Eternal Sovereign



Since a month ago when Vice Commander Qi returned, when Ol 'Four was not back yet, Eldest Prince was suspicious of why the Fourth Prince was still outside. However, since Eldest Prince himself had matters to attend to, coupled with Ol' Four's recent loss, Eldest Prince mistook Ol 'Four for being too thin-skinned and embarrassed to return.    


Therefore, Eldest Prince didn't investigate.    


But now that number four was back, Eldest Prince did not get angry even though he was secretly ridiculing him. Instead, he was slightly happy, which made Eldest Prince feel that something was amiss.    


When did Ol 'Four become so cowardly?    


If this was the past, he would definitely strike back.    


"Could it be that Fourth Bro really had some fortuitous encounter outside?" Eldest Prince frowned. This was not good news.    


"I'd like to see what you did out there, Fourth Bro." Eldest Prince snorted. However, it wasn't something that could be investigated in a short period of time, so Eldest Prince quickly threw this matter to the back of his mind.    


At the same time, Second Prince also sent people to investigate, and Second Prince was also aware of Ol 'Four's abnormality.    


He did not dare to be careless against his strong competitor number four. A momentary setback did not mean that he would be able to take down number four. After all, in the past, there had been times where number four had held the upper hand.    


… ….    


Inside the study room, the fourth prince met his own father, the ruler of Jingzhou — King Jing!    


As King Jing, and also a Master Stage expert himself, he was an existence above tens of thousands of people in the capital.    


King Jing was not dealing with any political affairs. Instead, he was using a brush to practice his calligraphy. Each stroke was imprinted with King Jing's martial arts imprint. Those with weaker strength would feel a shock when they saw these words.    


Of course, it was also possible for him to gain some insights from it.    


The Fourth Prince was already an existence of Astral Deities Worship Stage, so he wouldn't be too affected. However, the Fourth Prince didn't disturb his father from writing.    


After a while, King Jing retracted his brush and stood up straight.    


He glanced at the fourth prince and asked, "Fourth brother, are you willing to come back?"    


The fourth prince awkwardly said, "Although I came back late, there's still a reason."    


King Jing said, "I know, Old Qi has already reported to me." Finished speaking, he paused for a moment, then continued: "I didn't expect such a dark horse to appear from such a small Yunlan County."    


"Advancing to become a Xiantian at this age is already an outstanding achievement, not to mention all the way to half step into the Acupoint Charging realm. His bloodline has at least reached the Quasi-Heaven realm."    


"In the entire capital, the bloodlines of those at this level are excellent as well."    


"I'm afraid none of the Dark Dragon Guards secretly trained by the Imperial Capital can match up to that junior named Chen Yi."    


"Even the top geniuses of the Dark Dragon Guards can't compare to Chen Yi?" The fourth prince was shocked at this moment.    


The cultivation of Heavenly Pride in the capital was divided into three parts. One was the Purple Dragon Guards and the Golden Dragon Guards, and the other was the Heavenly Pride s sent by different places in the world. The Purple Dragon Guards were mainly responsible for protecting the descendants of the imperial family.    


The Golden Dragon Guards were mainly responsible for protecting the Liangyue King and the princes.    


However, all of this was on the surface. There was an even more secretive force protecting the royal family from the shadows. This power mainly nurtured descendants of the royal family, Heavenly Pride s, or a few outsiders. Only those with monstrous talent would be selected, disappear in front of outsiders, and then be sent to a specialized place to be nurtured.    


From then on, they had nothing to do with their loved ones.    


This was the Dark Dragon Guards.    


Only when the royal family suffers from a fatal crisis, will the Dark Dragon Guards protect the royal family. The selection criteria for the Dark Dragon Guards are extremely high, and not one of them will be chosen even after a few years or a dozen years.    


But at the same time, as long as the Hidden Dragon Guards showed themselves, even the weakest of them would be a half step into the Master Stage Realm.    


In the Dark Dragon Guards, those over 100 years old have basically all steadily stepped into the Grandmaster Realm.    


The Dark Dragon Guards are the true foundation of the royal family!    


Other than the Purple Dragon Guards, Golden Dragon Guards, and Dark Dragon Guards, the third power was much weaker. The imperial family had specially built an imperial academy which only the royal family could learn from, but it did not have high requirements for talent.    


The various city lords and dukes were basically all from the Royal Academy.    


That included King Jing, who had studied in there when he was young.    


King Jing was currently a Zongshi expert, so it could be seen that his talent was quite impressive. He was definitely a demon level character in the eyes of ordinary people.    


But even so, King Jing still didn't meet the standards of the Dark Dragon Guards. Just by observing the Panther in the center of the crowd, he knew how strict and high the requirements the Dark Dragon Guards had for their talent were.    


However, if Chen Yi's talent was placed in the Dark Dragon Guards, no one would be able to compete with him?    


His Highness had a dazed look on his face. It seemed that he had still underestimated that fellow.    


King Jing shook his head again, "I don't know too much about the Dark Dragon Guards. Only the King is qualified to know the specific situation of the Dark Dragon Guards, I am only guessing."    


"But even if I guessed wrong, it would be at least one of the top levels of the Dark Dragon Guards."    


"In other words, Chen Yi will also become a Grandmaster in the future?" or even Great Grandmaster? " His Highness said in shock.    


Outsiders might not know, but the fourth prince knew that the three Great Grandmaster in the dynasty originated from the Dark Dragon Guards.    


King Jing shook his head again: "That may not be so. The further one cultivates, the more one has to rely on resources. No matter how gifted one is, without sufficient resources, it would still not be possible to reach the peak."    


"That's true." The fourth prince nodded in agreement.    


"Have a good relationship with him. Since you've gotten along well, then try your best to tie him tightly to you. In the future, the stronger he becomes, the greater the benefits for you."    


"It's a pity that you're not a girl. Otherwise, you could just marry her." At the end, King Jing joked a little.    


Black lines appeared on the face of the fourth prince.    


After that, the 4th Prince reported a few more things and was about to leave. However, King Jing suddenly said: "Fourth Brother, do you know why your big brother and second brother were here before?"    


The fourth prince looked doubtfully at King Jing and shook his head: "I don't know."    


King Jing said, "They plan to open the Tower of Wargods."    


The 4th Prince's expression changed: "War God Tower? Has the energy of the Tower of Wargods been recovered? "    


King Jing nodded: "That's right, I've already recovered. That's why your big brother and second brother can't wait to open the War God Tower, and also have the intention of eighth brother."    


"Originally, I did not want to activate it. After all, the energy consumed to open it is too great. After that, it will close for another ten to twenty years."    


"But I suddenly want to see how the kid you brought back will perform in the Tower of Wargods." King Jing was obviously very interested in Chen Yi.    


Speaking of Chen Yi, the fourth prince was very confident: "Don't worry father, the War God Token is definitely in Chen Yi's pocket."    


… ….    


Red Dragon Guard Family Residence, Zhao Residence.    


Within the hall, a white-haired old man sat at the head of the group with a gloomy expression. Men and women sat on either side of him, and none of them looked young.    


"Father, is the Breaking Heaven Department really being occupied by a newbie?"    


"The Breaking Heaven Courtyard is fought for by the three Red Dragon Guard of our Zhao Family. Which newcomer doesn't know the rules?"    


"If you don't know the rules, you should be taught a lesson. The Breaking Heaven Department is part of our Zhao Clan!"    


"That's right, although Little Yuan is a junior, his talent isn't bad, and he's already at the seventh level of Quasi-innate. I'm afraid that in a few years, he'll be able to advance into the Innate Realm, and at that time, he'll be able to become a Red Dragon Guard.    


All of the middle-aged men and women were filled with righteous indignation as they looked up at the elder. Now, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family was ready to see what the Patriarch had to say. After all, the Patriarch was the only Xiantian expert!    


Even if it was drugs.    


The Patriarch of Zhao gritted his teeth and said, "A trivial newbie actually stole away the Breaking Heaven Department that belonged to our Zhao Family. He clearly doesn't put our Zhao Family in his eyes!"    


"With our Zhao Family's reputation and status, I don't believe that no one will warn that newbie."    


"That rookie is provoking our Zhao Family!"    


The Zhao Clan's Patriarch didn't know that the Zhao Clan's status and reputation really couldn't be passed down to the Commander, and thus the Commander really didn't know about the matter of the Skies Courtyard being viewed as his own by the Zhao Clan.    


However, if they knew, the one who would be in trouble would be the Zhao Family.    


"But..." The Zhao Clan's Patriarch hesitated as he said, "The news that Little Lin of the Breaking Heaven Department sent over seems to be brought here by the Commander. It wouldn't have any great background, would it?"    


"This …" The group of middle-aged men and women looked at each other in dismay, then one of them said after a long while, "What status does the Commander possess? I can't be mistaken, right?"    


Just as these words were said, they were immediately refuted: "Even though Xiao Lin's status is not high, he is after all a set of Quasi-innate, how can he admit his wrongs! Moreover, even if Little Lin were to admit fault, Old Dong would not be able to do so. "    


The crowd became even more silent. Although they were angry that the Skies Courtyard had been occupied, they did not dare offend the commander. Who knew what the relationship between the newcomer and the commander was?    


After a long silence, the head of the Zhao Family said slowly, "Ninth, ask Wan'er to come home for a while. It's best if Wan'er and Lord Yu Hang come together. I will go with Lord Yu Hang to visit that newbie."    


"This old man wants to see just what kind of background that newcomer has."    


… ….    


After a night of adjusting his condition, the Breaking Heaven Department's Chen Yi was in his best condition the next day.    


Then, Chen Yi jumped up and pushed the door open. All the servants on the way immediately bowed and greeted Chen Yi, "Greetings, Master."    


"Old master, where are you planning to go?" Old Dong came running over, looking like a dog.    


Chen Yi said, "I will go to the Small Sword Pavilion. You don't need to follow me. I probably won't be coming back for the next few days."    


Moments later, Chen Yi walked out of the Breaking Heaven Department and rushed out like a startled rainbow.    


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