Immortal Emperor's Life As A Son-in-law

C108 Something Happened to Lin Zhiwei

C108 Something Happened to Lin Zhiwei

Now that seven percent of the Wang family's shares were in his hands, Xiao Chen didn't have to worry about them playing any tricks.    


Speaking of which, the Muh family was really ruthless.    


They actually wanted to use this little bit of shares to cause trouble at this time. It seemed like they hated him very much.    


Plus, this time, he had once again lost face for Muh Zixun. It seemed like the grudge between him and the Muh family was getting deeper and deeper.    


While thinking, Xiao Chen sat in the driver's seat and hesitated whether he should give this 7% share to Chu Huaiyu.    


However, this excuse was not easy to think about. He could not say that the Wang family suddenly had a conscience and returned the shares.    


Rubbing his head, Xiao Chen finally decided to hold the shares in his hands first.    


Shaking his head, he started the engine. However, just as he started the engine, he saw a figure coming out from the hotel door from the corner of his eye.    


"Why is this woman here?" Xiao Chen looked at Lin Zhiwei, who looked tired and anxious, and muttered.    


However, just as he finished speaking, he saw two other figures following him.    


They were two men who were walking with great strides. In no time, they had jumped out of the door.    


The two of them glanced around the door and immediately chased after Lin Zhiwei in the direction she had left.    


Lin Zhiwei's eyes froze when she saw these two people. She hurriedly rushed to the side of the street and reached out to stop a taxi.    


Once they got on the car, the car shadow left in a hurry.    


The two people immediately frowned and whispered something to each other. Then, they turned to the parking area and drove a Volkswagen to chase after them.    


"Tsk tsk, this is interesting." He smacked his lips and watched the two cars leave one after another. After pondering for a moment, he also stepped on the accelerator.    


The car was not slow, but it still abided by the traffic rules.    


They drove from the downtown area all the way to the old city east of the city. The car was running around in the alley.    


Xiao Chen was not familiar with the terrain, so he followed and lost him. He could only slow down and search left and right.    


After more than 20 minutes, he once again saw the taxi coming out of the old alley.    


As for the Volkswagen, he didn't know where it had gone.    


Xiao Chen hesitated, but before he could make a decision, a taxi suddenly appeared in front of the taxi.    


Riiiip! There was an ear-piercing sound of friction, and then two figures got out of the car.    


The person who got out of the car unreasonably opened the door of the rental car. He twisted Lin Zhiwei's arm and dragged her into the car.    


The driver was so scared that he stood there in a daze and did not even dare to make a sound.    


The guest did not stay long. He locked the car door and immediately turned the car around.    


Only after the car turned around the alley did the taxi driver hurriedly take out his phone and call Little Zero.    


Xiao Chen frowned. This scene was also out of his expectations. He immediately drove the car and prepared to follow them to take a look.    


The crowd that had disappeared earlier had suddenly appeared. It was more than twice as fast as the speed at which they were chasing just now.    


Xiao Chen had no choice but to quickly step on the brakes.    


When he raised his head, he saw the taillights of the car that had left behind a trail of dust. After setting the car on fire again, Xiao Chen did not hesitate and followed the two cars away.    


Ssss! Ssss! Ssss! Ssss! Ssss! Ssss! Sssss! Sssss! Sssss! Sss! The street was filled with cursing and scolding, and in the end, Xiao Chen's path was blocked.    


Looking at the shadow of Heng Chen's car, and then looking at the car owners who were spittle flying everywhere on the road, Xiao Chen had no choice but to stop the car.    


He turned his hand and hit Jiang Loong.    


"Immediately help me investigate two cars. I want to know where they are now!"    


Xiao Chen spat out two car plates and ordered Jiang Loong to hurry up. He hung up the phone and sat back down.    


Fortunately, the disturbance on the road did not last long. Soon, the road became clear again.    


Xiao Chen followed the direction where the two cars had left. Even after more than an hour, he still could not find the tracks of the two cars.    


Jiang Loong's phone call came in not long after, and he quickly sent out an address.    


With a turn of the steering wheel, Xiao Chen immediately rushed to the mouth of the river. However, when he reached the destination, other than the bus, he didn't find half a person.    


"It seems that those guys have abandoned the car."    


Xiao Chen glanced around and then looked at the river bank. He looked at the brand new scratches on the rocks on the shore and gave Jiang Loong another hit. However, this time, the waiting time was much longer than before.    


When they received the report, the officials also acted immediately. Very soon, police cars arrived at the river bank.    


Xiao Chen had already left the river bank. He was sitting in the teahouse's private room and looking at the anxious figure in front of him.    


"Even now, the criminal still hasn't called?"    


"No!" Lin Yichao took a deep breath, but he could not hide the worry on his face. "Who is it?"    


He clenched his fist and smashed it hard on the table, shaking the two cups of tea.    


Xiao Chen took out a tissue and wiped it on the table.    


"Don't worry. Since those guys made such a big fuss, they must have something to ask for. Let's wait and see."    


However, saying such words at this time was not even comforting.    


"No, I have to go back to the camp and guard!"    


"Wait a moment. If you go over in your current state, other than making them more chaotic, what other use is there?"    


Xiao Chen helplessly stopped them. After pondering for a moment, he continued, "In my opinion, it is not like those people do not know Lin Zhiwei. Maybe they are just treating her to a cup of tea. Don't scare yourself."    


"Do you know her?" Lin Yichao frowned and muttered quietly. Soon, his face darkened and he clenched his fists again.    


Xiao Chen noticed his expression and said casually, "What, you have a clue?"    


Lin Yichao did not say anything. He pushed Xiao Chen's arm away and left the teahouse in a hurry.    


That anxious look made Xiao Chen frown when he saw it.    


However, this time, Xiao Chen didn't stop him. He held his chin and looked around, but no one knew what he was thinking.    


When he returned to the villa, it was already evening. Just as he entered, Chu Huaiyu also rushed back with exhaustion.    


After taking a breath, she changed into a set of clothes and rushed out again.    


"Where are you going again? Why are you so busy?" Lau Ruman was already preparing dinner and looked at her and could not help but ask.    


"Wei is in trouble. I will go and see the situation. You guys eat first. There is no need to wait for me."    


"A girl from the Lin family? Something happened? What happened?" Lau Ruman obviously knew about Lin Zhiwei.    


But before she could ask anything, Chu Huaiyu had already left the room. She drove the car and soon disappeared without a trace.    


"What happened to Sister Lin?" Gu Muwan also heard the noise. She slowly walked forward and blinked at Xiao Chen. She was confused.    


"I don't know either. Maybe he just got a cold. Why should we care so much?"    


Seeing the two of them getting together again, Lau Ruman's eyes flashed. She walked over and pushed Xiao Chen's arm.    


"She hasn't rested for a long time. It's not early anymore. As a husband, how can you let her go out alone?"    


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