Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C439 That Works too

C439 That Works too

Drugs, science, the ultimate goal is to serve people.    


But now, some people were putting the cart before the horse, giving people medicine without any verification.    


This was irresponsible towards life and also irresponsible towards science.    


As a pure scientist, Prof. Qian naturally hated these people's actions.    


Xiao Chen took a deep look at Prof. Qian. It wasn't that he didn't understand Prof. Qian's feelings.    


However, these people did not care if they had no will or not, but they dared to come and look for trouble. They deserved to die.    


However, he couldn't possibly tell ___ these words.    


In the research of the Health Potion, he needed to borrow the strength of Prof. Qian and the entire research group.    


Therefore, after pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Didn't you say earlier that the Health Potion is accompanied by danger?"    


"Since that's the case, how did they survive?"    


This was the question that Xiao Chen was most concerned about. That was why he asked at the first possible moment.    


Prof. Qian's expression suddenly changed when he heard this. He cast a glance at Xiao Chen's face, and his eyes flickered fiercely.    




"No matter what, if these people don't die after swallowing the Health Potion, they will still break through in the end."    


Xiao Chen's tone was sincere, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes. After all, the research of the Health Potion had reached a bottleneck.    


"I carefully examined his body. Perhaps, the Health Potion wasn't swallowed by him."    


"En? What do you mean?" Xiao Chen's eyes flashed and he asked with some doubt.    


"Judging from the sequence of their bodies growing, it should be the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and finally the internal organs."    


Prof. Qian opened the record book in front of him and said to Xiao Chen and the others as he read.    


Hearing this, Xiao Chen also understood something. He said in surprise and bewilderment, "You mean to say that this rebirth sequence is from the outside and from the inside?"    


"That's right, so I suspect that the people who gave him the medicine did not let him swallow it, but used an external application method."    


"Covered with oil?" Xiao Chen immediately thought of an image and muttered.    


"No, this process is very painful, and it is continuous. I think it is not as simple as applying oil."    


As he spoke, Prof. Qian walked to the front of the group of people who were helping him. He lifted his hand and lifted their clothes.    


Immediately, a string of chain marks appeared under their clothes.    


"The most likely way is to tie them up in the medicine pool."    


Prof. Qian took a deep breath. The anger in his heart also became stronger with the appearance of these chain marks.    


"This is also okay?"    


"The Health Potion's medicinal effects are already very strong. The effects are not on the body part. It's all. Therefore, as long as the medicinal effect can be absorbed, no matter what method it is, it can be absorbed. The medicinal pool can also be used in conjunction with the human body's condition to dilute the Health Potion as much as possible."    


Prof. Qian took a deep breath and said in a muffled voice. Without waiting for Xiao Chen to respond, he added.    


"However, this method does not have a definite problem. It is just that the Health Potion can be used with great difficulty. But... "    


After saying that, he once again took a look at the four fellows who were tied up and sighed.    


"Therefore, the pain that I endured did not improve in essence. It must be because of this that they became like this. "    


The immense pain was enough to make a person collapse.    


Based on the current situation, these fellows would become "idiots." The reason was probably because of that intense pain, which caused irreparable damage.    


And the reason why they maintained their bloodthirsty instincts was perhaps because of the intense hatred they felt before turning into idiots.    


Or perhaps it was because of violence, which was one of the most fundamental instincts of mankind.    


There was no way to verify all of these, and Prof. Qian had never thought of verifying anything.    


Because it was impossible for him to use the Health Potion on the human body without perfecting it.    


But to Xiao Chen, these four people should not be wasted like this.    


"Sigh..." Suddenly, he sighed deeply and looked pitifully at the four people's faces, full of sympathy.    


"How pitiful. If everything was really caused by the Health Potion, perhaps we could use the Health Potion to treat it."    


"Hmm?" Prof. Qian's attention was attracted by Xiao Chen's words.    


Xiao Chen sighed again and said in a low voice.    


"The Health Potion is originally meant to reconstruct the human body and allow one to be reborn. No matter how great the damage is, a successful Health Potion should be able to cure it. Furthermore, it's still a few lives. We can't just watch them muddle along like this. We can't keep tying them up either."    


"If we can't eat by ourselves, can we still be considered alive?" Xiao Chen's tone was filled with emotion, and he spoke in a low voice.    


However, as he spoke, his eyes kept looking at Prof. Qian.    


"Living like this is only a humiliation. Even if there is even the slightest possibility, we should still lend them a helping hand. As the saying goes, saving a person's life is better than building a seven-storied pagoda. This isn't just four lives, it's also four lives."    


Prof. Qian was also moved by Xiao Chen's words. Suddenly, a desire and passion appeared in his eyes.    


This was the effect Xiao Chen wanted. He said timely, "Professor, you are an expert in this field. Can I hand them over to you?"    


"You are right. Even if I have to do my best, I have to cure them. Don't worry, Mr. Xiao! "    


Prof. Qian clenched his fist and nodded seriously and seriously.    


Only then did Xiao Chen smile and praise, "The professor is indeed kind and kind. In the future, they will all depend on you."    


Speaking up to this point, Xiao Chen even cupped his fists at Prof. Qian.    


Prof. Qian patted his chest and suddenly became heroic. He swore that he would also successfully develop the Health Potion Society.    


At this point, Xiao Chen had nothing more to say. After all, he could not interfere in the following matters.    


Old Master Zhang gave Xiao Chen a look and said goodbye to Prof. Qian and the other members of the research group.    


After leaving the underground laboratory and landing on the ground, Old Master Zhang frowned and looked over.    


"Do you know who it is?"    


"I do want to, but do you want to ask him?"    


From the moment they captured him until now, the four of them had let out beast-like growls. When had they ever spoken?    


Besides, even Xiao Chen's Enchant Spell had no effect on them. For a moment, they really had no idea how to get these guys to speak.    


Hearing this, Old Master Zhang's eyes darkened. After pondering for a while, he said, "Where did those Health Potion come from?"    


"This is also what I wanted to ask you." Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes and looked deeply at Old Master Zhang's face.    


"It was not our people who leaked it. I have already investigated it!"    


"Is that so?" Xiao Chen's eyes darkened, and the corner of his mouth slowly froze.    


Health Potion was just a general term. The ingredients were different and the effects were different. There was no reason to be so similar.    


If there wasn't a problem with the research institute, there might only be one.    


"Chi Ping, Chi Ping, have you really come this far?"    


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