Sword Conquers Heaven

C1381 Living on Ferry Island

C1381 Living on Ferry Island

Qin Feng and Qin Feng felt a chill in their hearts as they watched him leave. However, since they were here for the first time, they had to rely on the teleportation formation. Therefore, they held back their anger and didn't attack him.    


The one called Xiao Liu walked forward and sized up Qin Feng and Xiao Liu. After that, he said, "I'll give you two choices now, one is to go to the island. However, you have to listen to us obediently, and the other is to get lost immediately. Stay away from my Duling Island. "    


This man was also rude and arrogant.    


Qin Feng's eyes were filled with coldness. He seemed to be obedient on the surface, but his heart was filled with killing intent.    


However, all of this was concealed very well and was not discovered. Although he had killing intent, he might not really kill someone. However, if the other party took an inch and continued to be arrogant and despotic, Qin Feng would definitely not be lenient.    


Qin Feng and the other two had come here after going through so many hardships. Naturally, they had to go and take a look first. After which, they pretended to agree respectfully and followed them to the island.    


The spiritual energy on this island was relatively dense, and it was much stronger than the energy in Qiongqi Island. It was not much weaker than the energy in Heaven Spirit Continent.    


After that, the two of them followed Xiao Liu and the other cultivators from the Duling Island into the island. Along the way, Xiao Liu briefly introduced the Duling Island to them, and even gave them warnings.    


The Duling Island was quite powerful. There were more than ten Spiritual Venerables on the island, and there were also countless Spirit Sect Experts. In terms of strength, they weren't much weaker than the Jia Lan Sea Demon Clan.    


However, there weren't any Sword Cultivator here, and the Beast Master and Puppet Master did exist. However, they were extremely rare, and almost all of them only existed in one branch.    


The Duling Island was about the same as the two Qiongqi Island. There were many teleportation formations on the island that connected all the places. The continent teleportation formation was only available in the most powerful place in the center of the island.    


Due to the distance between them and the Jia Lan Sea Demon Clan, it was also because of their race and other reasons. There were many contradictions, which was why there were experts guarding every part of the coastline. And the four main positions were guarded by Spiritual Venerables like the old man from before.    


The group flew all the way and arrived at a small city. This was the town closest to the shore from before. Many experts were gathered here, and they were ready to deal with the attacks of the Garan Sea Demon or other Spiritual Beasts at any time.    


After Qin Feng and Xiao Liu were brought here, they were abandoned. Xiao Liu and the others left on their own, ignoring them.    


Qin Feng did not care about this at all. He strolled around this small city with Xuan Tian. Finally, they stayed in an inn when night fell.    


Through the waiter of this inn, Qin Feng learned more about the situation in Duling Island. The currency here was different from the ones in Heaven Spirit Continent. However, the pill, treasure, Heaven And Earth Treasures and so on were all hard currency and could be used to trade.    


As for the teleportation formation in Central Zone, this waiter was not very clear about it.    


The two of them stayed there for two days and had a certain understanding of the Duling Island. After that, they set off for the Central Zone in an attempt to see the situation of the teleportation formation in the continent.    


There was a teleportation formation in the city, which allowed them to teleport directly to the Central Zone. It was quite convenient.    


Not long after Qin Feng and Liu left with the help of the teleportation formation, two people were talking in a secret chamber in the city. They were the Spiritual Venerable old man and Liu.    


"Great Elder, those two outsiders have gone to the central area. It seems they are heading straight for the teleportation formation."    


"Humph, go if you want to, but it's useless even if you go. The teleportation formation has indeed been sealed. It's not up to them to decide if they want to open it again."    


"Sealing the teleportation formation is the Island Master's intention, right? Actually, this lowly one is also quite curious. Why did the Island Master give this order?"    


"Since you already know that it is the Island Master's order, this is enough. There are some things that you should not know." The old man coldly snorted. Even when facing his own people, he still had an ice-cold appearance.    


"Uh, yes. This lowly one has spoken too much. I hope that Grand Elder can forgive me." Xiao Liu's body trembled as he hurriedly lowered his head and apologized.    


"Hmph, there's nothing else for you here. Go out. Remember not to ask anything you shouldn't ask in the future. Otherwise, even I can't protect you!"    


"Yes, yes." Little Liu hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes." Then, he retreated.    


After he left, the old man's eyes became deep. He mused and said, "The strength of those two outsiders is actually quite good. They are able to contend with Blue Demon, Lan Jue, and the others and possess the strength of a Spiritual Venerable. They are indeed worthy of being roped in.    


However, they are outsiders after all. They are not reliable and might even be disadvantageous to us.    


Now that they have gone to the central region, they can only hope that they are not stupid people who can adapt to the circumstances. Otherwise, they will only be destroyed!    


Immortal Ascension Opportunity... I didn't expect that they would appear in my Duling Island and be taken by the Island Master. As long as the Island Master can use this opportunity to break through, it will allow the Duling Island to rise to another level. At that time, what does the Jialan Clan count as? With a snap of a finger, we will destroy them!    


And in this vast world, the name of our Duling Island will spread across the world, becoming one of the most powerful islands!    


However, during this period of time, we must protect the island master. We must not let anyone ruin his grand plan to become an immortal! It seemed that the teleportation formation on the island should also be shut down. From today onwards, no one is allowed to approach the central region, and no one is allowed to approach the island master's location!"    


Qin Feng and Qin Feng arrived at the central region, in the city that possessed the teleportation formation of the continent. In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed. Within these ten days, they were all staying in a hotel. Besides walking around on the streets for the first two days to gather information, these few days, they had been staying in their rooms to cultivate.    


After two days of probing, they also learned that the teleportation formation on this continent was actually sealed by the Island Master's order. If they wanted to open it again, it was likely that they could only do so with the Island Master's permission.    


The Island Master was the strongest expert in the Duling Island. It was said that he was an Eighth Heaven Spiritual Venerable, the only high level Spiritual Venerable!    


He was like the emperor of the secular world, ruling the world. His words were the highest order, and no one dared to disobey them. He could do whatever he wanted and enjoy the support of the entire island.    


When they first heard this news, Qin Feng and Xuan Tian couldn't help but feel surprised. There was actually such a powerful figure in the Duling Island. It was imaginable how high his status and power were.    


Qin Feng had once tried to approach the teleportation formation at night, but he found that there were two Spiritual Venerables guarding it. Moreover, it wasn't easy to activate it. It would definitely cause a great disturbance. However, it would take some time, and he wouldn't be able to finish it before the other experts arrived. Therefore, he could only give up.    


After understanding that he could not activate the teleportation formation immediately, Qin Feng could only stay with Xuan Tian first.    


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