Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C939 Article 939

C939 Article 939

Xingyun's suggestion.    


But right after that, a scene that made Yang Xuan feel even more terrified appeared.    


Yang Xuan slashed out with his sword, and a short period of time passed. If one were to fight against opponents who were at the same realm or even stronger than oneself, this short period of time in the vacuum would not be able to determine anything. But now, the person who was fighting Yang Xuan was not an ordinary opponent.    


After Yang Xuan unleashed the Sword Qi, the monster showed some courtesy and started attacking Yang Xuan as well. The monster flapped its wings and its body started to become illusory.    


Yang Xuan stared at the monster, but the monster's speed was extremely fast.    


The monster flapped its wings and rushed towards Yang Xuan. It was different from the previous two straight attacks. This time, when the monster was flying in the air, the route was actually a curve. Since it was a curve, then its speed would naturally be a bit faster. If the monster's speed was at the limit of Yang Xuan's reaction when charging in a straight line, then... Now, the monster's speed had given Yang Xuan a certain amount of time to react.    


But even so, Yang Xuan still felt helpless and helpless.    


The monster's flying curve didn't have any pattern, as if it was moving according to its will. Therefore, every time Yang Xuan used the Divine Sense to lock onto the monster, when he was about to use the Sword Qi to intercept it, he would discover that the monster had changed its position in the next moment. Moreover, because the monster's attack path was a curved line, Yang Xuan was unable to determine which position the monster was when it arrived in front of him.    


The monster's speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, it had arrived in front of Yang Xuan. However, what made Yang Xuan feel fortunate was that the skill he was using right now was the Three Essence Silence Spell, not the Flame Separation Spell. Otherwise, his reaction speed would definitely have decreased a little.    


But even so, when the monster arrived in front of him... Yang Xuan only had time to use the Spiritual Force to form a shield to block the monster's attack. The sword in his hand didn't even have time to move. The monster finished its attack and left.    


The monster's wings flapped rapidly, making a swishing sound.    


Yang Xuan looked at the back of the monster and immediately felt annoyed. But even though the atmosphere was tense, Yang Xuan still felt helpless. The monster's speed was really too fast, even though Yang Xuan had tried his best to keep up with the monster's speed. Unfortunately, Yang Xuan's strength didn't allow him to do so.    


Before Yang Xuan could react, the monster didn't hesitate at all. It launched another attack at Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan used the spiritual shield to block the attack once again. After that, he swung out the Sword Qi. Once again, he missed.    


The frequency of the monster's attacks was getting faster and faster, causing Yang Xuan to stop trying to fight back. He could only use the spiritual shield to block the attack. However, this was not the solution. Yang Xuan could not keep up with the monster's speed. Yang Xuan's attack could not hit the monster. Without considering the fact that the monster was exhausted, the first one to fall was definitely Yang Xuan.    


In the Immortal Cultivation World, there was a popular saying, The only martial arts in the world can only be broken with speed. Obviously, this monster had pushed this matter to its limits.    


Yang Xuan gradually became anxious. Every time the monster attacked him, he would be attacked. And when his attack missed again, he would feel a wave of irritation in his heart. As the monster attacked more and more, Yang Xuan's breathing became thicker and thicker.    


It seemed that if this continued, under the endless attacks of the monster, Yang Xuan wouldn't even need to wait for his Spiritual Force to run out, and he would have to suffer from qi deviation first.    


Just as Yang Xuan wanted to chase after the monster without caring about anything else, a cool breeze suddenly transmitted into his mind.    


"Calm your mind, don't be impatient." The Black Panther's voice rang in Yang Xuan's ears, and the cool breeze just now... It was the Black Panther that pulled a wisp of the Three Essence Silence Spell's Spiritual Force into Yang Xuan's mind, which made him feel better.    


The cold breath had awakened Yang Xuan's brain a little. The blood that had filled his eyes had also started to dissipate.    


After the Black Panther's words woke Yang Xuan up a little, another voice sounded in Yang Xuan's mind. It was Xingyun's voice.    


"Do you still remember what I said before? They were attacked by those monsters, and they were all killed in the end?"    


"Of course." Although he didn't know what Xingyun meant by saying this at this moment, Yang Xuan still nodded his head.    


"The space here has been sealed. If you can't leave this place unharmed... Even if Mong Ju'an is still in the Spirit Pagoda, he can't let us out. " Xingyun first spoke to Yang Xuan in a solemn tone. He saw that Yang Xuan had gradually regained his consciousness. You just asked me why I died in the end. I didn't have time to answer. But now, I can tell you. After finishing off that group of monsters, I thought I was fine. Just as I was waiting for the tribulation lightning to dissipate and prepare to leave... Another monster suddenly appeared in front of me."    


"What monster?" Yang Xuan asked subconsciously, but immediately reacted and said with a surprised face, "Could it be that the other monster you are talking about is the monster that is attacking me now?"    


"That's right, it is this type of monster. However, when these monsters appeared in front of me, there were nearly a hundred of them in an instant. Compared to your current one, there is a difference of several times. Their speed was simply too fast, even if it was my fastest speed when I was at my peak... I can't be much faster than them. Furthermore, they were able to maintain this speed for a very long time, while I could only maintain my fastest speed for a dozen minutes. Thus, I was unable to escape their pursuit. In the end, after killing more than half of the monster beetles, in the end, I could only die in battle. "    


"Your speed is about the same as yours?" Yang Xuan couldn't believe his ears and asked in disbelief. However, he did not pay any more attention to this matter. Instead, he asked about the most important part of the matter. "Wait. Senior, you just said that you have killed more than half of the monsters, right? But these monsters are so fast. How did you manage to hit these monsters accurately? Could it be that you used some kind of large-scale powerful martial skill? "    


Yang Xuan thought quickly in his mind. If Xingyun really used a large-scale powerful martial skill... That Yang Xuan would be in a really difficult situation. Although the martial skills Yang Xuan mastered were all high-grade martial skills, there were not many of them. For example, the Yang Spirit Essence Breaking Hand and Yin Spirit Essence Gathering Hand were both large-scale martial skills. The speed of gathering Qi was very slow, and it could only last for a short period of time. Therefore, it was almost impossible to hit this incomparably fast monster. Apart from that, the other sword moves under the Seven Star Sword Spell also had similar flaws.    


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