Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C632 Goodbye Yang Xiao

C632 Goodbye Yang Xiao

After leaving that small courtyard, Yuh Qingcheng suddenly felt that Yang Xuan's appearance just now was very unfamiliar. Even back in Profound Gate Pass, Yang Xuan was riding on a horse. With one arm around Yuh Qingcheng and the other holding a wooden sword, he killed countless enemies while chatting and laughing. Yuh Qingcheng had killed countless enemies. She also did not feel that there was anything wrong with Yang Xuan that made him feel uncomfortable.    


Just as Yuh Qingcheng was walking and looking at Yang Xuan strangely, Yang Xuan suddenly smiled.    


"What are you laughing at?"    


Yuh Qingcheng asked curiously.    


Yang Xuan shook his head slightly and said to Yuh Qingcheng, "This is a matter between men."    


But Yuh Qingcheng still had a confused expression. Yang Xuan thought for a while and explained to Yuh Qingcheng, "In the future, as long as I have not left the Yang family, this mad dog will guard the Yang family for a day."    


"Xuan, you seem to have changed somewhere."    


Yang Qianxue thought for a while and couldn't help but say.    


However, when she looked at Yang Xuan again, she saw Yang Xuan staring at her. In the young man's beautiful eyes, it was clear and clean. Just like in the past 16 years, every time Yang Qianxue walked into the courtyard, Yang Xuan looked into Yang Qianxue's eyes.    


"Has anything changed in me?"    


Yang Xuan asked. Then he shook his head and said, "If it is, it might be because I have grown up."    


After hearing Yang Xuan's words, he saw the marks left on Yang Xuan's face by the sand in Profound Gate Pass. Yang Qianxue suddenly felt a pain in her heart.    


Yang Qianxue had never been married in her life, and Yang Xuan had long become her biological son in his heart.    


As for how to deal with Yang Xinyi, Yang Xuan actually had a sudden idea. This kind of existence that was like a toad, if he wanted to settle it, there were only two ways. Either hang him with his bones, or... Just kill him.    


After hesitating for a while, Yang Xuan finally chose the former. After all, even though Yang Xinyi had a bad temper, but cultivation talent is still good. Furthermore, he was a disciple of Yang family after all. If he was killed just like that... It was no different from a foolish act of cutting off one's own arm.    


Therefore, after much consideration, Yang Xuan decided to keep Yang Xinyi.    


However, although this move had worked on Yang Xinyi, Yang Xuan still had someone else in his heart. He didn't know if this move would work on him.    


Yang Xuan thought for a while and rummaged through the storage bag for a while. Found a plain-looking badge. This token was given to Yang Xuan by Old City Lord in Qingzhou City. It was also a token of great general. Last time, Yang Xuan used this token to enter and exit the prison in the capital. This was the reason why he was rescued.    


Later on, although this token was seen by the Great General, he didn't take it back. Instead, it had always been by Yang Xuan's side.    


Yang Qianxue was a little puzzled when she saw Yang Xuan walking towards the exit of Yang Mansion. She asked curiously, "Xuan, where are you going?"    


"The prison in the capital."    


"The Imperial Prison in the capital? Isn't that the place where the prisoners are kept? What are you going there for? "    


" It's precisely because that's the place where the prisoners are held that I'm going to go there. "    


Yang Xuan's words made Yang Qianxue confused, but she saw that he used to live alone in the small courtyard. The little boy who needed her to secretly protect him had now grown into a man who could take care of himself. Yang Qianxue could not help but feel relieved.    


The prison in the capital was surrounded by a tall wall and a heavy gate made of iron. It gave people a dignified and awe-inspiring impression.    


At the gate of the prison, Yang Xuan and Yuh Qingcheng slowly walked over and stopped at the gate of the prison.    


Yang Xuan couldn't help but look up at the huge wall that was a hundred meters tall. Under such a tall wall, he didn't have to worry about anyone escaping from it. There were soldiers guarding the wall, and they had set up a Spirit Aura Cannon that cost several spirit stone to fire once. Without a Fifth Stage cultivation base, it could be said that they could not escape even if they had wings.    


As for those prisoners with Fifth Stage cultivation base, they were locked up in the deepest part of the prison, the place that was the most heavily guarded in the entire Great Wei. In that place, there were incomparably powerful but unknown prison guard and prison warden.    


Zhang Tianci had once mentioned this place by chance. What surprised Yang Xuan was that even the Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion, who could directly touch the core of this country's power, had a kind of reverence and fear towards that place.    


That place was called Imperial Prison.    


However, the place Yang Xuan wanted to go to wasn't Imperial Prison.    


"Stop, who is it?"    


The soldiers at the door blocked Yang Xuan's way with their spears crossed. If Yang Xuan dared to act rashly, they could kill Yang Xuan as soon as possible, but if Yang Xuan was strong enough... They would also sound the alarm at the first possible moment. It would only take a few breaths of time. The prison guard in the jail would rush out and stop those who tried to rebel.    


However, Yang Xuan was obviously not one of them. He did not speak. He just quietly took out a token and showed one side of it to the soldiers.    


"Welcome, Great General."    


Seeing the big word Zhou on the token, the two soldiers hurriedly bowed to Yang Xuan and stepped back to make way for him.    


Yang Xuan's face was stern as he walked forward. It was Yuh Qingcheng's first time coming to such a place, and she kept looking around curiously.    


The prison was filled with a strange smell. It could not be called a stench, but it made people feel very uncomfortable. If one had to describe this smell, it should be a rotten smell.    


The road in the middle was very wide, and on both sides, many prisoners were locked up according to their strength and the size of their crimes.    


Seeing outsiders coming in, the prisoners on both sides kept slapping the cages, trying to attract Yang Xuan's attention. Although it was meaningless to do so, it was also a form of entertainment.    


However, Yang Xuan did not pay attention to these prisoners. He continued to walk forward like still water, as if these prisoners did not exist in his eyes.    


At the end of the corridor, it was dark. He could feel a lot of extremely terrifying Qi in the depths of the corridor. However, Yang Xuan didn't have any intention of continuing to walk forward. He stopped in his tracks.    


Yang Xuan turned around and looked at the cage on his left. It was different from the other cages that were dark and full of dirty and filthy things. This cage looked very clean, as if someone was cleaning it regularly.    


Moreover, the person inside the prison that was bound by chains was currently sitting on that small bed that belonged to him, staring blankly. The clothes on his body were neat and tidy, and it seemed out of place with the environment here.    


Yang Xuan walked in that direction, and Yuh Qingcheng and the other prison guard followed closely behind.    


"With a loud bang, Yang Xuan kicked the cage hard. The person in the cage raised his head and looked over in confusion.    


It was a young man. His appearance was not very outstanding. In fact, he looked a little ordinary. However, he had an unruly look on his face.    


When he saw who was standing at the entrance of the cage, the young man's expression suddenly became ferocious. "It's you? You still have the face to come and see me?"    


"That's right, it's me. Yang Xiao, my good brother."    


With a faint smile on his face, Yang Xuan slowly said to the person in the cage.    


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