Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C1019 The Grudges of the Cloud Sky Sect

C1019 The Grudges of the Cloud Sky Sect

The teacup shattered under the power of the Giants, and streams of white light shot out from where the teacup was. The white light contained immense power, and it was as if countless blades were flying in all directions.    


Under the white light, apart from Yun Ao, the stone table and the beast skin sofa within two meters were sliced into countless pieces.    


"I'm leaving." Only then did Yang Xuan wave his hand and lightly jumped onto Little Black's back.    


At the main door of the hall, a few servants walked up and opened the door.    


After Yang Xuan left, Yun Batian turned his head around and looked at Yun Ao with a trace of disgust. He asked, "Why did you do this?"    


"I did this to help you." Yun Ao sat down on the ground and picked up a complete teapot from the ground. He picked up a bunch of tea leaves and threw them in.    


Yun Batian snorted and said, "For my own good? Let others know that I, Yun Batian, am a villain. I can't beat my rival in love, so I use underhanded tricks behind my back? "    


"If you don't kill him, you will never have a chance." Yun Ao still didn't raise his head. His palm was placed upside down in the shape of a bowl into the account of the teapot. Countless Spiritual Force gathered in Yun Ao's palm and turned into a ball of clear water. It fell into the teapot.    


"Kill him! I have no chance at all!" Yun Batian walked over and picked up the giant and put it back on his back. He said, "I know you're doing this for Yun Long. You know what I'm doing. There are some things that you can't take, so you should give them to me. Think about it, how many mistakes did you make in order to secure this position?"    


Yun Ao placed the teapot in his palm, and the hot air came out of the teapot again and again. After hearing Yun Batian's words, Yun Ao suddenly shouted, "Shut up!"    


Almost in an instant, all the water in the teapot evaporated, the tea leaves turned into ashes, and the teapot was shattered into powder.    


Yun Ao finally raised his head, looked at Yun Batian and asked, "Do you want to die?"    


"Hahahaha." Yun Batian suddenly laughed and said, "You want to kill me? Come on, you want to kill me, Yun Ao. I will frown. I am not a man."    


Yun Ao's facial expression became ferocious. He clenched his fist and threw it at Yun Batian's head. However, when his fist was ten centimeters away from Yun Ao's face, it stopped. Yun Ao's arm trembled, and he gritted his teeth so hard that cracking sounds could be heard.    


Yun Batian, on the other hand, had a faint smile on his face. He looked at Yun Ao provocatively, just like he had said, without even blinking.    


Ten meters behind Yun Batian, a huge fist print suddenly appeared on a wall. Yun Ao put his hand down and said to Yun Batian, "You better show some respect to me. I am your elder."    


"Elder?" Yun Batian burst into laughter as if he had just heard a huge joke. He laughed as he held his stomach with his hands. After a long time, his laughter finally stopped. Yun Ao stood up and said, "Divide the others if you can't get it. If you can't beat them, then sneak attack from behind. Bullying the weak with the strong and bullying the weak with numbers. How can such a despicable person be worthy of being my elder? I know very well that your bastard has come to the Cloud Heaven Sect, but I think you shouldn't count on him. He's not even as good as Yun Long."    


Yun Ao's expression was ferocious, but after holding it in for a long time, he didn't say anything.    


"I have no interest in that position, you don't have to be wary of me." Yun Batian pointed at his feet and said, "As long as your good son can hold it firmly, I will send him off. The reason why I stayed here was because this was something left behind by my grandfather. It's not because of any other reason."    


"You..." Yun Ao pointed at Yun Batian. He felt like he was about to die from anger, but he could not say anything. Yun Batian snorted coldly, turned around, and walked towards the door.    


"Boom!" After Yun Batian left, Yun Ao suddenly threw his palm at the pile of junk in front of him. Originally, it was only a few pieces of the Sui, but after being repaired, it could still be used for expensive marble tables. Under Yun Ao's palm, it also shattered into powder, flying all over the sky.    


"Someone come." Yun Ao shouted loudly, and a few servants hurriedly ran over.    


"Call Bai Hee, who is under Elder Yun Yue's tutelage." Yun Ao ordered the servants, then walked upstairs.    


At the top of Cloud Heaven Peak, in Yuh Qingcheng's room.    


Yuh Qingcheng was leaning on the table with her hands supporting her cheeks. She was also holding the letter that the Black Panther had written to Yang Xuan. Her eyes fell on the food in front of her and she muttered, "Stupid fool, stinky fool. You actually don't eat the rice that I made for you. Can't you go after eating? You didn't have a good meal yesterday either. You didn't pay attention to your health at all."    


As she spoke, Yuh Qingcheng suddenly used her hands to hit the table and scolded, "Stupid fool, stupid fool."    


At this moment, the door creaked.    


"I'm back." Yang Xuan's voice came from outside the door, followed by his footsteps.    


"How is it? Did you find it?" Yuh Qingcheng looked at Yang Xuan's expressionless face and quickly asked.    


Yang Xuan shook his head and said, "No, but he left by himself."    


"What a pity, but don't be a fool. Look at my Big Yellow. Didn't he die a long time ago?" Yuh Qingcheng, who was scolding Yang Xuan just now, saw the unhappy expression on Yang Xuan's face. She quickly moved closer to him. She laid on his shoulder and said.    


"That's different." Yang Xuan held Yuh Qingcheng in his arms and said to her, "The Black Panther is not some spiritual pet. He is a divine beast. And to me, he is like a master."    


"Divine Beast?" Yuh Qingcheng was stunned for a moment and asked, "You mean he is smarter?"    


"No. What I mean is that he is a divine beast, on the same level as the legendary phoenix and dragon. " Yang Xuan slowly said to Yuh Qingcheng, but he found that Yuh Qingcheng's body shook, and her eyes widened as she looked at him.    


"If I remember correctly, after you returned to the capital, he was by your side, right? You mean to say that you had a divine beast by your side when you were at the Fourth Stage?"    


"Er... Yes." Yang Xuan suddenly realized that although the Black Panther was unable to display the strength of a Divine Beast due to certain restrictions, this news was still too shocking.    


"Wah, I actually didn't know until now. That damn fool actually hid it from me. But now, it seems like those people who lost to you didn't have any complaints at all. Even I'm starting to feel heartache for them. They're fighting with a divine beast."    


" It's not that exaggerated. Although it's a Godly Beast, it doesn't have the strength of a Godly Beast. It's just that to me, he's quite important, so after he left, he left. " That's why I was unhappy. " Yang Xuan shook his head and explained to Yuh Qingcheng.    


Suddenly, he noticed that Yuh Qingcheng's face suddenly became unhappy and froze for a moment. He did not realize that he had said something wrong and hurriedly asked, "Qingcheng, what happened to you?"    


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