Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C755 Chapter 755

C755 Chapter 755

Lan Fenghuang's reaction.    


756 chapters    


Lan Fenghuang's reaction:    


In the Imperial Prison, two figures were moving back and forth, colliding with each other from time to time. A deafening sound was heard. After exchanging blows with Lee Zong twice, Yang Xuan switched his skill to the Three Essence Silence Spell without hesitation. At the same time, he started circulating the Dragon Soul Spell. Even though Lee Zong had suppressed his strength to the Early Sixth Stage, after exchanging two blows with Lee Zong, Yang Xuan also understood that Lee Zong's terrifying physical strength was... He had fought countless people before coming to the Wei Kingdom, and had been in the Imperial Prison for three hundred years. With his countless combat experience, he had to face Lee Zong. It could be said that he had no chance of winning.    


And to Lee Zong, if Yang Xuan couldn't withstand a hundred of Lee Zong's attacks... There were only two paths waiting for Yang Xuan, death or disability. When Yang Xuan was about to enter the Imperial Prison, * Hong Long...... * Therefore, Yang Xuan could only use his full strength in order to survive a hundred of Lee Zong's terrifying attacks.    


After reconnecting his dislocated arm, before Yang Xuan could recover from his injuries, he welcomed Lee Zong's next attack.    


Fighting a hundred moves didn't sound like a very difficult thing. However, when he faced Lee Zong, Yang Xuan finally understood. Putting aside whether he could exchange a hundred blows with Lee Zong, under Lee Zong's storm-like attacks, it was already very difficult for him not to think of retreating.    


Two hours later... ...    


"Not bad, your sword technique is very powerful." Lee Zong put his hands behind his back, his face that had always been like an iceberg finally revealed a smile. He said to Yang Xuan, "I have seen many experts who use swords, but they can make me feel threatened. Not many. If you were a little stronger, I might have lost to you today. "    


" Senior, you flatter me. "    


Yang Xuan was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. He raised his head and looked at the sky. His face was full of smiles. After exchanging hundreds of blows with Lee Zong, Yang Xuan had gained some new understanding about the battle. Lee Zong was like a machine that only knew how to attack. Even though the tip of Yang Xuan's wooden sword was already pointed at Lee Zong's throat, Lee Zong would never stop attacking because of this. Instead, he would think of ways to attack Yang Xuan. In other words, within the hundred moves he had exchanged with Lee Zong, every time Lee Zong attacked... Yang Xuan felt like he was hovering between life and death.    


Of course, Yang Xuan could still see it. When Lee Zong was fighting him... Obviously, he didn't use his full strength. He could even see some of Yang Xuan's true strength when he revealed some of his true strength. However, when he had no time to defend himself, Lee Zong didn't attack Yang Xuan's flaws.    


The ground within a ten mile radius was filled with terrifying craters and deep gullies. Most of these marks were caused by Yang Xuan's Sword Qi, Yang Xuan, or Lee Zong's body.    


"Senior, I can leave Imperial Prison now, right?"    


After a long while, Yang Xuan finally managed to catch his breath. He stood up and asked Lee Zong. Lee Zong nodded slightly and said to Yang Xuan, "Let's go. I will take you to the formation of Imperial Prison."    


"Wait a moment, senior. I can't go out yet. "    


Seeing Lee Zong about to wave his hand, Yang Xuan felt anxious in his heart. He hurriedly said to Lee Zong. When Lee Zong heard this, he frowned and looked at Yang Xuan with a puzzled expression. Yang Xuan quickly explained to Lee Zong that he had just advanced to the Sixth Stage. If he left Imperial Prison now and returned to the capital... If the Heavenly Tribulation fell, it might cause countless casualties.    


Capital, Lan family.    


After experiencing the chaos of the spectral cultivators, the biggest incident that had happened in the Lan family... Apart from the two most outstanding men of the Lan family, Lan Tao and Bluesea, and the old ancestor of the Lan family, Lan Tianxuan, who had been brought away by Wai Yu, and the fact that they had chosen to enter secluded cultivation... It was the young mistress of the Lan family, Lan Fenghuang, who had a fiery temper. For some reason, she had suddenly become much gentler.    


There were many things that should have been enough to infuriate Lan Fenghuang, but now that Lan Fenghuang had seen them again, her commanding tone revealed some displeasure.    


"Young mistress, why are you always depressed?"    


In Lan Fenghuang's courtyard, a female servant sat beside Lan Fenghuang. Looking at Lan Fenghuang who was lying on the table with a lost expression, he could not help but ask. After the chaos of the spectral cultivators, Lan Fenghuang would enter this state from time to time.    


Lan Fenghuang recovered her senses and smiled at the maid, saying, "I don't know. Maybe it is because I feel that life is very boring. I really didn't think that my cousin would do such a thing for the sake of the throne, and my two younger brothers were even willing to follow that kind of person. In my heart, this world can be called a reliable person. Other than Grandpa, there is only a certain idiot!"    




The maid was stunned for a moment and suddenly had an ambiguous smile on her face. She said to Lan Fenghuang, "Eldest Miss, this does not seem to be your tone. Tell me, did you secretly have a crush on some family's young master?"    


When Lan Fenghuang heard this, her face first turned red. After rolling her eyes at the maid, she scolded, "Damned girl, even you dare to tease me?"    


As she spoke, Lan Fenghuang's hand reached under the maid's armpit. The two of them were in a mess. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The two of them who were playing immediately separated. Lan Fenghuang tidied her clothes and said to the door, "Who is it?"    


"Miss, it is me."    


One. A man's voice came from outside the door. It was the servant of Lan family. The servant said to Lan Fenghuang, "Miss, someone called Yang Xiao has come to the mansion to see you."    


"Yang Xiao?"    


Lan Fenghuang was stunned at first, then said to the door, "Okay, let him in."    


As soon as she finished speaking, a man with a gloomy expression walked in from outside the door. After seeing Lan Fenghuang, the man revealed a smile and said to Lan Fenghuang, "Miss Lan, long time no see."    


"Yang Xiao? What are you doing in my Lan Mansion?"    


Lan Fenghuang was stunned and looked at Yang Xiao strangely. Lan Fenghuang did not have a good impression of this person who had once harmed Yang Xuan. Seeing Lan Fenghuang's expression, Yang Xiao could not help but smile bitterly. However, Yang Xiao did not flare up. Instead, he continued to speak to Lan Fenghuang, "It's like this. A while ago, my younger brother, Yang Xuan, had something to do and went to Imperial Prison. He was going to come out in these two days. But he seems to be unable to stay in the capital for some reason. He said that he wanted someone to drive the ultimate treasure of Yang family, the Flying Shuttle, to pick him up. However, my father and I aren't strong enough to control this Flying Shuttle. After the chaos of the spectral cultivators, my old ancestor has been in seclusion. I thought about it from left to right. Those who have the strength to control this Flying Shuttle and are familiar with Yang Xuan... Miss Lan, you're the only one who has the ability to control this ___. "    


Yang Xiao said and took out a letter from his pocket. He handed it to Lan Fenghuang and said, "I don't know what to say about the specific situation. The content is on this letter. Take a look!"    


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