Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C238 A Sudden Robbery

C238 A Sudden Robbery

"Did I?" Xiao Chen smiled. Although he did not admit it, he did not have a good impression of Uncle Cui.    


This might have been his intuition for a long time.    


Just when Chi Ping was about to mention the Happy Orphanage, he felt a slight fluctuation in Uncle Cui's eyes.    


That was why he immediately spoke to stop Chi Ping from continuing.    


Knowing that this key was given to Uncle Cui by Chi Ping's father and the will, Xiao Chen became even more vigilant towards Uncle Cui.    


After all, Chi Ping's adoptive father had passed away for more than half a month. Why did Uncle Cui only announce the will now?    


Shouldn't he have told Chi Ping all of this from the beginning?    


However, Chi Ping did not think too much about it.    


"What did the will say?"    


Hearing Xiao Chen's question, Chi Ping's face darkened immediately. His hands, which were holding the will, tightened.    


"In the end, my father still missed me. He said it was a will, but it was actually a letter of care. He even remembered what happened when I was adopted."    


As he spoke, Chi Ping suddenly choked with sobs.    


Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly flashed. He said in a low voice, "Can you let me see the will?"    


Chi Ping hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still handed the document bag to Xiao Chen.    


Immediately, Xiao Chen opened the document bag and looked around. Looking at it made him depressed.    


What will is this? It was simply a narration!    


The text recalled the time he had spent with Chi Ping, especially the time when he had adopted Chi Ping.    


He even described in detail how many toys he had bought for Chi Ping and what he liked the most.    


Such a strange will stunned Xiao Chen.    


However, he did not complain. After browsing through it, he read the will carefully again.    


"You didn't find anything strange?"    


"What do you mean?" Chi Ping's expression changed. He did not seem to understand what Xiao Chen meant.    


Xiao Chen could only say, "You said it yourself. This is a letter of concern. If that is the case, why did you have to put it in the lawyer's office and put the key in the drawer of the Happiness Orphanage together?"    


There was no property to divide, so why did Chi Ping's father need to do so?    


Couldn't he just casually write a letter and leave it at home?    


When he heard Xiao Chen say this, Chi Ping's eyes immediately flashed. He furrowed his brows and took the will back, muttering to himself.    


Time passed. Xiao Chen didn't rush him. He also recalled the words in the will.    


After a long time, Chi Ping seemed to have thought of something. He rushed back to the neighborhood and rushed into the study.    


"What are you doing?"    


"Others may not know, but I know that Dad will prepare gifts for me every year for my birthday. I still have everything that I have, but I am missing the most important thing in the will."    




"The first gift Mom bought for me when she brought me back from the orphanage was also the only present Mom bought for me before Mom passed away. "    


Before Xiao Chen could ask anything, Chi Ping had a nostalgic look on his face.    


The time he spent with his mother was short.    


But that was the first time in his life that he felt that he wasn't alone. It was the first time that he felt the love of his mother and father.    


It also created a light in his heart that was filled with darkness.    


It was also the last period of his mother's life.    


Yes, his mother was seriously ill. Because of the illness, the husband and wife had never intended to have a child.    


But being able to become a mother was her greatest wish back then. It was also because of this that Chi Ping was adopted from the orphanage.    


During that time, they spent the warmest days of each other's lives, forming a complete family.    


The memories did not last long. When Chi Ping took the old doll out of the box, he cried.    


Looking at him, Xiao Chen opened his mouth, but for a moment, he didn't know what to say. In the end, he didn't say anything.    


After a while, Chi Ping wiped his face and turned around with the doll in his hand.    


The old style wasn't as soft as the current toy. He didn't feel anything inside the baby even if he rubbed and kneaded it.    


He could not even see the traces of the passive effect on the doll.    


After flipping it for a while, Chi Ping took a deep breath and slowly pinched the scissors. Hesitation and heartache were written all over his face.    


Looking at him, Xiao Chen frowned and took a step forward to grab his palm.    


"This is what your mother left you."    


"I know, but father..."    


"Let me take a look" Without giving any explanation, Xiao Chen took the baby over.    


He pointed at the eyeball on the right side of the baby and compared it with the one on the left. Then he took off the eyeball on the right side.    


He took the opportunity to open the plastic cover on the outside and a SD card slowly floated into Xiao Chen's palm.    


"Sorry, this eyeball is useless, but at least most of the baby has been saved."    


Chi Ping was dumbfounded. He would never have thought that the baby's eyeball had such a mechanism.    


"This should be what your father really wants to give you!" Xiao Chen handed the card to Chi Ping after he finished speaking.    


"Thank you." Holding the card with both hands, Chi Ping stood up from the ground.    


He found a card reader and inserted it into the card. Then, he turned on the computer.    


Fortunately, the computer could still be used. Very soon, the notification of turning on the computer rang.    


However, before the tabletop could be seen, the door of the room was slammed open with a bang.    


Immediately after, two figures pounced forward, one after the other. One of them charged at Xiao Chen while the other went straight for Chi Ping.    


Even though he had experienced a lot during this period of time, Chi Ping still couldn't get used to it. He immediately cried out in shock.    


He pulled out the card reader and hid it in his pocket.    


At this time, the person who came had also approached. He threw out two punches, and the wind from his fists enveloped Xiao Chen.    


Another person landed in front of Chi Ping and stopped him with a wave of his hand. He reached his hand into Chi Ping's bag and pulled with force.    


Hiss! Even his pants pocket was torn by Chi Ping.    


Seeing that they had succeeded, the two of them did not stop for a moment. They quickly turned around and rushed out.    


Chi Ping's expression changed drastically. Without thinking, he took a step forward and wanted to chase after them.    


However, Xiao Chen blocked him with his hand.    


"That was the last thing my father left behind!"    


"Don't worry. With me here, no one will be able to take away your things."    




"[Trust me!]" Xiao Chen smiled faintly and looked outside the door with a profound smile on his face.    


In the neighborhood, two figures were flying toward the entrance of the neighborhood.    


Behind them, there were a few figures chasing closely behind, which shocked the passing residents.    


Of course, Chi Ping did not see them.    


As for Xiao Chen, he took out his phone and looked at the time.    


"It's late. Let's find a place to settle dinner first."    


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