Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C691 Long Fishing Line

C691 Long Fishing Line

There were two mountain peaks on both sides of the Falling Blade Cliff. Although the height of the two mountains was almost the same, the mountain on the left was much bigger than the one on the right. Therefore, the two mountain peaks were named after the mother mountain according to their size. Be it Zishan or Mother Mountain, they were both very smooth and steep on the side near the Barbarian Army. For ordinary soldiers, it was almost impossible to climb them with manpower.    


As night fell, torches were lit in Barbarian Clan's military camps. This was to prevent Great Wei's army from launching a surprise attack at them at night.    


In the darkness, a figure wearing armor rode a tall horse and galloped in the direction of Lo Capital. Compared to ordinary horses, this horse was extraordinarily handsome, and its speed was extremely fast.    


When they left the Falling Blade Cliff and were about ten miles away from Dragon Tooth Mountain, for some reason, the atmosphere in the surroundings suddenly quieted down. Although the night of winter should be so quiet, the atmosphere here gave people a very oppressive feeling. On both sides of the road, in the shrubs that had become barren because of the arrival of winter... There seemed to be someone watching the movements of the pedestrians on the official road.    


The person riding the horse had obviously noticed the figure as well, and a pleased smile appeared on his face. However, he did not slow down. Just as the man was about to pass through the gloomy area, the man in the grass finally couldn't help but jump out. His body emitted black gas and his face carried a sinister smile.    


The man who jumped out of the grass rushed towards the man who was running along the road. The horse suddenly fell to the ground. It let out a long hiss. The man smiled proudly and pressed his hand on the man's head on the horse's back. However, just as he thought that he would be able to defeat this man with ease... The man suddenly turned around and hit the man's arm hard. The other hand grabbed his neck.    


"Finally, I caught the little fly who secretly attacked me."    


The figure on the horse murmured softly, flames burning on his arm. It swallowed the figure that came out of the grass. The figure that was swallowed by the flame revealed a terrifying expression as he struggled with all his might. He wanted to break free from the hands of the person on the horse. However, that person's hand was like an iron clamp, firmly locking him down, not giving him any chance to escape.    


Very quickly, the flames burned his body into a pile of ashes. Only a soul remained on the spot. The figure's expression was solemn, and his hand heavily slammed onto the head of the soul that had suddenly jumped out and attacked him. A golden light flashed between his eyebrows. Countless information entered his mind from the soul. The person smiled faintly and spat out strength. The soul of the person who attacked him scattered and disappeared from this world.    


At the same time, in the lower part of Falling Blade Cliff.    


When they saw Yang Xuan again, the guards of the Profound Gate Pass all had happy expressions on their faces. Especially the troops of Carduus Army. It was as if they had returned to the time when they were in Profound Gate Pass. Under Yang Xuan's lead, the Barbarian Army was slaughtered until they couldn't find the north. But being happy was one thing, because they wouldn't be able to get any military funds for a long time. Even the elite soldiers that Ning Ziwei personally picked and handed over to Yang Xuan had ugly expressions on their faces.    


Yang Xuan smiled faintly and waved his hand to make these soldiers quiet down. He stretched out his left hand and a small, colorful tower appeared in his palm. It was still spinning. Yang Xuan held the Spirit Pagoda with one hand and pressed the other hand on it. He tilted the tower slightly. It was as if a dam had been opened in the tower. Countless large pockets fell out of the tower. They landed in front of everyone.    


Yang Xuan raised his head and looked at this group of soldiers who used to be the most elite of Carduus Army. But now, because of the lack of food, their combat strength had dropped to almost the same level as ordinary soldiers. There was a pained expression on his face. He pointed at the pockets that had fallen out of the Spirit Pagoda. They were piled up on the ground. They formed a small mountain the height of a person.    


"These are some rations and fresh water. Take them to fill your stomachs first!"    


Yang Xuan said and opened his pocket first. He took out a piece of dried meat and stuffed it into his mouth. This dried meat was produced in the grasslands of Barbarian Clan, even if it was just ordinary dried meat. The texture and taste were quite good. These soldiers were already hungry and anxious. They were still picky. They pounced on the small hill made of food like crazy and began to fight crazily. Yang Xuan looked at these soldiers who were wolfing down food and laughed.    


At the same time, he returned to the road leading to Dragon Tooth Mountain. The figure who had been ambushed while riding the horse earlier had already killed the person who had attacked him earlier. At this moment, he was standing quietly on the spot. It was a cold winter night. The sky was filled with dark clouds. In this kind of place where there was no light at all, one could not even see one's fingers. Naturally, he could not see the true face of the person riding the horse just now. That person thought for a moment. A hand gently swiped across his face. His face began to wiggle and change, just like the dough under the hands of the street vendors.    


After a moment, under the golden light, the man's face finally stopped changing. Then the golden light could see that it was the face of a monkey with a sharp mouth. If the person who was killed just now could still be seen by his soul. It would be surprised to find that the face was almost exactly the same as his appearance. Then, the monkey-faced man helped the horse up. He patted the horse on his back and the horse disappeared.    


The man smiled faintly. If there was a high-level cultivator present, he would definitely notice that the aura on the man's body was very strange. He was completely different from a normal person. His body didn't seem to be made of flesh and blood. Instead, it seemed to be made of pure Spirit Aura.    


A whirlwind condensed under the man's feet. The whirlwind carried him in the opposite direction - the direction of the Falling Blade Cliff.    


On the back of the Falling Blade Cliff, the Barbarian Clan's military camp was brightly lit with weapons. The reason why they dared to launch an all-out attack on Great Wei in this harsh winter season was none other than because someone had infiltrated their imperial palace during the night. They had reported some things to their majesty.    


In a tent in the middle of the military camp, a tall and muscular man stood. The bearded man looked anxious, as if he was waiting for something. The man's name was Saltus, and he was the President Commander of the Barbarian Army. According to the name of the Barbarian Clan, he should be called Great General.    


The Great General of the Barbarian Clan tapped his finger on the table. Suddenly, a sound came from outside the door.    


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