Demon Becoming the Lord

C2011 Luo li's goodwill.

C2011 Luo li's goodwill.



A strange sense of familiarity suddenly arose in his heart, causing Xiao Lang's mind to shake slightly.    


Where did this familiarity come from?    


Xiao Lang looked carefully at Luo Li's unassuming face, if he was in the crowd, he would definitely not let anyone else look at him. More people he had seen before flashed past his mind, but what surprised him was that ?    


He couldn't find it!    


He was extremely sure that before today, he had absolutely never seen Luo Li before.    


"But this feeling ?"    


Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, in the next moment, his heart was moved, a strange light flashed in his eyes, as a graceful fluctuation spread towards Luo Li.    


Strength of Heavenly Dao of Cause And Effect!    


"Investigate the relationship between him and me!"    


Xiao Lang also knew that what he was doing right now was very rude and risky. Even if Luo Li did not grasp the Strength of Heavenly Dao of Cause And Effect, as long as his spirit was strong enough, even if he investigated face to face, he would still not be able to avoid his senses.    


But right now, he couldn't care less.    


Because ?    


Luo Li's attitude was very important!    


The moment they walked out of the Star Sea Battlefield, Xiao Lang knew that Qin Hai and Dao Yue had to leave this place as soon as possible, and escape from the eyes of the masses. In reality, he had indeed done so, but he had never expected that at this critical juncture, Luo Li would actually take the initiative to personally speak and offer an invitation.    


It was an invitation he could not refuse.    


Because between the lines that Luo Li had spoken earlier, it was obvious that it was filled with goodwill.    


However, was this kindness really real?    


What kind of thoughts were in Luo Li's mind?    


Before he could be sure, Xiao Lang suspected everyone, including Luo Li. In fact, the latter's attitude was even more important in Xiao Lang's eyes, because Luo Li was the true controller of the Penglai Wonderland. Whether it was in the realm of the martial arts or his reputation in the Lihuo Great World, it was enough to stand opposite of Lan Yue!    


In other words, he had absolute control over this meeting!    


Even though Xiao Lang had already become a Dao Monarch and grasped more than just a martial intent, it was still the same.    


"He really wants to help us?"    


The Strength of Heavenly Dao of Cause And Effect had indeed spread throughout, but the message it had sent Xiao Lang's heart could not help but tremble slightly.    




He actually did not sense any power of karma from Luo Li's body! It was as if the Luo Li in front of him was a fake!    


Xiao Lang's mind trembled.    




Of course not.    


Because even if Luo Li was a fake, and only a clone or illusion, his own power of karma could still detect some clues from its body.    


However, this message only meant one thing ?    


Luo Li was too powerful!    


His level of cultivation was much higher than her own, so, even if it was the Strength of Heavenly Dao of Cause And Effect, it was still unable to discover his secret!    


Just as Xiao Lang's heart was startled, he saw Luo Li, who was sitting under the pavilion, lifting up his teacup on the stone table in front of him. He took a sip, and then raised his head to look over, his eyes filled with laughter.    


"Come, my friends, please sit over here."    


Luo Li's expression was calm, and there was a slight smile on his face. Judging from the change in his expression, Xiao Lang was not even able to discern if he had noticed his own movements earlier.    


Did he not notice it, or did he not point it out?    


Facing Luo Li's clear eyes, Xiao Lang suddenly felt a sense of guilt.    


"Thank you for your hospitality, senior."    


Xiao Lang still stepped forward.    


As the saying goes, 'when you are here, you are at ease'.    


As a person, he couldn't be cowardly!    


However, as they walked forward, most of Xiao Lang's attention was still on Qin Hai and Dao Yue.    


But what he did not realize was that as they were walking over to take their seats, Luo Li's eyes were staring at him the entire time.    


When Xiao Lang and the rest were seated on the stone bench, he suddenly opened his mouth and sighed:    


"Little Friend Xiao Lang and Little Friend Qin Hai sure have a deep affection for each other."    


"Seeing the two of you helping each other like this, I think that if Brother City was still alive, he would definitely be incomparably gratified."    


Lian City!    


Qin Liancheng!    


Luo Li actually knew that Qin Liancheng was already dead!    


Qin Hai was shocked when he heard it, and looked at Luo Li in shock.    


There was no helping it, it was only because the latter was too certain of his words. However, this was one of the biggest secrets of the War God Palace!    


Although many people already knew that Qin Hai had already become the new Hall Master, regarding Qin Liancheng's life and death, the majority of people could only guess.    


But Luo Li...    


However, this was not the thing that Qin Hai cared about the most at all, and he immediately turned to look at Xiao Lang. Sure enough, he saw that the latter's eyes were filled with the same kind of shock and astonishment as his own.    


"He directly called out my name ?"    


"Sure enough, he already knew of my existence!"    


Xiao Lang's mind suddenly shook, and the pupils that he used to look at Luo Li slightly shrank.    


Even since he had arrived at the Penglai Wonderland, Xiao Lang knew that his identity would definitely be exposed.    


But what he did not expect was that Luo Li would actually say it so quickly.    


"Does Senior want to ask about what happened in the Source Land that day? With regards to Luo Zifei's death, it is true ? "    


Luo Zifei!    


This was the source of the grudge between him and his Penglai Wonderland.    


At least, that was the way Xiao Lang saw it, so at this critical juncture, since he had already been exposed, he should just open his mouth wide and speak frankly. But what Xiao Lang did not expect was, before he could finish his sentence, Luo Li waved his hand disapprovingly, and laughed:    


"It has nothing to do with Zi Fei."    


"Since his character is improper and he had an affair with an evil sect, it doesn't matter if he dies. Why would I blame you for this?"    


"Don't think too much about it. The reason why I invited you all here is mainly because of my Penglai War Convention this time around. Since you have already obtained the title of King of Hundred Battles, then, the reward that you deserve should naturally belong to you. "    


Luo Li casually threw Luo Zifei's death to the side. While he was speaking, he gently flipped his wrist and a long list immediately appeared. He handed it over to Xiao Lang.    


"These are the King of Hundred Battles's prizes. Take a look first."    


Xiao Lang was extremely surprised, to the point that he was at a loss.    


What was going on?    


Luo Li did not care about Luo Zifei's death at all?    


In other words, he had been worrying for nothing?    


However, Luo Zifei was his direct disciple, he was just a step away from touching an existence at the Sovereign of Heavenly Dao level. Just like that, he was beheaded by Yun Che in the Source Land, so how could he not be angry?    


Xiao Lang was a little flustered in his heart, so he was unknowingly affected by Luo Li's strong aura and subconsciously reached out to take the list of names that Luo Li handed to him, scanning through it.    


With just a single glance, Xiao Lang's heart trembled once again. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Luo Li in shock, his eyes flashing with unsuppressible astonishment.    


They were all treasures of heaven and earth!    


Moreover, they were all heavenly and earthly treasures of the path of the soul!    


There were some things on it that even he had never heard of before. But as long as it was someone he knew, it would be a top-grade item!    


Luo Li, you're so generous?    


Even though he had killed his direct disciple?    


Xiao Lang became even more confused and subconsciously asked:    


"Senior, this ?"    


But this time, he was once again interrupted by Luo Li ?    


"Heh, these are all what you deserve."    


"Of course, I can only give you the name list for now. The items on it still need a few more days of preparation. Of course, I also know that you are now a Dao Monarch, and this list of names for my Penglai Wonderland was only prepared for that. However, that's all we have left. If little friend is useless, you can hand it over to the person beside you. "    


Someone close to him?    


Luo Li spoke in an obscure tone, but after he finished speaking, Xiao Lang's mind trembled, as though he had touched upon the crux of the entire story, when suddenly, a name appeared in his mind ? ?    


Ning Fuer!    


Ning Fuer's calamity had originated from the Source of Divine Soul, so he needed the support of an extremely large amount of heavenly and earthly treasures.    


"Luo Li's words and this list could not have been prepared for Ning Fuer, right? This is too ?"    


Xiao Lang thought in his heart, and his pupils that he used to look at Luo Li suddenly shrank.    


Was it really what he was thinking?    


That was too terrifying!    


For Luo Li to know his identity and's existence was pretty normal, but ?    


"Why is he looking after me like that?"    


The more Xiao Lang thought about it, the more he felt that the reason why Luo Li had done all these, was definitely more than just customary. Even if, from the very beginning to the present, all of his actions seemed to be directed towards the King of Hundred Battles as a reward and it was also very normal, but there were still some details that made Xiao Lang feel a little strange.    


Good will!    


He felt Luo Li's kindness!    


There was even a hint of goodwill that he could not understand!    


Luo Li, why did you do this?    


Suspicion rose in Xiao Lang's heart, and the raising of his heart did not let up. At that moment, he really had the urge to ask, but before he could say anything, Luo Li had already put down his tea cup and looked at Qin Hai, and under the latter's surprised gaze, he said:    


"Little friend, your current situation is a bit dangerous."    




It's Qin Hai's turn?    


Xiao Lang was also slightly shocked as he looked over.    


He was not surprised that Luo Li was able to see through all of this. But what surprised him was Luo Li's following words ?    


"If I guessed correctly, right now, there are already many experts who have sent people over for the two of you. The road ahead is dangerous, don't slack off. "    


"However, if little friend is willing, I might be able to help you find a place to hide. Even though the world was about to change, it was not that easy to destroy that place. "Of course, there's a mix of different kinds of people and different types of people. Whether or not little friend is able to survive will depend on your luck."    


"Of course, if little friend is unwilling, I won't force you. It's just that little friend on the Penglai War Convention can stay for the time being, if you need any help in the future, you can come find this old man. As long as this old man can do it, I will definitely help you. "    






Xiao Lang was surprised upon hearing this, his mouth wide open. Needless to say Qin Hai, his face was already filled with shock.    


Luo Li took the initiative to help him?    


What the hell was this?    


Only after a long while did Qin Hai barely suppress the shock in his heart, and said:    


"Senior ? You have an affair with your father? "    


Luo Li recognized Qin Liancheng!    


In Qin Hai's opinion, this was perhaps the only reasonable explanation that he was willing to do. Luo Li, hearing this, seemed to be slightly stunned, and laughed:    


"Something like that."    


Is it?    


What was that answer?    


Qin Hai carefully looked at Luo Li's calm and tranquil eyes, and pondered over the latter's suggestion. He couldn't help but tightly frown.    


In the end, how should he choose?    


On the other side, Xiao Lang was more or less the same as him. His gaze fell on Luo Li, and it was filled with puzzlement and puzzlement.    


Luo Li was too kind!    


What was he trying to do?    


However, what Xiao Lang did not know was that... This was just the beginning.    


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