Immortal Cultivating Dynasty

C620 The Conspiracy

C620 The Conspiracy

In the main hall of Zhu Mansion, Zhu Yuan was sitting in the middle. The first person sitting on his left was wearing a white crane and green carp robe. This was a robe that only rank two officials of the Wei Kingdom were qualified to wear.    


Compared to Zhu Yuan's somewhat fat body, this white crane green carp man looked very thin. His face was as sharp as a knife or an axe, and his eyes were glittering. No one knew what he was thinking.    


If one observed carefully, they would find that this man's body shape was vastly different from Zhu Yuan's. There was a 70% similarity between their brows. If Yang Xuan was here... He would definitely be able to guess that this was the brother who shared the same father and mother as Zhu Yuan. The Jiangnan Law's Censor, Zhu Qian.    


"Brother, that's the recently popular Marquis of Lo Capital and Third Prince of the Great Wei. Isn't it a little inappropriate for you to do this?"    


After listening to what Zhu Yuan said about what happened at the entrance of Zhu Mansion, Zhu Qian furrowed his brows. He asked worriedly. However, Zhu Yuan's expression was calm and relaxed. He took the teacup from the maid beside him. He took a light sip and said slowly, "It's fine. That grand formation can't hurt people. With the strength of those two kids, they won't die inside."    


Although in the eyes of outsiders, Zhu Yuan's actions might seem a little overboard, his heart was as clear as a mirror. His goal was only to get rid of the Great Wei, and not to become the enemy of the Great Wei.    


Zhu Qian looked at Zhu Yuan worriedly. After hesitating for a while, alright. Since his brother had already made such a bold move, he had naturally arranged for a contingency plan. Although he, Zhu Qian, felt that something was not right, he saw Zhu Yuan's confident look. He didn't know what to say.    


"Little Qian, I know that you are wholeheartedly devoted to the Great Wei, but we have such a great opportunity. Why don't you dare to take a gamble? In the Great Wei, we are limited in every aspect, but if we go down with me... That is our world."    


The Lower Tang was a small country not far from the Great Wei. The military strength of the empire was not very strong. If one had to find something to compare it with, it would be barely comparable to the Chiang Country that Yang Xuan had once stayed in.    


In fact, other than the people of Zhu family, there were many people who didn't know about one thing.    


The reputation of the Zhu family, in the eyes of outsiders, was due to the contribution of the ancestors of the Zhu family to Great Wei. In addition, Zhu Qian of the Zhu family was now the Imperial Censor of the Jiangnan Law. This was the reason why the Zhu family was able to stand tall in the south of the Yangtze River.    


However, among the two brothers of Zhu family, Zhu Yuan's shrewdness and thoughts were much deeper than Zhu Qian's. When Emperor Wai took over the position, he gave the Zhu family a spot as the Law's censor. In the eyes of the people of the Zhu family, this spot should belong to Zhu Yuan. It was also because Zhu Yuan gave up the spot that Zhu Qian was able to become the Imperial Censor of the Jiangnan Law.    


After that... In exchange, Zhu Yuan naturally took the seat of the Zhu family's patriarch.    


After Zhu Yuan became the patriarch, the Zhu family had done a lot of things in the Jiangnan area. Currently, there were several big families in the Jiangnan area, and they all had the shadow of the Zhu family behind their backs. Zhu Yuan's means were very secretive. If it wasn't for the fact that a family under his control had made a mistake after drinking a cup of wine... After saying these things, the people of the Imperial Court probably didn't know that the Zhu family had become the Second Emperor of the Jiangnan area.    


Since ten years ago, Zhu Yuan had been secretly plotting something.    


As a small country that relied on the nose of the surrounding large countries to survive, the strongest cultivators in the Lower Tang were merely Third Stage warriors. Furthermore, ever since the king of the Tang Kingdom took office, he had been indulging in sex all day long. He was muddle-headed and did not do anything, and the power of the country was divided among the few large families.    


Ten years ago, a strategist suddenly came to the Lower Tang. He directly came to the Imperial Palace and requested to meet the king. He recommended himself and said that he could help the Lower Tang resolve the current predicament.    


No one knew what kind of bewitchment this strategist gave the Lower Tang Emperor. Everyone only knew that... On the second day after that strategist came to the Lower Tang, the Lower Tang king who had not attended the court for a long time suddenly announced that he was going to attend the court. Furthermore, he requested the people from the Ministry of Revenue to bring the national treasury's projects over and verify them one by one.    


How could the Minister of Revenue take it out? He was trying to hide it from the court. The strategist revealed the secret and explained that the Minister of Revenue had colluded with other officials to split the Treasury property.    


The Minister of Revenue was furious and wanted to rebel. However, no one had expected that the advisor not only had a sharp tongue, but he was also a Fourth Stage cultivator. He was so powerful that no one in the lower Tang could stop him.    


After the Minister of Revenue was killed by the strategist with a single sword strike, blood splattered on the spot. The other officials present also bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes.    


This was originally a very cliché story. A hero had appeared out of nowhere and saved the people from a dire situation. However, no one knew that the savior of the Lower Tang Dynasty who had appeared out of nowhere had actually come from Wei Kingdom, not far away from them.    


In the main hall of the Zhu Mansion, Zhu Yuan's eyes were slightly narrowed. It seemed like he was pretending to be asleep, but no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.    


The Jiangnan Dao, including the major families in the Jiang'an City, had long been controlled by Zhu Yuan. The means that Zhu Yuan used to control them, apart from holding all kinds of evidence against them, also had all kinds of benefits.    


In the Lower Tang Kingdom, after ten years of hard work and effort from Zhu Yuan, at the same time that it had become strong and strong, the trust of the king of the lower Tang Kingdom towards Zhu Yuan had also reached a peak. And a year ago, Zhu Yuan had finally relied on his prestige in the lower Tang Kingdom. Almost all of the political organizations in the lower Tang Kingdom had his spies planted in them. As long as he gave the order, the entire Lower Tang would be his.    


No one knew when Zhu Yuan had planned all of this. Perhaps it had started ten years ago. He had already predicted that today would come. And since Zhu Qian had secretly used his authority to secretly transfer tax to Lower Tang under Zhu Yuan's pleading a few years ago, he had already been pulled onto the pirate ship. He could not come down anymore.    


"Shadow Blade."    


A silent Zhu Yuan suddenly spoke. There was only Zhu Yuan and Zhu Qian in the hall. Along with Zhu Yuan's soft call, a black figure came out from a dark corner of the hall.    


"Your subordinate is here."    


The black figure came in front of Zhu Yuan and said respectfully with one knee on the ground.    


"How is the transfer of tax?"    


"Master, including the money we saved earlier, there is a total of four hundred thousand taels of silver. Most of it has been loaded by our men. After exiting the Long City Pass, we will head down to the Lower Tang."    


"Where's the kid who came to cause trouble last time?"    


"Ever since the messenger of Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion was imprisoned by me in the formation, he has been fighting with the grand formation. Now, his combat strength has dropped to less than ten percent. He won't be able to stir up any big waves."    


Zhu Yuan nodded slowly. He said to the black figure with a serious expression, "You must keep an eye on that thing. It took me a lot of effort to get it. If I can solve the secret within it, I will have a place in the entire East Continent. "    


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