qing teased her.    


"Shut up, no one treats you like a mute."    


Zhang Yuhan's beautiful face turned even redder, and she couldn't wait to sew Lin Qing's mouth shut.    


"Hehe, let's go. Let's go eat first. You can clean me up later tonight."    


Lin Qing stood up and said with a smile while holding Zhang Yuhan's small waist.    


Zhang Yuhan glared at him. Night? He didn't know who would take care of who at night.    


Driving the car, the two of them arrived at the rendezvous point with Zhou Baokang and Pang Huide.    


When they arrived at the restaurant and reported their names, there was naturally a waiter who came to lead them to the private box.    


At the entrance of the private box, Zhou Baokang and Pang Huide were waiting with smiles on their faces. Seeing Lin Qing and Zhang Yuhan arrive, the two of them greeted them warmly.    


Lin Qing smiled as he shook hands with them and greeted them before entering the private box.    


The four of them called the waiter and started to order.    


During the meal, Lin Qing was not polite at all. He ordered whatever he liked.    


Zhang Yuhan was a girl after all, so she was naturally a little reserved. She only ordered two dishes, the rest being ordered by Zhou Baokang and Pang Huaide.    


Not long after, a table full of dishes was served.    


As they ate and drank, the four of them chatted.    


At the table, Zhou Baokang and Pang Huide were toasting each other repeatedly to express their thanks once again.    


Lin Qing did not refuse anyone who came. Wine was nothing to him, even if he drank for a day and a night.    


In the end, Zhou Baokang and Pang Huid's faces turned red, and their hands began to shake as if they had just drunk too much.    


Seeing this, Lin Qing naturally could not drink anymore. He called their driver and had them be picked up by the driver. In the end, Lin Qing bought the order.    


"You can't drink like this in the future. These guys always drink too much, and they always want me to pay for it."    


Lin Qing said helplessly.    


"That's why I said you're stupid!"    


Zhang Yuhan snickered on the side.    


"Tsk, I can only say that their alcohol tolerance is low. Besides, do I lack money? Your baby doesn't lack money! "    


Lin Qing held his head high and was very smug.    


"Stop being cocky!"    


Zhang Yuhan groaned as she reached out her small hand to viciously pinch Lin Qing's waist.    


"Are you trying to murder your husband?!"    


Lin Qing's complacent face immediately collapsed. This girl, she actually hurt people just like that.    


"Serves you right!    


"Let's go home."    


Zhang Yuhan said proudly as she walked towards the car.    


"Who is this person?" You can be cocky, but I can't? "    


Lin Qing silently muttered in his heart.    


After getting on the car, Zhang Yuhan drove away. However, after driving for a while, Zhang Yuhan suddenly slowed down and parked the car on the side of the road.    


"What are you doing?"    


Lin Qing asked curiously when he saw Zhang Yuhan stop the car.    


"I, I …"    


Zhang Yuhan's face was red. I haven't been able to find anything for a long time, so anxious that Lin Qing almost rolled his eyes.    


"I say, darling, what are you trying to do? If you have something to say, just say it. "    


Lin Qing asked.    


"Look at your right hand."    


Zhang Yuhan's face was red and her voice was soft.    


"So what if it's on the right?"    


Lin Qing puzzledly turned his head and looked to his right. There were all shops here, so what was there to be afraid of?    


"Are you stupid? "Look carefully!"    


Zhang Yuhan said snappily.    


"Eh, I've looked very carefully. It's all shops and restaurants. Could it be that you're hungry again?"    


Lin Qing asked doubtfully.    


"You're an idiot. There's an adult shop there!"    


Zhang Yuhan angrily shouted.    


"Ah?" "Oh, I saw it. So what if there is? What does it have to do with us?"    


Lin Qing said without a care.    


"You, you, you're pissing me off, you idiot!"    


Zhang Yuhan clenched her teeth in anger, and her eyes were about to spew fire.    


"I say, my dear, what are you trying to do? If you have something to say, just say it. "    


Lin Qing was also very depressed. What the hell was this?    


"I, I'm talking about whether or not we should buy a set. I don't have one at home!"    


Zhang Yuhan's face was red as she revealed her purpose.    


"I'll go, just this?"    


Lin Qing was stunned. He was speechless.    


"Yeah, if you don't bring that, you might get pregnant."    


Zhang Yuhan's face was red as she spoke seriously.    


"Don't worry, Ann. I have a way to ensure you won't have it.    


Of course, if you want, you can get pregnant once. "    


Lin Qing said with a smile.    


"Aiya, I'm serious!"    


Zhang Yuhan was ashamed and angry at the same time.    


"I'm not joking with you, right? I really have a way. "    


Lin Qing was speechless.    




"It's true!"    


"Alright, if you really have it on your mind, I'll beat you to death!"    


Zhang Yuhan said fiercely.    


"Don't worry, I promise I won't."    


Lin Qing said confidently.    


"Hey, don't tell me you have a problem with that one?"    


Zhang Yuhan's mind was opened.    


"I, I have a question about your head! What was this all about? Hurry up and drive home! "    


Lin Qing rolled his eyes in anger. What kind of brain does this girl have?    


"Oh, alright then."    


Zhang Yuhan honestly said.    


Lin Qing glanced at her but did not say anything.    


Just like that, the two of them drove home.    


When they arrived home, Lin Qing directly carried Zhang Yuhan to her bedroom.    


"Hey, hey, hey. Go take a bath first."    


Zhang Yuhan called out.    


"I'm going to wash your head. I'll let you see if my one has any problems!"    


Lin Qing groaned.    


Not long later, the two of them were entangled.    


For the first time, Zhang Yuhan was a little nervous. However, after being comforted by the old driver, Lin Qing, she finally relaxed. The two of them had completely merged into one.    


At that moment, an incomparably rich feeling filled her heart. An indescribably wonderful feeling caused her to completely fall into despair.    


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