Eternal Sovereign



At the third manor on the second floor of the Sky Peak, the servants had already been notified and were waiting outside respectfully.    


When Elder Chen Xun and Chen Yi arrived, Chen Yi's gaze swept across the crowd and found that there were at least a hundred servants there!    


However, out of the hundred people, most of them were lower leveled warriors, so they should be people who cleaned the area and planted Spirit Field s.    


There were also some experts with relatively high strength, probably being guards or something like that. Although they were not major Circulation Stage, all of them were experts in the martial way at the perfection-stage of the Circulation Stage (ten scriptures, Eleventh Meridian Circulation Stage).    


In terms of Chen Family, it was not worth mentioning. Since he was a servant, his fighting strength was probably average, even if he was at the Perfection Boundary of an ordinary Circulation Stage, he would at most learn cultivation techniques and martial arts.    


However, it was definitely not a weakling outside. In a small town, he was definitely a top-notch expert.    


Chen Yi's grandfather was only at this level.    


In other words, Chen Yi's grandfather, as one of the Patriarchs of the three great families in Yongde Town, was just an ordinary servant or guard.    


Chen Yi quickly stopped paying attention to these guards. After all, their fighting strength was average, so it would be a waste for them to have a high cultivation base.    


He, and the eight Heavenly Pride s beside him, although their cultivation were not as good as his guards, but in terms of actual combat strength, each of them could instantly kill these guards.    


Chen Yi's gaze quickly fell on the leader of these servants.    


It was an old man. However, the clothes he wore were very low-profile and did not lose out in extravagance. Judging by his aura, he was no small matter either.    


Chen Yi felt threatened by this elder.    


This old man was actually a profound practitioner of the A Great Circulation realm!    


To be able to bring about such a sense of danger to Chen Yi, it was obvious that this was not an ordinary Large Circulation. Its true strength was at least comparable to an ordinary expert at the second or third level of Quasi-innate.    


It wasn't strange for the old man to have this kind of strength. Cultivation relied on talent, but for other things, such as cultivation methods, martial skills, sword potential, and so on, it didn't just depend on talent, but also the accumulation of time.    


The old man was not young at all, he was around fifty or sixty years old, and with such a long period of accumulation, he naturally would not be weak within the Great Circulation Stage.    


"This old servant greets the four great elders and the fifteen young masters and young ladies." The crowd had arrived not far from the elder and the others. The elder immediately stepped forward and bowed respectfully.    


The people behind him all knelt down and shouted, "We pay our respects to the four great elders! Fifteen young masters and young ladies! "    


The four Yuan Combination Stage Elders who treated Chen Yi and the others fairly kindly, faced a group of servants with dignity and arrogance. After a while, Elder Chen Xun's cold voice faintly sounded: "Stand up."    


The servants stood up nervously, while the old butler was covered in cold sweat.    


As a servant, a servant with no future, he was nothing more than an ant in front of an elder of the Yuan Combination Stage. Forget about Yuan Combination Stage Elders, even ordinary attendants and protectors at the Innate Genuine Returning Stage level could be casually killed if one of them got them into a bad mood.    


Elder Chen Wei Chen said: "Butler Sun, bring us to the Spirit Field."    


"Yes." Steward Sun wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead without leaving a trace, and then brought everyone to the Spirit Field s at the manor.    


Arriving at the Spirit Field, the corner of Chen Yi's eyes twitched. Even though it was called a Spirit Field, it was only an acre old primary Spirit Field.    


There was only an acre of green in the dozens of acres. It looked very pitiful.    


The four Yuan Combination Stage Elders looked at each other, then suddenly flew into the sky. Amongst them, Elder Chen Wei Chen threw out a small black piece, and Little Black quickly fell from the sky and rapidly increased in size, turning into an acre-sized Spirit Field in the blink of an eye.    


As the black ground fell, the four elders suddenly formed hand seals, and streams of true energy fell into the black land like rain.    


On the surface, the Black Lands didn't seem to have changed, but inside, it had undergone earth-shaking changes.    


This black ground high level Spirit Field had actually been here for a long time, and belonged to the Heavenly Pride s that had passed through the Peerless Peak. After the Heavenly Pride had left, this black ground was then retracted by the elders, and the fat and spirit energy inside had all fallen into a deep sleep.    


What the four elders had to do now was to reactivate the fertility and spiritual force within the black ground.    


When the power was completely activated, the four elders threw out their spirit plant seeds, sprinkling it onto the black soil.    


Afterwards, the four elders descended and stood in four different corners. They were the upper left corner, the upper right corner, the lower left corner, and the lower right corner of the black ground.    


The four people formed a hand sign with their hands and threw out something unknown. A green enchantment engulfed the black ground.    


The four Elders began to shoot out streams of true essence. As the true essence fell onto the enchantment, the enchantment seemed to have a life of its own as it began to absorb all of this true essence.    


After the barrier absorbed the true essence of the four elders, green tentacles extended out and stabbed into the black ground.    


These green tentacles were like blood vessels. An unknown liquid flowed inside them and poured into the black soil.    


As time passed, the seeds that sprinkled onto the black soil began to sprout and grow.    


In just half an hour, the growth of the spiritual plant was already complete. Under normal circumstances, it would take at least half a year, and this was the result of careful care by the servants.    


But now, in less than half an hour, the Spirit Plant had fully grown. Chen Ziyao only needed to trade the Spirit Rice, Spirit Wheat, and Spirit Corn for the Spirit Rice that was created.    


Elder Chen Xun heaved a sigh of relief, "Completed."    


The four Yuan Combination Stage Elders rubbed their foreheads. Clearly, speeding up the growth of these Spirit Plants also consumed a lot of them.    


The last four Yuan Combination Stage Elders had set up a small scale Qi Gathering Array in Chen Ziyao's house, so Chen Yi and the others did not see it.    


Then, Chen Ziyao stayed behind and everyone continued on to their next destination.    


The seventh manor on the second floor of the Sky Peak.    


Chen Chunle didn't even pass the first stage, so there was naturally no reward. After sending Chen Chunle off, he left.    


On the third floor of the Sky Peak, there were two empty villas. Chen Yixue and another Seventh Meridian Circulation Stage Heavenly Pride stayed behind, and the four Yuan Combination Stage Elders also left Spirit Field for Chen Yixue's villa.    


However, because Chen Yixue was not a person who had passed the examination, the four Yuan Combination Stage Elders did not accelerate the growth of their spirit plants.    


Soon, they arrived at the fourth level of the Sky Peak.    


There were three empty seats on the fourth floor, so Chen Yi chose the second manor.    


The steward of Chen Yi Manor was surnamed Deng, which Chen Yi called Housekeeper Deng.    


The four Yuan Combination Stage Elders also gifted Chen Yi with one mu of high level Spirit Field, and also sped up the growth of his spirit plant. In the end, they left Chen Yi a small sized Qi Gathering Array and left.    


Thus, only Chen Yi and Bai were left in the manor.    


Of course, you still need to include Housekeeper Deng and the others.    


Many servants followed behind Housekeeper Deng, bowing and waiting for Chen Yi's orders.    


Chen Yi said, "Who is the captain of the guards here?"    


A middle-aged man in his forties walked out from the crowd. He looked extremely mighty.    


"I am Zhang Tianwu, the captain of the guards of the Tianfeng Mansion's second level. Greetings, Sir!" Zhang Tianwu said respectfully.    


Even though Chen Yi didn't look that big, no one dared to look down on him.    


It was all because Chen Yi was a person who had passed the trial.    


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