Eternal Sovereign



However, although the Shiwu Beast in front of Chen Yi was difficult to deal with, it was merely a few strikes to Chen Yi.    


Compared to his Chen Family in Yangyun City, Chen Yi currently did not mind exposing his [White Rainbow Piercing Sun Sword].    


If Quasi-earth Level Godly Weapon were placed in other places, it would be considered an impressive divine weapon, but in terms of Yuele City, there shouldn't be a lack of them.    


Many Heavenly Pride s of their own clan, after being promoted to Circulation Stage, would obtain one Top Human Level Superior Grade Godly Weapon for free.    


Foreign Heavenly Pride who passed the examination and entered could also get a Human Level Superior Grade Divine Weapon for free.    


A Human Level Superior Grade Divine Weapon would probably rot on the streets in the Yuele City.    


Regardless of whether it was the clan's own Heavenly Pride s or those who had passed the examination, as long as their performance was really stunning and had some background, possessing Quasi-earth Level Godly Weapon wouldn't be a problem for them.    


Therefore, Chen Yi was not worried that someone would covet his Divine Weapon, because in his clan, the true top-notch Heavenly Pride did not lack Quasi-earth Level Godly Weapon.    


Most likely, only an ordinary Heavenly Pride would covet him.    


Facing an ordinary Heavenly Pride, Chen Yi was not afraid in the slightest.    


After a moment, the Shiwu Beast in front of Chen Yi finally fell to the ground. His body was full of wounds made by Chen Yi.    


"This is only a Shiwu Beast that is close to fourteen meters long. If it were a fifteen meter long one, I would probably need to swing even more swords." Chen Yi sighed, but he was not afraid.    


With Chen Yi's level of strength, Shiwu Beast at the early stage of Circulation Stage weren't challenging at all.    


After all, other than the body of the Shiwu Beast which was slightly stronger, and also able to spit out some corrosive liquid, this Shiwu Beast did not have any other powerful abilities.    


This time, out of the nearly two hundred Heavenly Pride s, quite a few of them were able to deal with the peak early stage Circulation Stage Shiwu Beast with relative ease.    


When the Shiwu Beast fell, Chen Yi found a nearby [Shiwu Herb].    


Chen Yi finally realized that the stronger the Shiwu Beast, the higher the chances of [Shiwu Herb] appearing in the surroundings. Sometimes, there wouldn't just be one Shiwu Beast, but two or three.    


And on the dead Shiwu Beast, Chen Yi even picked up a Orange Level red packet.    


He clicked open the red packet and an orange light shot out, falling into Chen Yi's hands amidst Chen Yi's excited expression.    


After the orange light dissipated, what appeared before Chen Yi was a purple Treasure Tailsman.    


Chen Yi was a little disappointed. He thought that he could get Earth Level Cultivation Method or an Earth Level secretary, or maybe he could even improve his martial arts cultivation or the [Burning Devils Arts].    


In the end, it was just a Treasure Tailsman, and it wasn't even an attack type Treasure Tailsman.    


A two star ranked Treasure Tailsman would probably even be able to kill an ordinary Innate.    


But what Chen Yi had in his hands was a type of Treasure Tailsman.    


It wasn't an attack type, nor was it a defense type.    


It was a type of teleportation talisman!    


This was a type of Treasure Tailsman that could flee for its life. After ripping open this piece of Treasure Tailsman, it would be immediately transported to a relatively distant area.    


Since it was only a two star, or even a two star one, the furthest it could go was no more than a hundred kilometers.    


The shortest distance was at least ten kilometers.    


"In terms of Shiwu Island, it's not easy to use." Chen Yi frowned.    


Shiwu Island was only an island, and although this island was not small, it was only considered to be a horizontal island, with a distance of no more than two hundred kilometers.    


Moreover, the Shiwu Island was divided into three areas. It could be said that once this teleportation rune was used, it was very likely that the person would be sent to a high or middle level area.    


It was unknown whether he would be able to come out by then.    


If he couldn't come out, wouldn't he have to stay in the intermediate or high level area for a year or two? Only Heavenly Pride with Yuele City coming to the middle or high level area would have the possibility of being brought out.    


"It's alright to be outside." Chen Yi sighed as he put away the teleportation talisman.    


Even Innate Expert, who was able to fly at an astonishing speed in the sky, could not fly tens or even hundreds of kilometers within a short period of time.    


Being sent dozens of kilometers away was enough to escape Innate Expert's pursuit.    




After two hours, Chen Yi looked into the distance with a slightly focused gaze. Because there were many trees and trees on the Shiwu Island, there were a lot of branches and leaves that would obstruct Chen Yi's line of sight.    


However, Chen Yi could still feel the familiar scent and a few angry roars coming from ahead.    


This aura made Chen Yi think of Chen Yuanbiao.    


This was because it was an aura that belonged to the special bloodline [Gold Lotus of Sun Body].    


"If there isn't a second person who has awakened [Gold Lotus of Sun's Body], that person should be Chen Yuanbiao." Chen Yi thought.    


In this hour, Chen Yi did not receive many red packets, other than one that could be considered a decent Spirit Fruit, the rest were all trash.    


And Chen Yi was in danger for the first time.    


As he passed by the territory of a Shiwu Beast, Chen Yi was attacked by four Shiwu Beast.    


A full stone Shiwu Beast, this was a very rare sight in terms of Shiwu Island.    


Most of the Shiwu Beast lived alone, with a few being two or three.    


However, there were four Shiwu Beast that attacked Chen Yi.    


Moreover, every single Shiwu Beast was more than fourteen meters long, and two of them were even fifteen meters long.    


This was the first time Chen Yi fell into a crisis.    


Chen Yi had originally planned to use the [Burning Devils Body], but after some observation, he realized that there was no [Shiwu Herb] here.    


Thus, after a difficult run, Chen Yi managed to shake off four Shiwu Beast with great difficulty.    


With [Shiwu Herb] and even [Shiwu Herb], Chen Yi naturally didn't mind using [Burning Devils Body]. Although the consumption was huge, it would still take some time to recover them.    


However, he had definitely gained a lot as well.    


However, since he was destined to not get any rewards, Chen Yi would never waste his energy and [Burning Devils Body] to kill the four Shiwu Beast.    


What if they encountered enemies when their strength fell to the bottom?    


But now …    


"If it really is Chen Yuanbiao, then this is an opportunity to directly eliminate him." A fierce glint flashed across Wu Tie's eyes.    


In the next moment, Chen Yi ran away.    


Not long after that, Chen Yi began to operate his movement technique. His body was as light as a swallow as he silently approached the battlefield, not allowing the four people fighting to see him.    


Chen Yi quietly pushed aside the one-meter tall grass in front of him, then squatted on the ground and looked around the battlefield.    


Sure enough, one of them was Chen Yuanbiao. He had already activated his [Gold Lotus of Sun Body] and was sitting on the metal lotus on top of the lotus, controlling the power of the metal lotus to surround and kill Chen Boxue and Liu Tie.    


Chen Jiayuv's face was filled with anger and despair. Not far away, there was a person lying on the ground. It was Chen Jiaping.    


Looking at his aura, he was already dead.    


"Chen Jiaping is dead?" Chen Yi didn't know what to say. His mood was rather complicated.    


Logically speaking, there were some grudges between the two, but they had already known each other for a long time. In addition to the fact that they had teamed up during the second round of the assessment, the grudge between the two sides had already mostly dispersed.    


But now, Chen Jiaping had fallen.    


Chen Yi calmed down and looked towards Chen Yuanbiao's other side. Chen Yi had seen this person before. Back then, he had been taken care of by a Xiantian deacon and had personally accompanied him to the courtyard.    


Later on, from Chen Hongfei's information, he found out that this person was actually the nephew of a Xiantian deacon, named Chen Hongxu.    


He was one of the people that Chen Hongfei said he shouldn't offend.    


It wasn't because this person was so powerful, but because this person's uncle was one of the six Xiantian deacons. Offending Chen Hongxu or even killing Chen Hongxu, this Xiantian deacon was very likely to attack out of anger.    


By that time, what would happen to them?    


"It's actually this guy." Chen Yuanbiao had an accomplice, Chen Hongxu, Chen Yi was both surprised and somewhat troubled at the same time.    


After thinking for a while, Chen Yi decided to leave silently.    


It wasn't that Chen Yi was timid, it was just that there was no need to provoke Chen Hongxu without making a feud.    


It wasn't like Chen Yi didn't have a physique that didn't feel comfortable without becoming enemies with an innate master.    


As for Chen Boxue, Chen Yi did not feel that he had to show himself and save Chen Boxue. The two of them could be considered to be familiar with each other, but their relationship was not that good.    


When they had joined forces, they had only been forced into a situation of helplessness.    


He believed that if both sides were to exchange positions now, Chen Boxue would not care about Chen Yi at all as he turned around and left.    


But just as Chen Yi was about to leave, Chen Yuanbiao sneered: "Angry? Despair? "    


"Do you know how I felt when I almost fell?"    


"Now, just experience the pain I felt before."    


"Don't worry, after we kill the two of you, it'll be Chen Yi's turn."    


"All of you, die!"    


"You are not qualified!" Chen Boxue flew into a rage as the terrifying sword aura swept out, tearing apart a large number of golden lotus petals.    


Chen Boxue was not weak. Chen Yuanbiao, who did not use any supernatural power, had a higher chance of winning against Chen Boxue at his peak.    


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