Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C1041 Cultivation Harvests

C1041 Cultivation Harvests

In a short period of twenty days, Yang Xuan and Yun Batian were constantly being tortured by Xingyun, but in comparison, their strength was growing at a terrifying speed.    


Although compared to twenty days ago, Yang Xuan and Yun Batian's realm hadn't improved by much. At most, the Spiritual Force became more solid under the continuous weight training, but in these two days, what they gained the most was not the increase in realm. It was the improvement of their combat experience and techniques.    


Although Yang Xuan had only officially entered the path of Immortal Cultivation at the age of sixteen, he had only cultivated for a short three years. However, don't forget that he had just started cultivating. Yang Xuan had obtained two high grade cultivation techniques from the Black Panther, followed by the Yang Spirit Essence Breaking Hand, Yin Spirit Essence Gathering Hand, Seven Star Sword Spell and other top grade martial skills.    


In addition, Yang Xuan had the Yin Yang Body, so his talent and comprehension ability were not bad at all. He had also experienced countless life and death battles, so his combat experience was not worse than others. On the contrary, his combat experience was at the peak among the cultivators of the same realm.    


Although Yun Batian wasn't as lucky as Yang Xuan, his talent was still at the top among the ordinary people. The cultivation techniques and martial skills of the Cloud Heaven Sect were obviously not ordinary. In addition, since he was twelve years old, under the recommendation of Yun Ao, Yun Batian was selected as a core disciple of the Cloud Heaven Sect. Under such circumstances, he wouldn't lack cultivation resources. He had also experienced all kinds of battles, and his combat experience was comparable to Yang Xuan's.    


Even so, in the first few days, the two of them had suffered a lot under Xingyun.    


However, Xingyun's purpose was to help Yang Xuan improve his strength, so he didn't have any intention of hiding it. Every time the fight ended, he would give Yang Xuan some advice and advice.    


After Yun Batian, who had nothing to do, found out that Yang Xuan had an expert to guide him. He hadn't been anywhere these few days, just following Yang Xuan. He carefully observed the battle between the two of them. Occasionally, he would feel a sudden impulse or gain something from it. He would also take the initiative to request to fight Xingyun.    


Because Xingyun had suppressed his strength to the peak of Fifth Stage, he didn't have to worry about hurting the two of them. So, he naturally didn't need to worry about hurting them.    


In these few days, Yang Xuan and Yun Batian had seen the tip of the iceberg of Xingyun's terrifying combat experience. Initially, Xingyun used a style of fighting with the two of them, but when they thought of a way to deal with him, Xingyun immediately switched to another style and attacked the two of them. After switching a few times, the two of them were gradually able to deal with the various styles that Xingyun displayed.    


However, this was only the beginning. After knowing the upper limit of the two of them, Xingyun kept toying with the two of them with all kinds of means, causing Yang Xuan and Yun Batian to feel miserable.    


It was only on the tenth day that Xingyun felt some pressure when he fought Yang Xuan, but he still had the upper hand when fighting Yun Batian. He would only suffer a small loss occasionally.    


However, the two of them weren't complacent because of this. Don't forget that Xingyun had already suppressed their strength to the Fifth Stage.    


However, in these ten days, their combat experience had increased by quite a bit. Although Xingyun would give Yang Xuan pointers most of the time, he would occasionally give Yun Batian pointers because of a sudden impulse. However, he didn't avoid Yun Batian when he was giving pointers to Yang Xuan. Therefore, Yun Batian had benefited a lot from Xingyun's guidance.    


When Xingyun found out that his peak Fifth Stage strength could no longer suppress the two of them, he did not hesitate to raise his strength to the same level as Yang Xuan and Yun Batian, which was the intermediate Sixth Stage.    


Although it was only two small realms, it made the pressure on the two of them increase by a lot in a short period of time. If Yang Xuan and Yun Batian had chosen to fight Xingyun when they were at the peak of the Fifth Stage, Xingyun would be forced to avoid them. But now, with the strength of a Mid Sixth Stage, Xingyun was able to face both of them head on. This made the two of them lose many opportunities to seize the initiative.    


Therefore, twenty days later would be the tenth day after Xingyun increased his strength. The two of them still hadn't reached the stage where they could resist Xingyun, even if the two of them joined forces. It was just that they wouldn't lose so badly under Xingyun's hands.    


However, the two of them weren't the kind of people who would give up easily. In order to increase their strength as soon as possible, the two of them had to fight Xingyun every day until midnight before resting.    


On the night of the twentieth day, in the open space in the forest behind Cloud Heaven Sect.    


Dust was flying everywhere on the open space. Looking from afar, there were three people fighting in the dust.    


Among them, Yun Batian and Yang Xuan each held their own weapons. Weapon! They split into two groups and rushed towards Xingyun from two different directions. Xingyun held a semi-transparent longsword that was condensed from his Spiritual Force. He calmly dodged the attacks of the two people at a strange angle.    


When their attack missed, the two people did not seem to be in a hurry. Instead, they looked at each other and decisively took a few steps back. Then, they moved forward again.    


They had been standing there for nearly two hours. At the beginning, Xingyun kept attacking the two of them. However, now that the two of them had almost used up all their energy, Xingyun stopped. He used a defensive stance to deal with the two of them.    


The three of them once again engaged in a chaotic battle, and there were flashes of light from time to time. It was someone who had used a martial skill.    


The first person to be chased out of the battle circle was not Xingyun who had been surrounded by the two of them. Instead, it was Yun Batian.    


Because his physical strength had been exhausted, Yun Batian's reaction speed and reaction speed were much slower. He was struck in the ribs by Xingyun's sword, and he was sent flying and fell heavily to the ground.    


Following closely behind, Yang Xuan did not last long and was also sent flying by Xingyun. After falling to the ground, he did not have any intention of getting up. He just lied on the ground and kept breathing heavily.    


There was no cloud in the sky. The stars were blinking like the eyes of the sky. They had been watching the reproduction of the living beings on the ground since ancient times.    


A cool breeze blew past, and the fatigue on their bodies dissipated by more than half.    


Xingyun stood quietly beside the two of them. No one knew what he was thinking. At this time, he just took the initiative to open the door. Instead, he let the two of them replay the scene of the fight in their minds. If there were any questions, he would ask Xingyun again.    


The sound of cicadas could be heard from the forest not far away. The three people who had been fighting fiercely just now were quiet for a moment before they calmed down.    


The air seemed to freeze, but it started to flow again very quickly.    


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