Sword Conquers Heaven

C699 Reuniting with an Old Friend

C699 Reuniting with an Old Friend

In the past, Qin Feng would travel to the Muya Country or the Hailing Country through the Blackwind Ridge. This time, the number of people was huge. There were nearly a thousand of them. It was obvious that they could no longer pass through that place. Otherwise, they would definitely alert the Spiritual Beast in the mountain range. It would trigger a beast tide attack.    


This time, he would directly cross the border between the Lei Kesi and the Muya Country.    


The two countries had many neighboring regions. Usually, they would send a large number of soldiers to guard some important regions.    


At this moment, Qin Feng had split up his men into several small teams and passed through them.    


Qin Feng and the others naturally did not need to worry about the Lei Kesi's troops. The Muya Country had always been in chaos. There were many bandit gangs within, and they would often take advantage of the loopholes at the border.    


This time, Qin Feng wanted to avoid the defending troops of the Muya Country from those areas and sneak into the Muya Country.    


The three major powers had now merged into one Devil Hall. At this moment, they had split into five small teams, and they would infiltrate the Muya Country from five different places. After that, they would meet at the agreed location.    


Qin Feng himself led a small team. There were about two hundred of them. After rushing for more than ten days, they finally arrived at the border.    


As the Lei Kesi was about to launch an all-out attack on the Hailing Country, most of the military forces in the country were moved to the places adjacent to the Hailing Country, making the final preparations.    


As for the other important military defense areas, they left behind a small portion of their forces, as well as the forces from the various families and powers in the country. They used this force to temporarily defend.    


It was the same for the places Qin Feng had gone to. There were no more than three thousand soldiers defending there, and with the addition of the troops from all over the country, there were about a thousand soldiers, a total of four thousand people.    


This amount of force was relatively useless. If Muya Country sent tens of thousands of soldiers over, it would be extremely dangerous.    


Fortunately, the Muya Country was in a state of chaos, and they were busy with their own affairs. Moreover, their national strength was extremely weak, and they had never dared to covet other countries. That was why the Lei Kesi dared to do such a thing.    


When Qin Feng and the others arrived at the border of the Lei Kesi, they were stopped by the guards, and they needed to verify their identities.    


Every leader of the Qin Family's army would have an order that represented the royal family of Lei Kesi, and it was enough to allow the army to travel unimpeded throughout Lei Kesi.    


Qin Feng also had one piece. Of course, he also gave one piece to Yang Yuhao, Qin Xuan, and the other four leaders.    


"I am the secret envoy of the royal family of the Lei Kesi. I will be heading to Muya Country to carry out a special mission. Quickly send me here." Qin Feng took out the token and shouted at the guards of the Lei Kesi who were blocking his path.    


"Oh? A secret envoy of the royal family? Performing a special mission? " A Centurion who was guarding the place walked forward and took the command arrow from Qin Feng's hand. He observed it carefully for a moment. After that, he respectfully returned it to the Centurion. "Forgive me, Lord Secret Envoy. I'll let you go now." Immediately, the defending troops in front of them dispersed to the sides. They made way for him.    


However, just as Qin Feng was about to bring his men through, a surprised voice suddenly sounded, "Qin Feng! It's really you!"    


Hearing that, Qin Feng turned his head to the left and saw a slim figure there.    


It was a young woman in a white dress with a silver ribbon tied around her waist. She was tall and curvy, and she had a devilish figure.    


Her skin was as fair as snow, and her long silver hair was tilted to the back of her head. There was a phoenix hairpin in her hair bun. Her eyes seemed to have water flowing in them, and her red lips were like blooming red roses.    


"Liang Ruxi?" Qin Feng recognized her and was immediately delighted. He did not expect to meet someone he knew here.    


"Ru Xi!" An ecstatic cry sounded from behind Qin Feng. After a while, he saw a figure float out towards Liang Ruxi.    


"Wenshuang! You are also here!" When Liang Ruxi saw that person, she was also wild with joy and immediately came out to welcome him.    


The two girls hugged each other and sighed when they saw each other.    


Liang Ruxi did not choose to stay in Heaven Sect Mansion to cultivate. She had long returned to Lei Kesi. She did not expect that she would come here to assist in the defense.    


This time, she brought many experts from the Liang Family. While training, she also came here to relieve her boredom.    


Due to seeing Liang Ruxi, Qin Feng was not in a hurry to leave. He planned to stay here for the night before setting off and let Wu Wenshuang and Liang Ruxi reminisce about old times.    


After that, the group of people moved into the war fortress where the defending troops lived.    


However, he did not expect that Fa Mingyu was also here. He had also brought along experts from the Fa Family.    


Back then, he had met Qin Feng during the selection of the Large National Competition in the Lei Kesi. This man had left a big impression on Qin Feng.    


This time, Qin Kui and Ike were also travelling with Qin Feng. They were familiar with Liang Ruxi and Ike.    


After so many years, Liang Ruxi's Cultivation Level had reached the peak of the First Heaven Spirit King realm, while Fa Mingyu had just entered the Second Heaven Spirit King realm.    


This achievement was considered a genius in the Lei Kesi, but compared to Qin Feng and the others, it was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


Liang Ruxi could not help but sigh when she felt Wu Wenshuang's powerful Cultivation Level. In the past, the two of them were good sisters and the Cultivation Level was not much different, but now, they were like heaven and earth.    


Fa Mingyu also sighed. Not to mention the gap between him and Qin Feng, even compared to Qin Kui, they were still miles apart.    


In the past, he had lost to Qin Kui. But now, the gap between the two of them was getting bigger and bigger.    


However, Liang Ruxi and Fa Mingyu also brought shock to Qin Feng and the others. The two of them were actually engaged, and they were going to get married in a year's time.    


Wu Wenshuang sighed when she heard this news. She gave Liang Ruxi the most sincere blessing. Her good sister had finally found the person she loved. She was happy for her from the bottom of her heart.    


"Qin Feng, is the one following behind you your... I did not expect you to have a lover so soon." Fa Mingyu saw Huluo Ziyou following behind Qin Feng and couldn't help but tease her.    


"Brother Fa, you misunderstood. This is the maid that I caught. She was controlled by me and didn't follow me willingly." Qin Feng smiled bitterly.    


Every time someone saw Huluo Ziyou following him closely, there would be a misunderstanding.    


When Wu Wenshuang, Luo Xiaoyu and the others first saw her, it caused a huge misunderstanding. Fortunately, Qin Feng explained it in time, or else no one knew what the consequences would be.    


When he returned to the Qin Family this time, Yu Xiuning and Shen Huixin saw him and were also interrogated. Facing the two girls' red faces and slightly jealous interrogation, Qin Feng was quite embarrassed at that time.    


"Oh? Control? You can control people?" Fa Mingyu was surprised when he heard Qin Feng's explanation. He realized that he could not see through Qin Feng.    


Night gradually fell. Wu Wenshuang and Liang Ruxi seemed to have endless words to say. Fa Mingyu pestered Ike and Qin Kui and asked them about the Heaven Sect Mansion and Xuanyuan Mansion.    


Qin Feng looked at them, who were having a friendly conversation, and quietly left. He arrived at the fortress wall and looked in the direction of Muya Country alone under the night sky. His heart was filled with emotion. He was about to head to Muya Country again. This time, he was going to destroy the Axe Shark Sect. He was going to destroy the entire Muya Country.    


(Tomorrow Tuesday, without rest, there will be another chapter.)    


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