King of Nine Heavens

C14 Finally I Broke Through

C14 Finally I Broke Through

This was an employee dormitory. It was very simple and crude and didn't have a lot of space. Luckily, it wasn't a shared bed. Gao Feng was very satisfied, so he paid according to the usual standards and checked in.    


After the waiter had left, Gao Feng locked the door and summoned Feier. He then took out a leg of the first stage Devil Beast meat and placed it in front of him.    


While Gao Feng was eating, Feier had watched him gulp from his Soul Space's corner. Gao Feng knew it was hungry, but he was afraid that it would scare the other customers, so he didn't summon it. Now that he was back in his room with no outsiders, he couldn't wait to summon it out and serve it well.    


Feier was not courteous at all. She first used her two wings to pick up the Devil Beast meat, and then used her sharp little mouth to slice into the meat, easily slicing apart the meat, and after a while, she cut into a small piece. She then opened her mouth and inhaled with force, and the piece of meat was swallowed into her stomach.    


Feier was still young, so she could not swallow food that was too big. She still needed to cut it into small pieces with her sharp mouth. If she was a little bit older, she wouldn't need to put so much effort, she could just open her mouth and swallow the whole leg of Devil Beast meat.    


The leg of the Devil Beast was even bigger than Feier's own body. Gao Feng thought it should be able to eat a few meals, but who knew that it would be finished in just a few breaths, not even leaving behind a bone.    


Gao Feng was astonished and couldn't help but sigh. So it was a little glutton!    


"You're the glutton, it's wine and meat. I just ate a little bit of meat and didn't ask you for wine, and you just can't watch. Do you want to starve me to death?" Feier looked at Gao Feng in dissatisfaction.    


Gao Feng's face reddened. He took out a leg of Devil Beast and stuffed it into the monster's mouth, "Can't you stop your mouth with food?"    


Feier ignored Gao Feng's words and started wolfing down the Devil Beast meat. It had been a long time since she had eaten so heartily. His previous master didn't give him enough to eat, and he even came up with a very good excuse to fool him. Girls had to keep their slim stature.    


It's a Devil Beast, not a human. What's the use of maintaining its body, who doesn't know that strength is eaten.    


However, it didn't dare to say anything to the owner. It could only say behind her back that she was a miser.    


The new owner is still the best. There's still more after the meal. If there was still a night snack, that would be even better.    


Feier finished her meal again very soon. She intentionally shrunk her belly back and then looked pitifully at Gao Feng. She still looked like she didn't want to finish yet.    


Gao Feng didn't know what was going on, but seeing its pitiful look, he took out a leg of Devil Beast and stuffed it in.    


Feier quickly took the Devil Beast meat, and with a face full of satisfaction, jumped back to Gao Feng's Soul Space, not eating anymore.    


What's going on? Weren't you still hungry?    


Gao Feng looked at it in confusion. When he thought about its expression just now, he realized that it was preparing for supper.    


Isn't it too smart to start preparing for supper right after I'm done eating?    


Being played by his own Devil Beast, Gao Feng grimaced in anger. He really wanted to summon it and give it a good beating, but the little guy ignored his expression and went back to sleep, snoring loudly.    


Eating then sleeping, is this a pig or a Mutated Lark?    


Feier had fallen asleep, but there were strange runes surging around her body, flickering with light. After a while, Gao Feng felt her aura becoming stronger. It turned out that her cultivation was increasing rapidly.    


Seeing Feier's cultivation increase rapidly, Gao Feng thought of his own. If it were not for Xiao Feier's help today, he would probably have lost his life to comely teenager's sword and his cultivation should have increased. Otherwise, he would have died a horrible death sooner or later.    


It wasn't as if he didn't know how insidious the martial arts world was, but how could he improve his own cultivation? He himself didn't know how many times he had charged from a first stage Martial Cultivator to a second stage Martial Cultivator, maybe twenty, maybe thirty, or maybe even more.    


Suddenly, Gao Feng felt something tremble on his waist, but he didn't know what it was. He stretched out his hand and touched it. It was the purple jade pendant that was trembling.    


Gao Feng took off the jade pendant and held it in his palm. He felt a stream of energy from the jade pendant enter his sea of consciousness and his dantian through his arm.    


His heart was as calm as water, but there were flames burning in his deep eyes. Was he about to break through?    


Gao Feng quickly sat cross-legged on the bed and put his hands on his thighs. He put his palms up and started to practice the Great Art that he was born with.    


His master had taught him a very powerful cultivation method, but he was either dizzy or exhausted after a few runs, causing him to no longer dare to follow the method his master taught him, otherwise he would bleed from his seven orifices and go berserk.    


His master also did not explain clearly to him his symptoms, because there were many people who practiced this method in the Xuanwu Continent and it would be beneficial for them. Gao Feng's symptoms were clearly harmful and had no choice but to give up in the end.    


Later on, his master passed on some low-level cultivation methods to Gao Feng, but Gao Feng still showed signs of dizziness and exhaustion, but the symptoms were slightly lighter. Obviously, it wasn't suitable for him to train, so he gave up.    


At that time, his master had already determined that he was a trash. Fortunately, he had followed his own understanding and activated his cultivation method, awakening the Martial Soul at the age of eight and becoming a first grade Martial Cultivator. This allowed his master to see hope.    


Seeing that his body was getting worse with no hope of revenge, Gao Feng's master decided to forcefully cultivate. As a result, his cultivation went berserk, and all his meridians were broken. He was paralyzed on the bed.    


Gao Feng's master did not know that the jade pendant that Gao Feng carried with him had left his body, causing his cultivation to stagnate. If he knew that he had done such a good deed, he would definitely regret it.    


Not to mention Gao Feng's master didn't know this reason, even Gao Feng himself didn't know this reason. Gao Feng was only doing it once. As for whether he could break through, he wasn't 100% sure.    


Gao Feng adjusted his breathing and with a thought, he felt a strange energy flowing out from his Dantian and slowly spread to his limbs and bones.    


Immediately after, Gao Feng could clearly feel that his flesh and bones started to vibrate, and his blood also started to boil.    


At this moment, Gao Feng's face was flushed red, his skin was burning hot, and strange charm characters were surging around his body. He looked like a phoenix being reborn from the flames.    


This scene lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The strange runes surrounding Gao Feng gradually faded and were absorbed by his body.    


Gao Feng suddenly opened his eyes and said in both surprise and joy: "I finally broke through."    


It was really not easy to break through!    


Gao Feng clenched his fists as he felt the multiplier in his body. His face was filled with excitement.    


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