Eternal Sovereign



The red packet system only started at the first level, and most of the red packets found at the first level interface were Red Grade. Orange Level red packets only occupied a small portion.    


Now that he had levelled up, the majority of the things he found were Orange Level and red packets, while Red Grade and red packets only occupied a small portion, or even none.    


But Chen Yi noticed, although Orange Level and red packets made up the majority, the total amount was much less.    


For example, when he came to the Ancestral Land before, the number of red packets he found on the search interface was less than one to two hundred, shrinking to one would simply be densely packed. Just from Hsingyun Peak alone, there were many at the mountain peak, and these wood substitutes were obtained last time on the Hsingyun Peak.    


It was a pity that Chen Yi couldn't go to most of the places, otherwise, after looking through them one by one, he would still be able to obtain a lot even if he only received a small portion of the Orange Level and red packets.    


Right now, the entire search interface only had a few dozen red packets.    


It had to be known that the range of Chen Family was not small. Large scale mountain ranges were one after another, and were almost no smaller than a small city.    


But in such a large range, there were a total of several tens of red packets, and yet, 99% of them were Orange Level red packets.    


In other words, with the upgrade of the red packet system, Chen Yi would probably not be able to get any more Red Grade red packets in the future.    


In regards to this, Chen Yi was very satisfied. After all, the things that came out of Red Grade and red packets were mostly trash or useless things.    


The red packet of Orange Level indeed contained quite a few good things.    


Furthermore, Chen Yi could tell that the percentage of high-grade Orange Level red packets was also increasing.    


This meant that if he lost a bit of color in the future, he might be able to obtain some treasures at the 3-star level.    


When converted to Chaoling Continent, it would be at the Heaven Realm!    


Even Zongshi realm experts would covet the level of a Zongshi realm expert.    


Furthermore, Chen Yi also knew that the Level 2 Red Packet System had a high chance of finding Yellow Rank Red Packet!    


Within the Orange Level red packet, the probability of a low level Orange Level red packet giving out a two star treasure was ten percent, and the remaining ninety percent had a one star treasure giving out a possibility. The last fifty percent had nothing, or even gave out an oddity.    


Intermediate Orange Level red packet, the chance of dropping a two star treasure is 20%, one star treasure is 50%, and a three star treasure is 1%.    


In the high rank Orange Level red packet, the probability of being able to produce a two star treasure was thirty percent, one star treasure was sixty percent, three star treasure was two percent, and there was a one percent probability of being able to produce a green level treasure.    


And among yellow rank red packets, low rank yellow rank red packets had a 60% chance of obtaining a two star treasure!    


The probability of acquiring a one star treasure was only thirty, the remaining ten percent was a three star treasure!    


Compared to the two percent chance of getting a high-grade Orange Level red packet, it was a full five times more likely!    


This filled Chen Yi with anticipation.    


The 2% probability of obtaining a three-star treasure was simply too small. Unless one had a pale face, the chances of obtaining a three-star treasure were simply too low.    


However, 10% was different. If one's face was pale, there was still a high chance of obtaining it.    


Secondly, a two star treasure with a 60% chance of reaching the two star level was already pretty good.    


A two star treasure corresponded to Earth Level, Chen Yi was only a Acquired Stage, he was still far from reaching the Innate Realm. A two star treasure, regardless of whether it was a cultivation technique or martial arts, secret techniques, pills, weapons, etc, they were all useful in increasing Chen Yi's strength!    


If his face was really dark and he encountered that thirty percent probability, it would be equivalent to Chen Yi's current cultivation level and wouldn't be wasted.    


This was only a low-level yellow level red packet.    


Intermediate yellow level treasure, the chance of a three star treasure appearing increased to 20%. A two star treasure's chance increased to 70%, and a one star treasure's chance decreased to 10%!    


Advanced yellow level red packet, the chance of a three star treasure appearing has increased to 30%. A two star treasure has decreased to 68%, there is no longer a one star treasure appearing. The remaining 2% is a green level treasure, which is a four star treasure!    


High level Orange Level red packet, the probability of obtaining a four star treasure was one percent. To high level yellow rank red packet, it also only increased by one percent, a total of two percent.    


He had only leveled up a little, but Chen Yi could understand that this was a four star treasure. In terms of Chaoling Continent, it had surpassed the Heaven Realm.    


Whether it's a Heaven grade cultivation technique or a Heaven grade martial art, once they appear in the world, they will create a huge storm in the Chaoling Continent, causing a storm of blood and gore.    


At that time, forget about Grandmasters, even Great Grandmasters, or even the few people with Great Grandmaster could possibly appear. This was very likely their hope of advancing to the level of Eternal King.    


Therefore, Chen Yi didn't really want to get a four-star treasure. This could easily put him in great danger.    


Ever since the red packet system had been upgraded, Chen Yi would open the search interface everyday to see if there were any Yellow Rank red packets.    


It was a pity that Chen Yi was disappointed every day, they were all Orange Level red packets, and there were no Yellow Rank red packets at all. It was the same even if he spread the search interface all the way to Jingzhou.    


Until today, for the first time ever, a yellow level red packet appeared on the search interface. Chen Yi was overjoyed!    


However, very quickly, Chen Yi frowned again, because according to the search interface, the location of the Yellow Rank red packet seemed to be quite a distance away from the Chen Family. In other words, this yellow rank red packet was not in Chen Family. If Chen Yi wanted to obtain this yellow rank red packet, he had to leave the Chen Family first.    


"Do you want to leave?" Chen Yi first asked himself a question with hesitation in his voice, because he could get Fool Uncle's guidance at any time when he cultivates here.    


But if he left, the time left and right wouldn't be short either. Looking at the distance between the search interface and Chen Family, he was afraid that it wasn't close.    


This trip would take at least a month.    


What's more, he didn't know what was going on with the Yellow Rank Red Packet. Was it in the wild? Or was it in some other power?    


The former was still okay, but the latter was not easy to enter.    


If he were to continue cultivating on the way, he would definitely be delayed.    


It had already been two months since the transformation. Fool Uncle once said that the time for the transformation should be from six months to one year. During that time, the transformation could be completed at any time.    


Chen Yi didn't want to miss the day when Bai's transformation was completed.    


When Whitey had completed his transformation and hadn't seen him, he would probably be very disappointed.    


But very quickly, Chen Yi's expression became firm.    


He planned to leave Ancestral Land for the time being to search for Yellow Rank red packets!    


Perhaps, the appearance of the Yellow Rank red packet this time was a good opportunity, an opportunity that could allow him to surpass Chen Qiwen faster and shorten the time it took for the Genuine Qi to transform into a Pure Yang beast.    


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