Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C278 What's the Hurry

C278 What's the Hurry

The pain caused Xiao Chen's head to be covered in cold sweat. His face was stuck to the ground. One of his arms was pulled and half of his leg was dragged on the ground.    


Awes also smiled complacently with a grin on his face.    


"No matter how much information you have, it is not worth as much as you. How nice would it be to come with us so early in the morning?"    


Awes smiled complacently and followed Xiao Chen. He stepped on Xiao Chen's left hand with one foot and used his strength to roll it.    


"Don't worry, we won't kill you for the time being. So, you should be glad that you have some use for us! "    


As he spoke, Awes forcefully stomped on Xiao Chen's arm and said in an evil manner, "But the revenge of Old Li who was killed still needs to be avenged!"    


Another kick landed, and it was even more forceful than before.    


At the same time, Awes buried his head, grabbed Xiao Chen's hair, and lifted him up.    


"Open your eyes wide and see how your woman died!"    


As he spoke, Awes's expression became even more vicious. He slowly raised his arm and raised the remote control, about to press it down.    


But at that moment, Xiao Chen's eyes changed.    


A dim light flashed. The Enchant Spell erupted and instantly invaded Awes's consciousness.    


Awes pressed the button with his hand.    


Taking advantage of the moment when Awes let go of the remote control and the remote control fell to the ground, Xiao Chen kicked the remote control into the sea.    


At the same time, his trembling fingers opened the lid of the gourd, and a strong murderous aura swept out.    


In the blink of an eye, the three of them were surrounded.    


Xiao Chen tapped the ground and jumped out of the murderous aura.    


He grabbed the arm that was broken by Awes's companion and twisted it with force. The ninja felt pain and turned the dislocated joints into bones.    


At this time, Awes and his companion had also rushed out of the Baleful Qi.    


Seeing Xiao Chen's trembling body, the two of them looked at each other and rushed out at the same time.    


Wind blades and fists wrapped in red light suddenly fell down, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of Xiao Chen.    


"With your broken body, you still dare to fight with us! You'd better come with us obediently! Save us the trouble of wasting our time! "    


"Humph!" Xiao Chen was too lazy to speak. He waved his hand, and the surging murderous aura seemed to have been summoned.    


A ferocious Fiend Devil leisurely turned around. It opened its huge mouth wide and bit down on Awes.    


Xiao Chen twisted his body at the same time and retreated.    


The Fiend Devil was even faster than Awes and his companions.    


Awes immediately turned around and threw a punch at the Fiend Devil.    


However, his companion did not change his direction. He charged straight at Xiao Chen.    


He had broken through the Fiend Devil's obstruction twice, and it seemed to give Awes an illusion.    


This time, his fist smashed out. The Fiend Devil was not scattered by him. It only shook slightly, and then it swallowed him into its stomach.    


Noticing this scene, Awes's companion was somewhat stunned. When he looked at Xiao Chen again, his gaze immediately became serious.    


Xiao Chen didn't want to waste any more time talking nonsense. He raised his Enchant Spell and took a step forward, striking Awes's companion in the chest.    


He didn't hold back his anger, and his opponent didn't even have the slightest bit of defense.    


This punch caused Awes's companion to cough up blood and fall to the ground.    


He retracted his arm, and the Fiend Devil instantly turned into a black mist and returned to him, revealing Awes's trembling figure.    


"What was that thing just now? What did you do to me?"    


"What, you don't want to capture me anymore?"    


"You, you..."    


Awes's face turned black when he felt the murderous aura sweeping across his body.    


That was the source of the baleful aura of the Evil Spirit Embryo. It was precisely because of it that Xiao Chen fell into a coma after the battle of Wei Shan.    


How could Awes possibly withstand it?    


He opened his mouth. His face twisted in the blink of an eye. His trembling figure was on the verge of collapse.    


"Aren't you all very proud of yourselves? Let me see you smile again!"    


Xiao Chen's face was cold as he spoke word by word. The killing intent contained in his tone made Awes feel that something was wrong.    


Therefore, in the next moment, Awes suddenly turned around and rushed to the shore.    


But how could he compare with Xiao Chen's speed at this time?    


With a tap of one foot, Xiao Chen quickly rushed in front of Awes and slowly raised a palm.    


Awes wanted to resist, but he could not muster up any strength.    


He could only watch helplessly as his arm fell into Xiao Chen's hand and was forcefully flipped over.    


Kacha! With a crisp sound, half of Awes's arm was pulled down.    


But that was not the end. Xiao Chen pressed him to the ground and crushed one of Awes's legs.    




The scream came after that.    


After that, he stepped on Awes's chest and opened his mouth.    


"Didn't you study life? How long do you think a person can live without both hands and feet?"    


"You devil!"    


Xiao Chen ignored him. He grabbed his collar and dragged his injured leg, throwing him to the side of the car.    


Then, he threw him along with Awes's companion.    


He stretched out his hand to remove the bomb on Ruan Xiangjun's body, but suddenly, there was a beeping sound, and it triggered the countdown device.    


Xiao Chen quickly withdrew his hand and coldly landed on Awes and his companion.    


"Do you need me to ask you how to disassemble the bomb?"    


He looked at Awes's body that was gradually filled with darkness and distorted in pain. Awes's companion was afraid!    


He had never seen such a miserable scene before.    


The circulating murderous aura in his blood vessels was like a wriggling maggot, disgusting and frightening.    


How could he dare to delay? This person hurriedly propped up his injured body and raised his trembling arm.    


He nimbly cut off a few lines on Ruan Xiangjun's bomb vest and hurriedly untied that vest.    


But the bomb did not stop and continued to count.    


Only then did the person turn his head and urgently said, "This is the only way. Let's hurry up and leave!"    


"What's the hurry?"    


Xiao Chen curled his lips and said lightly. He pulled the man away and only then did Xiao Chen reach out and pull Ruan Xiangjun out.    


Then, he stuffed Awes's companion into the car and disabled his hands and feet. He took out the car key and locked the door.    


"Since you like playing with bombs so much, then go with your masterpiece and see God."    


"Let me out!" Hearing the beeping sound, Awes's companion only had despair left.    


But no matter how loudly he shouted, Xiao Chen ignored him.    


"As for you, don't worry. You won't die for now. Half a day later, you will feel your blood and Qi being sucked out. In the end, you will become a dried corpse. There are still a few dozen hours left. Enjoy it! "    


" Of course, you will be lucky. Your corpse will be shipped to the museum exhibition to satisfy people's twisted curiosity! "    


Xiao Chen lowered his head and looked at Awes's face, but he did not have any intention of throwing Awes into the car.    


He coldly threw a string of words and then looked in Ruan Xiangjun's direction. He gently said, "Injured?"    


"What is this little abrasion of mine, you are the one..." Ruan Xiangjun furrowed her brows and looked at him with a pained expression. She reached out to support his figure and her tone was a little choked up. " Since you can beat them, why are you still... Still..."    


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