Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C1183 Chapter 1183

C1183 Chapter 1183

Elder Yu Yang.    


The group finally arrived at the white cloud in the distance. The silver white cloud slowly descended, and only then did Yang Xuan get a clear view of the city on top of the cloud.    


The ground was filled with a silvery white color, and the houses in the distance were even made of white bricks and tiles. From afar, it looked like they were piled up by clouds. Under the sunlight, they flickered with a metallic glow, and it was obvious that their toughness was not low.    


"This is a cloud rock produced by the Beast Spirit Sect alone. Its hardness is greater than steel, and it's much lighter than steel." Yuxuan could guess what Yang Xuan was thinking when he saw the look in Yang Xuan's eyes. He explained to Yang Xuan.    


Yang Xuan nodded and did not hesitate anymore. He said to Yuxuan, "Let's go and see the elder first."    


Everyone was standing on a huge square. Logically speaking, this place was as white as snow. However, this cloud rock seemed to have the ability to remove impurities. At a glance, there wasn't even a single obvious footprint on the ground. Even Yang Xuan and Yuxuan, who had just stood on the ground, wouldn't leave a footprint on the ground.    


On the other side of the square, there was a stretch of snow white houses. The white color was somewhat dazzling.    


In the middle of the house was a tall house, like an emperor in a high position. From the middle to the sides, the house gradually became shorter, like a guard protecting an emperor.    


Three people and a horse walked to the front of the group of buildings. In front of them was a long staircase. The three of them slowly walked up, but what surprised Yang Xuan was that... The silvery-white Heavenly Horse followed behind the three of them and stepped onto the flight of stairs. But when he thought that this was the Beast Spirit Sect, he felt relieved. After all, this was a sect that started with spirit beasts. The status of spirit beasts would definitely be different.    


Although it could be seen from afar that the solemn building was very tall, it was now in front of the building. Only then did Yang Xuan truly feel how tall this building was. Standing in front of the gate, he could see the words' Beast Spirit Sect 'written in gold on the gate. Looking up, Yang Xuan felt like his neck was about to break. He still couldn't see the top of the tall building.    


"Entering through the gate is the Hall of Elders. The place above is where the elders live. As well as the place where the sect cultivates spirit beasts. As for the other buildings, they are where the disciples of the sect live." Yuxuan introduced them to Yang Xuan as he walked forward.    


Yang Xuan nodded his head. At this moment, everyone had arrived at the front gate of the Hall of Elders. The threshold of the door alone was a meter tall. However, this height was nothing to Yang Xuan. He carried Little White. With a little strength under his feet, he crossed the threshold.    


When he stood outside the door, he could only see darkness inside. However, when he walked in, he realized that there was another world inside. Rows of Spiritual Force lamps hung on the roof, emitting gentle lights.    


However, what shocked Yang Xuan the most was the scene in the Elder Hall.    


Looking inside, he saw that on both sides of the Hall of Elders... There were huge stone chairs placed on the back of the chairs. There were also all kinds of spirit beasts and divine beasts carved on the chairs. Some of the divine beasts, Yang Xuan, were called. However, there were even more that Yang Xuan could not recognize. But no matter which divine beast it was, it gave people a lifelike feeling.    


"Who is it?" A loud and clear voice sounded, startling Yang Xuan. He looked at the source of the voice, and saw a stone chair not far away. Sitting on it was a tall and thin man. The man's face was angular, and his triangular eyes occasionally revealed a dangerous glint.    


However, the most extraordinary thing was that he was beside the man. There was actually a huge python coiled around him. That python was currently coiled into a ball, lying on the ground to rest. But even so, Yang Xuan could still see that the body of this huge python was enormous. If it stretched its body, it would probably be at least ten meters long.    


The existence of the giant python gave Yang Xuan a big fright, but Yuxuan seemed to have gotten used to it. He said calmly, "So it's Elder Snake Flag. I have brought this little brother of Phoenix Clan here to see Elder Jade Sheep."    


The elder who was called Snake Flag nodded, but his eyes fell upon Yang Xuan. "You are a kid of Phoenix Clan? Why haven't I seen you before? Whose family are you from? Do you have a token?"    


Yang Xuan smiled. After the lesson just now, he was no longer nervous. He stretched out a hand in front of the snake flag. A wisp of flame was ignited. Then he looked at the snake flag and asked, "Elder, I wonder if this can be considered a token?"    


"Yes." The snake flag then nodded and said, "Okay, Elder Yu Yang is now in the spirit beast shed. Go and find him directly."    


"Thank you, Elder Snake Flag." Yuxuan nodded and led Yang Xuan to the back. He didn't forget to introduce the elder, "That was Elder Snake Flag from the Hall of Elders just now. According to his experience and strength, he is the fifth elder of the sect. Don't just look at his ugly face. The spiritual pet is also very frightening. But he is a man with a cold face and a warm heart. If he encounters any difficulties... Normally, you won't be rejected even if you ask him for help. "    


Yang Xuan nodded his head. As the saying goes, one shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Yang Xuan had understood this principle a long time ago.    


Behind the Hall of Elders was an open space. However, what surprised Yang Xuan once again was this open space. It's full of dozens of teleporters. The construction of teleportation formations was a very time-consuming and laborious task. The materials alone were worth a lot of money. Although these teleportation arrays should only lead to various places within the sect, these short-distance teleportation arrays were generally comparable to long-distance teleportation arrays. It was much easier to build a teleportation array, but to have so many teleportation arrays at the same time... This showed how strong the foundation of the Beast Spirit Sect was.    


There was a stone pillar next to each teleportation formation. There was a rhombus-shaped groove on top of the stone pillar. It was the place where the spirit stone was placed. The words were written on the stone pillar. That was the place that the teleportation formation led to. After finding the teleportation formation that led to the spirit beast shed, Yuxuan took out a spirit stone and placed it into the groove. With a flash of light, the spirit stone also disappeared. This meant that the Spiritual Force had already been used by the formation.    


Standing on the teleportation formation, they saw a silver light wrap around the three of them and the horse. Immediately after, Yang Xuan felt that his eyes were filled with silver light. Although Yang Xuan had been on the teleportation formation many times, this strange feeling still made him feel good. What kind of scene was behind the silver light?    


However, this thought flashed across his mind, because in just a breath's time, the silver light had already disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, what appeared in front of Yang Xuan was a huge room.    


There were many beast sheds in the room. A man with green hair stood in front of a beast shed, holding a baby spirit beast in his hand. He was carefully observing something.    


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