Eternal Sovereign



Chen Feiming's Black Fury Skill was originally at level nineteen and he had broken through to level twenty with the Nine Heavens Green Thunder Pill. Now, after using the secret technique, [Seal of Treasure Elephant], he had temporarily risen to level twenty-two on the twenty-first level.    


Chen Feiming's body strength increased further, so his overall attributes, such as speed, attack power, defense, and so on, naturally increased greatly.    


And probably because of the secret technique that Chen Feiming had cast, the remaining Nine Heavens Azure Thunder Pill within his body was being refined at an even faster speed.    


At this rate, even though Chen Feiming would be weakened for a period of time after the secret technique ended, it was very likely that he would directly step into the twenty-first level of the [Black Fury Skill] once the period of weakness ended.    


When that time comes, he'll probably directly enter the 22nd level and approach the 23rd level.    


At that time, Chen Feiming's body would perhaps be above the normal Human Level Superior Grade Divine Weapon, and would be between normal and Top Human Level Superior Grade Godly Weapon.    


Chen Feiming took a deep breath and felt the surging power in his body as well as his recovering body. He opened his eyes and a sharp light flashed across his eyes.    


"Stone Elephant Fist!"    


Chen Feiming took a big step forward, then suddenly shouted out loud. With a punch, the Martial Force congealed, and the [Burning Fire] in front of him was directly smashed open a path by Chen Feiming.    


Chen Feiming took a step forward and went straight for Chen Yi.    


"Penetrating Rainbow!" Chen Yi quickly swung his sword.    


This time, Chen Yi revealed an expression of shock because he felt that the strength behind this punch was obviously stronger than before.    


Due to having to deal with the spider silk, Chen Yi's slash was a bit hurried and did not reach 100% of his strength.    


And because Chen Feiming's strength had greatly increased, Chen Yi was forced to retreat continuously under the bombardment of this power, the Genuine Qi in his body slightly froze for a moment.    


Chen Feiming was also pushed back. Even though he had used a secret technique to increase his recovery and combat abilities, he was still at a disadvantage against Chen Yi, who possessed a special bloodline and had awakened a Bloodline Magical Power.    


However, Chen Feiming revealed a smile. Because when Chen Yi was pushed back and the Genuine Qi in his body was slightly shaken up, a large number of spider silk threads were already shooting towards Chen Yi.    


Chen Yi could only dodge in a sorry state. However, the spider webs were too fast and there were too many of them. There was always a time when Chen Yi could not dodge.    


Puff puff puff …    


Chen Yi's body was pierced with many small holes.    


The lightning energy on the spider's thread paralyzed Chen Yi's body. There was even some lightning energy trying to invade Chen Yi's body.    


However, the Burning Thunder Genuine Qi in Chen Yi's body swallowed all of the lightning in an instant.    


The power of thunder was far too weak. No, it couldn't be said that it was too weak. Compared to other martial artists, this power of thunder was much stronger.    


Especially for ordinary eight meridians, a single spider filament was sufficient to pierce through their hearts.    


But compared to Chen Yi's current physical fitness, the fearsome quality of Genuine Qi, and the [Burning Fire] in his body, the power of thunder and lightning was too weak. It couldn't affect Chen Yi at all.    


After the numerous spider threads left wounds on his body, Chen Yi was finally able to circulate the Genuine Qi in his body again. First, he slashed out a Flaming Black Sword Qi from his [Qi Penetrating Rainbow] to cut off a large amount of spider threads.    


However, the attacks of these Qi of Earth Evil were still okay against Chen Junxiong's group, but against Qi Refinement Cultivator, who was like Chen Boxue, they could still play a role.    


However, to Chen Feiming, who was also tempering his body, it was completely useless.    


Chen Feiming's normal punch caused the fist formed by the Qi of Earth Evil to crumble.    


However, Chen Yi only bought him some time.    


"Burning Fire!" Chen Yi opened his mouth and spat out raging flames again.    


This was the third time Chen Yi had performed the Bloodline Magical Power. Adding on the fact that he had performed quite a number of sword techniques before, Chen Yi had consumed a lot of energy.    


However, the fusion of the [Burning Fire] that he had used the three times had created an even more majestic and powerful sea of fire.    


The third ability, [Burning Fire], instantly doubled in size.    


The reason why it was not twice as powerful was because the sea of fire formed by the two sacred arts had already been extinguished quite a bit.    


No matter if it was Chen Feiming's Martial Force or Chen Haoyan's Bloodline Magical Power, both were continuously consuming the power of the [Burning Fire].    


The [Burning Fire] would not automatically extinguish, it had to be destroyed by other warriors' attacks. This was the [Burning Fire] 's characteristic, and also the most difficult part about it.    


Without Chen Haoyan's control, Chen Haoyan's spider silk would quickly turn into ordinary spider silk.    


After it was cut off, it would become ordinary spider silk and would not reform.    


This was something that the [Burning Fire] could do.    


Therefore, the [Burning Fire] became more and more powerful. Although Chen Haoyan had used the Bloodline Magical Power s several times, the total number of spider threads remained at a certain number and did not increase by much.    


It could be said that Chen Yi's [Burning Fire] was much more powerful than Chen Haoyan's Bloodline Magical Power.    


However, the huge consumption of Chen Yi caused his strength to weaken.    


Therefore, Chen Yi could only control the [Burning Fire] to attack Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming with all his might.    


Chen Yi looked at the wounds on his body. Although the wounds caused by the spider silk were not big, the more there were, the more terrifying the wounds would be.    


These injuries inevitably affected Chen Yi's movements, causing his strength to decrease. This was also the reason why Chen Yi decided to control the [Burning Fire] to attack the two of them with all his might.    


"Together, these two are indeed hard to deal with." Chen Yi frowned.    


At the same time, Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming attacked again.    


Although there were [Burning Fire] blocking them, the two of them got closer and closer to Chen Yi with their combined efforts.    


"Chen Yi, let's leave quickly. You can't deal with those two alone." Suddenly, Chen Hongfei's shout came from behind Chen Yi.    


Chen Yi turned around and saw that Chen Hongfei had escaped out of nowhere. The rope that bound him had fallen off.    


Chen Yi was surprised for a moment. Then, he realized that Chen Hongfei might have used some kind of secret technique or some special method to break free from the rope.    


Seeing that Chen Hongfei had escaped, Chen Yi also had the intention to retreat. Originally, his goal was to save Chen Hongfei, but he was held back by Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming previously, so he couldn't do anything about it.    


Now that Chen Hongfei had struggled free, there was no need for him to continue.    


"If I had been a bit stronger, even if these two had clashed, they wouldn't have been a match for me." Chen Yi took a deep breath and suddenly took out his [Spitfire].    


Chen Yi wanted to retreat, but Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming might not be willing. At this point, [Weasel Jet Gun] was a pretty good attack.    


"Quick, run." Chen Yi shouted at Chen Hongfei.    


Chen Hongfei said anxiously, "Let's do it together."    


"You go first, I'll come later." Chen Yi shouted.    


Chen Hongfei was stunned for a moment. Then, he realized that his strength could only be a burden. With Chen Yi, not only would they be unable to escape together, it was also very possible that Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming would catch up to them.    


Thinking about that, Chen Hongfei gritted his teeth, picked a direction, and fully operated the Genuine Qi, running at his highest speed.    


How could Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming not hear Chen Yi's roar? The two of them immediately understood that Liu Tie was planning to retreat.    


The two of them became anxious. Chen Yi had such a force at such a young age. Once he enters the family, he will definitely grow even faster. As Heavenly Pride s, they naturally had the pride of a Heavenly Pride, and were not afraid of being sought out for trouble.    


However, not being afraid of getting into trouble did not mean that they liked it.    


If it was anyone else, once they knew that the person they had a grudge with would join the same forces as them, they would want to eliminate the person who had a grudge with them.    


The two of them were regretting their decision. If they knew Chen Yi was so troublesome to deal with, they wouldn't have had any grudge with Chen Yi.    


Even if they were to form a feud, it would definitely not be just the two of them. Rather, it would be a gathering of even more people.    


"If this child revealed his special bloodline in the second round of examination, how could I have set my sights on the secret to the transformation of this child's Genuine Qi?" Chen Haoyan cursed in his heart. Not only did he not blame himself for being befuddled, he even pushed everything onto Chen Yi and felt that it was Chen Yi's fault.    


Chen Feiming was also a bit upset. Even though he knew that he would get into trouble if he got involved in a fight between the two forces, he still couldn't resist the temptation of the Nine Heavens Thunder Pill.    


However, things had already come to this point. Since they already had a grudge, it would be better to eliminate the other party immediately.    


With this thought, Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming became increasingly reluctant to let Chen Yi go.    


If Chen Yi managed to escape successfully and counterattacked the two of them in the next few days, the two of them would be in danger.    


They couldn't stay together for the next few days.    


For the two Heavenly Pride s, Chen Haoyan and Chen Feiming, it was a disgrace to not be separated for the next few days out of fear of Chen Yi.    


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