Eternal Sovereign



From Chen Gaojun, he found out the situation of [Heavenly Superb Alliance] chief three years ago, and from Chen Gaojun, Chen Yi also found out the exact number of people in the Peerless Peak of Fool Uncle's faction.    


Originally, there were more than forty people in Peerless Peak, but now, with Chen Yi and nine others, there were more than fifty.    


Including Chen Yi and Chen Gaojun, there were only eight people in total who belonged to Fool Uncle's faction.    


It seemed very small, but it only had a total of fifty or so people.    


While Chen Yi and Chen Gaojun were conversing in a low voice, the three Yuan Combination Stage Elders and Chen Xun Elder suddenly called out the names of Chen Yi and Chen Ziyao.    


Chen Yi and Chen Ziyao immediately replied respectfully, "I am here."    


Elder Chen Xun said, "Since you two have passed the test, you will naturally be rewarded."    


"As the person who passed the trial, you have three great rewards."    


"One is the Contribution Points. The two of you will get thirty thousand Contribution Points each."    


Chen Yi and Chen Ziyao's faces did not change. Although Chen Ziyao's background was not as good as Chen Qiwen's, with their talents, they were naturally highly regarded by Chen Yanbinn's faction, so they did not take the thirty thousand Contribution Points s seriously.    


He had never been worried about the Contribution Points before.    


Chen Yi, as a side branch, was rewarded quite a bit when he arrived at Yuele City.    


In the future, he would obtain quite a few cultivation resources.    


Later on, he used spirit stones to exchange for some Contribution Points.    


These exchanges amounted to tens of thousands of Contribution Points. Therefore, even though Chen Yi had consumed quite a bit of the Contribution Points, he did not lose his composure after being rewarded with 30,000 Contribution Points because he had the experience of acquiring a large number of Contribution Points.    


Not only Chen Yi and Chen Ziyao, the other seven Heavenly Pride s also didn't show any signs of envy.    


Thirty thousand yuan, in their eyes, really wasn't a big deal.    


However, the next two rewards couldn't help but make them feel envious.    


Elder Chen Xun continued: "The second reward is the Spirit Field. This old man will tell you about some of the Peerless Peak."    


Even though it was an explanation to Chen Yi and Chen Ziyao, it was actually only directed at Chen Yi alone.    


Chen Ziyao was also from the Ancestral Land, so how could he not know about the true situation of Peerless Peak?    


Following Elder Chen Xun's explanation, Chen Yi roughly understood the situation of Peerless Peak.    


Peerless Peak descending from the mountainside was the sixth Heavenly Barrier, and it was usually just a normal path. Only when a newcomer was on the Heavenly Summit, would it seem a little special.    


Up the mountain, and between the mountain peaks, was the place where the Heavenly Pride s usually trained. There were a total of six levels, and each level was very large.    


Every region could be said to be a mountain villa. There were houses, pavilions, mountain springs, and even Spirit Field.    


and many servants who were serving the Heavenly Pride s.    


There weren't many people in the Ancestral Land. Those who could enter the Ancestral Land were either those who had reached the Innate Realm in the way of martial arts, or were either the peerless Heavenly Pride, or some of the younger generation who had come because of some other reason.    


In the entire Ancestral Land, the majority were actually the servants.    


These servants, other than serving Heavenly Pride, were to clean the villa and take care of the Spirit Field.    


However, in every manor, without a Heavenly Pride staying, the Spirit Field were the lowest of the low.    


Ancestral Land divided the Spirit Field into four levels.    


Beginner Spirit Field, Intermediate Spirit Field, Advanced Spirit Field, and Top Ranked Spirit Field.    


The spirit energy of a primary Spirit Field was limited. Not to mention the fact that there were not many spirit plants that could be planted, the spirit plants that could be planted on the primary Spirit Field would not grow much better either.    


An Intermediate Spirit Field could cultivate some decent spirit plants, so the growth rate of spirit plants were also better.    


The spirit items that were grown, such as spirit rice, would also have some benefits to Martial Cultivator of Acquired Stage's cultivation. They would even be able to slightly refine the Genuine Qi and wash away some of the shallow impurities from his body.    


If Martial Cultivator of Acquired Stage ate a bowl of cooked food every day, his cultivation would definitely increase by a lot in the next few years. The effect of the Genuine Qi's tempering would also be better, and the deeper impurities in his body would also be washed away.    


For some martial artists who consumed too many pills over the years, the aftereffects would at least be mostly relieved.    


Most importantly, it could also change the body to become more suitable to resonate with the world's spirit energy.    


Thus, stepping into the Quasi-innate in the future, one's rate of increase would also be much faster than normal Quasi-innate.    


Chen Yu's place that the Yuele City resided in was a high level Spirit Field.    


As for the top-grade Spirit Field, they were extremely powerful, and the spirit items that were grown could be ranked amongst the Innate Rank.    


This level of Spirit Field, even if it was Ancestral Land, would be very difficult to modify, and would require Ancestor of Astral Deities Worship Stage to work hard, using up quite a bit of Genuine Qi and physical strength.    


However, even if the spirit object that was grown was in the Innate Realm, it would only be at the Fourth Rank level. It would be of great use to Genuine Returning Stage, but wouldn't be of much help to the Yuan Combination Stage level.    


Regarding the level of Astral Deities Worship Stage, even the slightest bit of it would not have any effect; at most, it would only make the food a little better.    


Therefore, many of Ancestor of Astral Deities Worship Stage was unwilling to do these thankless jobs, unless Ancestor of Astral Deities Worship Stage himself was more tasty.    


To the extent that there was a limit to the number of top-notch Spirit Field in the Ancestral Land, which was not something an ordinary disciple could possess.    


What Elder Chen Xun wanted to reward was naturally not the top-notch Spirit Field, but the second highest level Spirit Field.    


A manor without an owner, only had one mu of primary Spirit Field. The rest were all wastelands, and Ancestral Land did not allow people to reclaim more Spirit Field.    


A manor with a master, based on the master's performance in breaking through the Heavenly Barrier, would bestow Spirit Field of all sizes and ranks.    


Passing one test would only give one mu of beginner Spirit Field.    


Through the second trial, one could obtain two acres of primary Spirit Field.    


Passing the three trials were four acres of primary Spirit Field.    


As for passing all four trials, he would directly be promoted to an acre of intermediate Spirit Field.    


The five tests were for two acres of intermediate Spirit Field.    


As for the six trials … It was a high leveled Spirit Field!    


An acre of high level Spirit Field, there was probably someone who would trade ten Acre middle level Spirit Field for it, but no one would.    


If that was all there was to it, it would be fine. However, because Chen Yi and Chen Ziyao were clearing people, not only would Elder Chen Xun and the three Yuan Combination Stage Elders personally clear their Spirit Field s, they would also directly use secret techniques and formations. They would also consume their own Innate True Origin to help the two mature and grow their spirit plants.    


As for Chen Gaojun and the others, they needed to be nurtured by themselves, or they could use Contribution Points s to get help.    


Chen Yi looked calm on the surface and his eyes revealed a faint sense of joy. With these spiritual plants, his cultivation would definitely improve by another level.    


Other people eating Spirit Rice wouldn't be able to eat much, even if the Spirit Rice didn't have any future troubles because the Spirit Rice contained spirit energy, and Martial Cultivator of Acquired Stage couldn't completely convert the spirit energy so he could only passively endure the cleansing of spirit energy. Who knew how much he would waste.    


If the body exceeded its endurance limit, it would be a huge burden to the body.    


As for Chen Yi?    


With the [Pure Yang Spell], he would not be this worried!    


After all, he had reached the fourth stage of the [Pure Yang Spell], so his purification power was unimaginable.    


To reach the limit of the [Pure Yang Spell], just one mu of land and spirit plants worth of Spirit Rice s was not enough.    


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